Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: The King Richard III Room (GO49) - West Offices. View directions
Contact: Michelle Bennett Democracy Officer
Webcast: video recording
No. | Item | ||
Declarations of Interest At this point in the meeting, the Executive Member is asked to declare:
· any personal interests not included on the Register of Interests · any prejudicial interests or · any disclosable pecuniary interests
which he may have in respect of business on this agenda.
Minutes: The Executive Member confirmed that he had no personal interests not included on the Register of Interests, nor any prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interests, in the business on the agenda.
To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 6 December 2019. Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes of the Decision Session held on 6 December 2019 be approved and signed by the Executive Member as a correct record. |
Public Participation At this point in the meeting, members of the public who have registered to speak can do so. The deadline for registering is 5.00pm on Thursday 16 January 2020. Members of the public can speak on agenda items or matters within the Executive Member’s remit.
To register to speak please contact the Democracy Officer for the meeting, on the details at the foot of the agenda.
Filming, Recording or Webcasting Meetings Please note that, subject to available resources, this meeting will be filmed and webcast, or recorded, including any registered public speakers who have given their permission. The broadcast can be viewed at or, if recorded, this will be uploaded onto the Council’s website following the meeting.
Residents are welcome to photograph, film or record Councillors and Officers at all meetings open to the press and public. This includes the use of social media reporting, i.e. tweeting. Anyone wishing to film, record or take photos at any public meeting should contact the Democracy Officer (contact details are at the foot of this agenda) in advance of the meeting.
The Council’s protocol on Webcasting, Filming & Recording of Meetings ensures that these practices are carried out in a manner both respectful to the conduct of the meeting and all those present. It can be viewed at
Minutes: It was reported that there had been one registration to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.
Martin Ewen, Chairman of the Operating Committee of the Kingdom Hall on Jockey Lane, spoke on Agenda Item 4 (New Lane, Huntington – Objections to Proposed TRO), objecting to the proposed restrictions insofar as they would adversely affect users of the Hall, most of whom had to travel by car from other areas of the city and park nearby.
New Lane, Huntington - Objections to Proposed Traffic Regulation Order PDF 1 MB The Executive Member will consider the objections made to a set of proposals aimed at tackling potential parking difficulties due to the opening of the new stadium at Monks Cross.
Decision: Resolved: That Option 1 be approved and the proposed restrictions be implemented as advertised, subject to officers reviewing the proposals in respect of the eastern side of New Lane between Jockey Lane and Brewery Cottages to accommodate parking use in this section on Sunday afternoons, and with the whole area to be re-visited for consideration of further measures should there be persistent parking difficulties related to the stadium operation.
Reason: To help ensure that stadium-related parking does not have an adverse impact on a key route through the area, and to address the concerns raised in the representations and under Public Participation. Minutes: The Executive Member considered a report which set out objections received to proposals aimed at tackling potential parking difficulties arising from the opening of the new stadium at Monks Cross.
The proposals were detailed in paragraph 5 of the report and illustrated on the plans at Annex A. In summary, it was proposed to extend the existing clearway on Malton Road into New Lane up to where the bulk of residential properties began and to introduce a number of new waiting restrictions along the route. Five representations had been received, as set out in Annex B. It was acknowledged that the proposals would have an impact on some activities and could potentially re-distribute some parking. The restrictions could be re-visited should any ongoing problems arise during operation of the stadium.
Options available were to: · Implement the proposals and re-visit the area for further measures if there were persistent parking problems (Option 1), as recommended; · Consider advertising a revised set of restrictions (Option 2); · Drop the proposals and take no further action (Option 3). Not recommended, because difficulties due to parking for the stadium were anticipated.
Resolved: (i) That Option 1 be approved and the proposed restrictions be implemented as advertised, except along the eastern side of New Lane between Jockey Lane and Brewery Cottages (to accommodate parking use in this section on Sunday afternoons)
(ii) That the whole area to be re-visited for consideration of further measures should there be persistent parking difficulties related to the stadium operation.
Reason: To help ensure that stadium-related parking does not have an adverse impact on a key route through the area, and to address the concerns raised in the representations and under Public Participation. |
The Executive Member will receive a report to consider the above proposal along with the objections received and make a decision based upon the options given.
Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved: That the objection be over-ruled and the proposal be implemented as advertised.
Reason: To meet the requirement of the planning decision to allow a dropped kerb access at 119 Layerthorpe, as there are no highway safety grounds on which to prevent the property owner from providing an off-street parking amenity. Minutes: The Executive Member considered a report which sought a decision on a proposed revocation of a Resident Parking (Respark) Bay on Layerthorpe, to which one objection had been received, as detailed in paragraph 6 of the report.
Planning permission had been granted for a dropped kerb access at 119 Layerthorpe to provide off-street parking at this address, a condition of which was to amend the Respark zone for safety reasons. A plan of the area was attached as Annex A, with a drawing of the approved access at Annex B. The proposal would remove one parking bay, with space for 2 vehicles, leaving 4 parking spaces between nos.119 and 145. Following a permit analysis of this stretch of road, the remaining spaces were considered adequate for the number of permits issued.
It was therefore recommended that the proposal be implemented as advertised in order to meet the requirement of the planning process to enable safe access and egress.
Resolved: That the objection be over-ruled and the proposal be implemented as advertised.
Reason: To meet the requirement of the planning decision to allow a dropped kerb access at 119 Layerthorpe, given that there are no highway safety grounds on which to prevent the property owner from providing an off-street parking amenity. |
Progress towards determining all outstanding DMMO applications PDF 154 KB The Executive Member will consider a report detailing progress towards eliminating the City of York Council’s backlog of undetermined definitive map modification order applications (DMMO).
Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved: That the content of the report be noted and approval given to forward it to the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO).
Reason: As part of the steps required by the LGO to avoid a finding of maladministration. Minutes: The Executive Member considered a report which detailed progress made towards eliminating City of York Council’s (CYC) backlog of undetermined definitive map modification order (DMMO) applications. This was the first of the update reports required by the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) following their finding that the Council had taken too long to process the DMMO application of ‘Mr X’.
Measures implemented to date were set out in paragraphs 5-15 of the report, with progress on individual applications summarised in Appendix 1. Sixteen of the seventeen applications had been passed to the Assistant Director for Transport, Highways and the Environment. Of these, four had been rejected and orders were to be made in respect of the remaining twelve. This would take some time, highlighting the need for the apprentice/trainee role which Executive had given approval to explore and for which an outline job description had now been prepared.
In response to questions from the Executive Member, officers confirmed that the process of making the orders had begun, and most were expected to be made within the next few months.
Resolved: That the content of the report be noted and approval given to forward it to the Local Government Ombudsman.
Reason: As part of the steps required by the LGO to avoid a finding of maladministration. |
Directorate of Economy & Place Transport Capital Programme - 2019/20 Monitor 2 Report PDF 233 KB The purpose of this report is to set out progress to date on schemes in the 2019/20 Economy & Place Transport Capital Programme, and propose adjustments to scheme allocations to align with the latest cost estimates and delivery projections.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved: (i) That the amendments to the 2019/20 Economy & Place Transport Capital Programme be approved.
(ii) That the decrease to the Programme, which is subject to the approval of the Executive, be noted.
Reason: To implement the council’s transport strategy, as identified in York’s third Local Transport Plan and the Council Priorities, and deliver schemes identified in the council’s Transport Programme. Minutes: The Executive Member considered a report which set out progress to date on schemes within the Economy & Place Transport Capital Programme and proposed adjustments to scheme allocations.
The current budget for the Programme stood at £26,083k. Progress on major schemes and transport schemes was detailed in paragraphs 6-22 of the report along with the proposed amendments which, if accepted, would result in a budget of £16,742k, including over-programming. Details of the revised budgets were shown in Annexes 1 and 2 to the report.
In response to questions from the Executive Member, officers confirmed that: · Measures were in place to keep the public informed of any disruption arising from the work on Blue Bridge and Castle Mills Bridge due to start in March (para. 21) · With reference to the schemes at Askham Bar and Monks Cross (para. 22), the question of overnight parking at Park & Ride sites was a matter for consideration in the context of the council’s contract with First.
Resolved: (i) That the amendments to the 2019/20 Economy & Place Transport Capital Programme be approved.
(ii) That the decrease to the Programme, which is subject to the approval of the Executive, be noted.
Reason: To implement the council’s transport strategy, as identified in York’s third Local Transport Plan and the Council Priorities, and deliver schemes identified in the council’s Transport Programme. |
Executive Member's Remarks - Re-paving of Stonegate Minutes: The Chair commented that concerns had been raised by the public about the new paving being installed on Stonegate and how it would be protected from future damage once complete.
Officers confirmed that the work was being carried out to a higher specification than in the past, so the surface would be able to withstand heavier traffic in any event. However, they were also examining the possibility of additional protection measures and ways in which these could be enforced. |