Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: The Craven Room - Ground Floor, West Offices (G048). View directions

Contact: Catherine Clarke and Louise Cook (job-share)  Democracy Officers

No. Item


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At this point in the meeting, the Executive Member was asked to declare any personal, prejudicial or pecuniary interests in the business of the agenda. None were declared.


Public Participation

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deadline for registering is at 5.00 pm on Friday 20 November.


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It had been reported that they had been one registration to speak on item 3, Promoting Recycling in York, under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


Mr Waring, representing Friends of St Nicholas Fields (St Nick’s), was in attendance to highlight the unique kerbside reuse/recycle service provided by them to 2200 city centre properties.  He confirmed:

·        they used bicycles and electric vehicles to allow easy access into the city centre ensuring a quiet collection whilst promoting better air quality.

·        they provided a regular service with minimal complaints, with over 90% of users rating them very good or good.

·        St Nicks would have the capacity to expand and they would continue to work with City of York Council to further increase recycling in York.



Promoting Recycling in York pdf icon PDF 170 KB

This report informs the Executive Member of a series of options that could assist with increasing reuse, recycling and composting levels.


Additional documents:


Resolved:  That the following areas be investigated to increase reuse and recycling so that officers can bring back a costed action plan to the Executive Member for Environment:


(i)   Increasing Recycling in Low Performing Areas

·        That monitoring work be undertaken as proposed in Paragraph 8 of the report.

·        That an action plan including recycling statistics be considered by the Executive Member on a monthly basis.

·        That a Communal Sites programme of interventions be identified and costed.

·        That a special email and postal address to allow residents to submit suggestions to promote recycling and address barriers and problems be established. That suggestions received be placed on the website as part of the workplan.

·         That notice boards around the city be utilised to advertise and promote recycling.


(ii)   Campaigns

·        That a costed and monitored campaign be created and to utilise partner organisations knowledge and views in additional campaign strategies.    


(iii)   Reuse Opportunities

·        That a report to further assess the potential viability and options for a re-use centre be brought to the Executive Member in 2016.

·        That a list of partners who have/will be included in consultation be compiled.


(iv)  Expanding Kerbside Recycling – Mixed Plastics

·        That officers continued to monitor the market and consult with Yorwaste and Friends of St Nicholas Fields (St Nicks) to inform any future decision on the practicality of pursuing a mixed plastic collection.


(v)   Garden Waste Collections

·        That a review be undertaken in line with paragraph 34 of the report and properties be added where viable, following consultation with residents, St Nicks and the Street Based Services Board.

·        That consultation be undertaken with ward committees about the options available to them to use their ward funding for these purposes.


(vi)    Household Waste Recycling Centre Permits

·        That options be developed and presented in the budget consultation process.


(vii)   Waste Presentation – Bags to Bins

·        That following consultation a detailed proposal be brought back to the Executive Member highlighting the priority properties that could receive a wheeled bin.

·        That a clear process be identified for residents or ward members to follow should a request be received to move to wheeled bins.


(viii)   Bring Sites

·        That on completion of the bring bank review a report with an action plan be brought back to the Executive Member.


(ix)  Co-mingling of Recycling

·        That co-mingling should not be pursued at this time.


(x)   Replacement Vehicle Options

·        That a business case for replacement of the FAME vehicles be progressed through the Council’s Capital Resource Allocation (CRAM) process, including consideration of alternative fuel arrangements.


Reason: To increase recycling in York


The Executive Member considered a report that presented a series of options that could assist with increasing reuse, recycling and composting levels.


Officers gave an update and informed the Executive Member that recycling and composting rates had plateaued in recent years and the aim was to increase overall recycling levels to over 50 per cent, which as a result would save in Landfill Tax.


Officers highlighted the options in the report and confirmed:


·        monitoring work would take place to increase recycling levels in flats and low performing areas.

·        existing barriers had been identified and investigated to increase communal recycling.

·        bespoke campaigns would be created for low performing areas.

·        a consultation process on reuse opportunities would be carried out with existing third party and charity organisations.

·        consultation with Yorwaste and St Nicks would take place to consider the potential opportunity to expand to mixed plastics accepted on the kerbside recycling collections.

·        ways to expand the garden waste collection service would be explored to improve efficiency of service and to allow further capacity to add more collections.

·        the options considered to reduce the number of opportunities available to traders to dispose of their waste free of charge were:

a.   Reduce the number of permits depending on vehicle size.

b.   Put expiry dates on the permits so that only one permit could be used per month.

·        it had been identified that 5,564 properties could potentially have a wheeled bin and consultation would be required with residents prior to any streets changing from black sacks.

·        that due to kerbside recycling services the need for bring banks was currently being investigated and a full review of the bring bank provision was taking place.

·        the FAME recycling vehicles were in need of replacement and alternative fuel refuse vehicles were also being considered.


The Executive Member thanked officers for their update and considered all the options presented to him and agreed:


Resolved:  That the following areas be investigated to increase reuse and recycling so that officers can bring back a costed action plan:


(i)   Increasing Recycling in Low Performing Areas

·        That monitoring work be undertaken as proposed in Paragraph 8 of the report.

·        That an action plan including recycling statistics be considered by the Executive Member on a monthly basis.

·        That a Communal Sites programme of interventions be identified and costed.

·        That a special email and postal address to allow residents to submit suggestions to promote recycling and address barriers and problems be established. That suggestions received be placed on the website as part of the workplan.

·         That notice boards around the city be utilised to advertise and promote recycling.


(ii)   Campaigns

·        That a costed and monitored campaign be created and to utilise partner organisations knowledge and views in additional campaign strategies.    


(iii)   Reuse Opportunities

·        That a report to further assess the potential viability and options for a re-use centre be brought to the Executive Member in 2016.

·        That a list of partners who have/will be included in consultation be compiled.


(iv)  Expanding Kerbside Recycling –  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


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