Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Wheldrake Village Hall, Broad Highway, Wheldrake, YORK, YO19 6BU

Contact: Liam Dennis  Community involvement Officer

No. Item


6:30-7:00 Informal Surgery


7pm Hear about ward Priorites

The issues and projects the Ward has prioritised to be addressed this year


Encourage and increase community involvement

Reduces social isolation


Find out more about ward budgets and grants

A discussion on this years ward budgets, and an opportunity to hear what Ward Grants have already been awarded.


Cllr Mercer updated the meeting with details of how the Ward Budget had been spent so far:


Elvington Village Hall                               £950

Wheldrake Residents Association                   £1500

Naburn (purchase of furniture)               £800

          Deighton Parish Council                          £384.16 }

Deighton Parish Council                          £758.24 } Various projects

Deighton Parish Council                          £170      }

Elvington Parish Council                         £512

Elvington Under 5s Pre-School              £1500

Wheldrake Youth Club                                      £1500


It was noted that some of this spend will have come from the 2015/16 budget, leaving approximately £6,000 left to spend during the current financial year.


Cllr Mercer reported that Naburn had requested a contribution to a cycle track which would cost in the region of £5,000.  Cllr Mercer explained that she was speaking to the Highways Department to determine whether it was possible for this contribution to be allocated from the Ward Highways Budget.



Key speakers

Talks from ward partners.


·        Home Library Service


Mr Dennis explained that the Home Library Service is designed to help those residents who find it difficult to get to their local library.  Readers can choose from a wide variety of books in different formats, including audio and large print, which can be delivered to their home on a regular basis by a Royal Voluntary Service volunteer.  E-readers and headphones can also be loaned.


·        York Wheels

Mr Dennis explained that York Wheels, a ‘dial & ride’ service, provides a door-to-door service to various locations around the City for people who cannot access public transport. 

·        Other

Mr Dennis reported that options were being explored for introducing Tai Chi for the over 50s and providing more support for the Wheldrake coffee mornings.  Residents were asked to contact Liam Dennis with any further ideas or details of other organisations which may help in reducing social isolation in the Ward.



Have your say

An opportunity to raise any issues or suggestion you have for the ward.


Mr Dennis reported that he had recently attended the Wheldrake Village Show in his capacity as Community Involvement Officer, using the opportunity to engage with residents about issues of concern.  The two main issues raised were speeding and dog fouling.


·        Speeding


Mr Dennis reported that there were a number of ongoing initiatives designed to alleviate speeding ‘hotspots’ within the Ward, including modifications to the road running into Wheldrake and the monitoring of Elvington Lane and Wheldrake Lane by 95 Alive, the York and North Yorkshire road safety partnership.


It was queried whether it was possible to introduce a statutory speed limit of 40 mph prior to the 30 mph section at the top of Wheldrake Lane in the vicinity of the Elvington Scout Hut.  Cllr Mercer reported that she had already contacted Highways on behalf of Elvington Parish Council about this issue.   She has also asked about introducing a 40mph limit at the other end of the lane into Wheldrake.  Cllr Mercer is currently awaiting a response from Highways.


Mr Dennis reported that Speedwatch had recommended that residents raise any speeding concerns via the Roadwise website:


The 95 Alive road safety partnership may then collect speeding data and use this in conjunction with other factors, such as speed related collisions, before deciding on proportionate action to take.


·        Dog Fouling


Mr Dennis advised residents to report any incidents by using the Council’s telephone number: 01904 551551or via the City of York Council website:


More persistent fouling or fouling ‘hotspots’ should be reported to the Enforcement Team.


Cllr Mercer explained that she wanted to improve 2-way communications between herself as Ward Councillor and residents who do not have computer/internet access. A favoured suggestion was to publish information and communication details in the local parish newsletters.  It was noted, however, that the four parish councils all have different delivery systems: some newsletters are free, others are paid for; some go to every resident, others are available for collection by interested residents. One idea would be to use part of the Ward Grant to make a contribution to the cost of the newsletters in return for the inclusion of Ward details/information, and on the condition that the newsletters could be distributed to everyone.  It was commented that any such communications would need to be for the benefit of the community and not for political purposes.


ACTION: Liam Dennis to investigate the viability of including Ward information in the Parish Newsletters.



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