Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: The Thornton Room - Ground Floor, West Offices (G039). View directions

Contact: Laura Bootland, Democracy Officer 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point in the meeting, The Cabinet Member is asked to declare:


·        any personal interests not included on the Register of Interests

·        any prejudicial interests or

·        any disclosable pecuniary interests


which he may have in respect of business on this agenda.



At this point in the meeting, the Cabinet Member was asked to declare any perosnal, prejudicial or pecuniary interests he may have in the business on the agenda. None were declared.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 55 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting held on 17th October 2013.


Resolved:           That the minutes of the last Decision Session held on Thursday 17th October 2013 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


Public Participation - Decision Session

At this point in the meeting, members of the public who have registered their wish to speak at the meeting can do so. The deadline for registering is 5:00pm on  Wednesday 13th November 2013. 




It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak under the Councils Public Participation Scheme.


There were 2 registered speakers in respect of items on the agenda, as follows:


Councillor George Barton had registered to speak in respect of agenda item 4 – Deighton Speed Limit Reduction Objections. He thanked the Cabinet Member for listening to the community and reported that almost 100% of residents had wanted the 40 mile per hour limit on the stretch of the A19 at Deighton.


Councillor George Barton had also registered to speak for agenda item 5 – Elvington Speed Limit Reduction Objection. He again thanked the Cabinet Member for taking the time to listen to the community and referred to the well constructed comments made by the School Council. He urged the Cabinet Member to over turn the Police objection and approve the 30 and 20 mile per hour limits.


Councillor Keith Orrell had registered to speak on agenda item 6, Jockey Lane Cycle and Pedestrian Improvements. He referred to Councillor Hymans comments as Ward Councillor which had not been included in full in the agenda report (full details attached to the online agenda). He advised that the right turn into The Range store on Jockey Lane is considered unsafe and a filter lane would improve the situation. This had been proposed when the site got planning permission but subsequently overturned. He stated that the Ward Councillors generally welcome the scheme and it will benefit the area.


Deighton Speed Limit Reduction Objections pdf icon PDF 321 KB

This reports asks the Cabinet Member to overturn or uphold, as appropriate, the objections made to a proposal to introduce a 50mph and 40mph speed limit on the A19 close to Deighton.


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member agreed to introduce the advertised speed limit restrictions.


Reason:              To fulfil the residents request for a 40mph speed limit on the A19 adjacent to the village.


The Cabinet Member considered a report which requested a decision to overturn or uphold objections made to a proposal to introduce a 50 and 40 mile per hour speed limit on the A19 close to Deighton.


The Cabinet Member commented that the stretch of road was a difficult area to address in terms of speed and it had taken a considerable amount of time to reach this point but a sensible compromise had now been found and he was happy to agree the recommendation.


In response to the Cabinet Members question, Officers confirmed that periodic monitoring of the area to see how the new speed limits perform would be possible.


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member agreed to introduce the advertised speed limit restrictions.


Reason:              To fulfil the residents request for a 40mph speed limit on the A19 adjacent to the village.


Elvington Speed Limit Reduction Objection pdf icon PDF 113 KB

This report asks the Cabinet Membert to overturn or uphold, as appropriate, the objections made to the proposal to introduce a 30mph speed limit on the B1228 Wheldrake Lane, and 20mph limits for both The Conifers and Elvington Park in Elvington.


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member agreed to over turn objections and introduce the advertised 30mph and 20mph speed limit restrictions as advertised.


Reason:              To improve safety by reducing the speed of vehicles in this busy section of Elvington Village.


The Cabinet Member considered a report which sought a decision to overturn or uphold as appropriate, the objections made to the proposal to introduce a  30mph speed limit on the B1228 Wheldrake Lane and 20mph limits for both The Conifers and Elvington Park in Elvington.


The Cabinet Member endorsed the comments made earlier in the meeting by Councillor Barton and was happy to introduce the speed limits as advertised.


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member agreed to over turn objections and introduce the advertised 30mph and 20mph speed limit restrictions as advertised.


Reason:              To improve safety by reducing the speed of vehicles in this busy section of Elvington Village.


Jockey Lane Cycle and Pedestrian Improvements. pdf icon PDF 125 KB

This report seeks to; highlight the problems pedestrians and cyclists currently experience in the Jockey Lane area; propose solutions; summarise consultation feedback; and recommend a scheme to implement.


Additional documents:


Resolved:   (i)     That the Cabinet Member approved the implementation of the scheme shown on the plan forming Annex A, subject to agreement with the landowners of Portakabin’s site regarding the transfer of land for use as additional footway area.


(ii)    That the following amendments to the scheme were approved:


The speed limit shall be changed from the posted 40 mph to 30 mph from the gateway adjacent to the exit point from the Range superstore through to Monks Cross, New 40 mph gateways will be installed at the start of the dual carriageway section of Jockey Lane, near to ASDA’s fuel station, and at the North East roundabout adjacent to the entrance exit of Monks Cross main car park behind M&S.


Loading restrictions shall apply between the bus stop on Jockey Lane, opposite Sainsbury’s loading entrance and Forge Close.




Reasons:   (i)      To provide facilities to benefit pedestrians and cyclists in the area.



(ii)        In response to comments made by the Ward Members.


The Cabinet Member considered a report which highlighted the problems that pedestrians and cyclists currently experience along Jockey Lane. The report also recommended a scheme for implementation to improve facilities to benefit pedestrians and cyclists.


The Ward Members for Huntington and New Earswick had submitted comments as follows:

·        The speed limit of 40mph that starts at the exit from The Range needs to be lowered to 30mph along the full stretch to the roundabout after the traffic lights on Jockey Lane.

·        The entrance and exit to The Range are inadequately signed causing cars to stop in the road to work out which is which. There should also be a filter lane into the site to get traffic off the road quickly.

·        There is an ongoing issue with transporter lorries for the garages along Jockey Lane unloading from the road while parked on the double yellow lines. When approaching from Monks Cross the bend in the road is nearly blind. When there is a crossing in place this will be very dangerous.


Officers reported that in order to address two of the issues raised by the Ward Members, amendments to the scheme would be made, as outlined below.


The Cabinet Member advised that unfortunately the physical road measures required to address the issue regarding the entrance and exit to The Range would add £20k to the scheme and there was not the budget to do this.


The Cabinet Member was happy to approve the scheme with the amendments.


Resolved:   (i)     That the Cabinet Member approved the implementation of the scheme shown on the plan forming Annex A, subject to agreement with the landowners of Portakabin’s site regarding the transfer of land for use as additional footway area.


(ii)    That the following amendments to the scheme were approved:


The speed limit shall be changed from the posted 40 mph to 30 mph from the gateway adjacent to the exit point from the Range superstore through to Monks Cross, New 40 mph gateways will be installed at the start of the dual carriageway section of Jockey Lane, near to ASDA’s fuel station, and at the North East roundabout adjacent to the entrance exit of Monks Cross main car park behind M&S.


Loading restrictions shall apply between the bus stop on Jockey Lane, opposite Sainsbury’s loading entrance and Forge Close.




Reasons:   (i)      To provide facilities to benefit pedestrians and cyclists in the area.



(ii)        In response to comments made by the Ward Members.


Air Quality Update pdf icon PDF 166 KB

This report provides an update on Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) in York, progress with the Low Emission Strategy (LES) and development of the third Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP3).


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member noted the report.



Reason:              LAQM is a statutory undertaking that contributes towards the corporate priorities on protecting the environment and protecting vulnerable people,


The Cabinet Member considered a report which provided an update on Local Air Quality Management (LAQM), progress with the Low Emission Strategy (LES) and development of the third Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP3).


Officers outlined the key points of the report.


The Cabinet Member queried the current timetable for the AQAP3. Officers confirmed that the draft should be completed by the end of 2013 or early 2014 and the draft will form the basis of a further report to the Cabinet Member.


The Cabinet Member thanked Officers for their good work, in particular the work on transport and the winning of significant grants which had given meaning to the Councils ambitions for green transport.


Resolved:           That the Cabinet Member noted the report.



Reason:              LAQM is a statutory undertaking that contributes towards the corporate priorities on protecting the environment and protecting vulnerable people,


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