Agenda and minutes

Venue: Howell Hall, School Lane, Copmanthorpe, York, YO23 3SQ

Contact: Michal Czekajlo 

No. Item


Ward update


Ward budget


Cllr Carr spoke about this year’s ward budget and priorities.

In this financial year we had £18,605 of the general revenue budget (incl. carry over from year 2016-17) to spend on projects that address Copmanthorpe ward priorities.

·        Supporting older people

·        Supporting activities for young people

·        Community safety projects

The below projects were funded from the ward budget this year:

·        CO-17-01- A grant to Panda Playgroup towards play equipment, training and expenses for volunteers incl. first aid and DBS's. £1,500

·        CO-17-05 - Payment from the ward budget to maintain the current level of grounds maintenance service. £1,213

·        CO-17-03 - Installation of a street light on the junction of Horseman Close and Horseman Drive. £1,000

Remaining general/revenue budget is: £13,610

·        Two recently received applications are pending consideration:

o    CO-17-10 - A grant to Copmanthorpe WI to purchase and install HDMI projector with ceiling mount bracket and electric projection screen. £3,202

o   CO-17-11 A grant to Copmanthorpe Bowling Club to purchase a sprayer to apply liquid fertilisers etc. to maintain their bowling green. £780


On top of the above we also had £5,281 of the capital element for improvements to the local highway infrastructure.
We’ve used that budget to contribute to the (CO-17-09) slurry sealing of footpaths on Gardener’s Close £1500.
The remainder of the pot will be used to pay for the road resurfacing works on Flaxman Croft / Merchant Way junction (£3,718 to come out from capital pot and £1,282 from revenue pot)

Cllr Carr invited everyone to suggest project ideas that would benefit from the financial support from the ward.



Any other business


The following matters were raised in the AOB part of the meeting:


·        A resident stated that roads and pavements  in the village are not as safe as they used to be.  Cllr Carr asked for exact locations so it can be reported.

·        Village trees will be looked at by the Council this winter with the aim to trim where there is an issue i.e. smothering the street light or overhang onto a pavement etc. Specific sites mentioned are the rear of Gardener’s Close and Horseman Lane.
Parish Council will be writing to private tree owners to request trimming where they obscure street lights.

·        Second round of consultations about the Local Plan has now come to an end. The Council is hoping to implement the Local Plan for York by March/April next year. 

·        Explore York contract with the Council is coming to an end in March 2019 and maintaining York libraries in the future is now on the priority list for consideration.

·        A resident raised a concern about future of the village shopping centre and the need to attract businesses.

·        Anti social behaviour around the Low Green, Temple Lane, Recreation Centre grounds and in other parts of the village is becoming an increasing concern for local residents. The latest issue is with youths riding on bicycles and punching ‘for sale’ signs outside properties.

Sgt Hitchcock stated that the Police is aware of the problem and is hoping to alleviate the issue by implementation of the Operation CASBIA. Sgt Hitchcock advised the meeting to report any incidents by telephoning 101 (non urgent), or 999 if there is a danger to person or property.

Operation Collaborate is aimed to provide Police Officer presence in the village at certain times to engage with residents, so the local community knows who their local Police Officer is. 

Posters promoting Operation CASBIA and the Rural Task Force event were provided to the meeting.

Sgt Hitchcock advised that random little thefts from sheds and small items theft is an issue in the area and asked everyone to be aware and ensure that property doors are locked.
The Police will be hosting road shows prior to Christmas which will include ‘DOT-PEEN’ property marking and crime prevention advice.

·        An issue with inconsistent recycling collections in recent weeks and that recycling boxes left outside overnight can pose a trip hazard was raised by a resident. Cllr Carr apologised on behalf of the Council and explained that reasons behind the issue are new larger collection rounds, difficulties with coordination and that the new system requires some time to embed. This is being addressed with the Assistant Director for the service and it is hoped to be resolved in the near future.

·        An issue with the pavement surface between no 3 Main Street and Stakers Orchard, that is difficult to navigate by wheelchair users was raised by a resident. Cllr Carr will address that with the highways section. 





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