Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: The George Hudson Board Room - 1st Floor West Offices (F045). View directions

Contact: Jill Pickering  Senior Democracy Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point, Members are asked to declare:


·        any personal interests not included on the Register of Interests

·        any prejudicial interests or

·        any disclosable pecuniary interests


which they may have in respect of business on this agenda.




Members were asked to declare, at this point in the meeting, any personal interests, not included on the Register of Interests, or any prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interests they may have in respect of business on the agenda.


Cllr Levene declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in relation to agenda item 9 (Tour de France – 100 Days to Go) as his employer, Social Enterprise Yorkshire and the Humber, were involved in the legacy programme surrounding the event and he took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.


Cllr Williams declared a personal non-prejudicial interest also in relation to agenda item 9 (Tour de France – 100 Days to Go) as Yorkshire Water, his employer, were one of the sponsors of the Tour de France event.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 111 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the last Cabinet meeting held on 11 February 2014.


Resolved:           That the minutes of the last Cabinet meeting held on 11 February 2014 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.



Public Participation

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered to speak can do so.  The deadline for registering is 5.00pm on Monday 3 March  2014.  Members of the public can speak on agenda items or matters within the remit of the committee.


To register to speak please contact the Democracy Officer for the meeting, on the details at the foot of the agenda.


Filming, Recording or Webcasting Meetings

“Please note this meeting will be filmed and webcast and that includes any registered public speakers, who have given their permission.  This broadcast can be viewed at


Residents are welcome to photograph, film or record Councillors and Officers at all meetings open to the press and public. This includes the use of social media reporting, i.e. tweeting.  Anyone wishing to film, record or take photos at any public meeting should contact the Democracy Officer (whose contact details are at the foot of this agenda) in advance of the meeting.


The Council’s protocol on Webcasting, Filming & Recording of Meetings ensures that these practices are carried out in a manner both respectful to the conduct of the meeting and all those present.  It can be viewed at



It was reported that no registrations had been received, to speak at the meeting, under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme. However, one Member of Council had requested to speak on an item within the Cabinet’s remit, details of which are set out below.


Councillor Warters made reference to the request for an extension of the guillotine at the budget Council meeting to allow full discussion on the budget amendments and further consideration regarding acceptance of the Governments Council Tax Freeze Grant. He raised concerns at the proposed reduction in Council services and staff and requested protection of these frontline services and a cut in Members allowances and expenses. 



Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To receive details of those items that are listed on the Forward Plan for the next two Cabinet meetings.


Members received and noted details of those items on the Forward Plan for the next two Cabinet meetings, at the time the agenda was published.



Loans & Grants Scrutiny Review Final Report pdf icon PDF 79 KB

This report presents the final report arising from the Loans and Grants Scrutiny review attached as Appendix 1, and asks Cabinet to approve the recommendations arising from the review.

The Chair of the Task Group, Councillor Steward, will attend the meeting to present the report and answer any questions.


Additional documents:


Resolved:   i)    That Cabinet thank the Task Group for their work.


ii)     That, following the update of the Financial Regulations, a report be presented to Cabinet  in  relation to the consideration and implementation of the Task Groups recommendations and their incorporation within the Regulations.


Reason:     To conclude the Scrutiny Review in line with CYC Scrutiny procedures and protocols.



Members considered the final report of the Loans and Grants Scrutiny Review Task Group which had been appointed to examine a scrutiny topic submitted by Cllrs Healey and Runciman focussed on providing guidance on best practice for monitoring future loans/grants provided by the Council.


Councillor Steward, as Chair of the Task Group, presented the final report and recommendations of the Group, which comprised of Officer instructions and templates to ensure consistency and monitoring of any future grants or loans made by the authority. He thanked Members of the Task Group for their work over a number of months and asked Cabinet to approve implementation of the following recommendations:


i)   An agreed common approach to be put in place for coding all loans and grants on the Council’s finance system to make them easily identifiable.


ii)  In regard to New Service Level Agreements (SLA):


a) Where those agreements make reference to other documents e.g. performance management information, those documents must be attached as an appendix to the agreement.


b) A template together with officer guidance notes to be introduced to support the process of producing an SLA, in line with that shown at Annexes B & C.


iii) In regard to current SLAs, the new process detailed above to be implemented as part of a phased approach, as and when each SLA is reviewed.


iv) All Loans and grants over 50k to be agreed by Cabinet


v) All grants over £100k or those deemed to be of higher risk, to have a legally binding grant funding agreement (GFA) rather than an SLA.


vi) The Council to make greater use of its website to share information on the loans and grants it provides, together with information on how to make loan/grant applications and details of those available to the voluntary sector.


vii) Applications for loans should detail the applicants other attempts to find the appropriate funding


viii) In regard to monitoring arrangement for loans – introduce a six monthly minimum requirement for reporting back on loans to a specified named officer or in the case of higher level loans, to the Cabinet. 


ix) In regard to defaulted loans:


a)    A separate recovery route on the Council Finance system to be set up to enable the Corporate Finance Team to easily identify and actively monitor those loans.


b)    Guidance to be given to ensure an improved understanding of the times allowed between each stage of the loan recovery process.


The Cabinet Member expressed support for the proposals and also thanked the Group for their work. He confirmed that the recommendations would be examined and an update on progress brought back to a future Cabinet meeting. The Director of Customer and Business Support Services referred to the Financial Regulations update currently being undertaken which would incorporate some of the Task Groups recommendations.


The Leader confirmed that Cllr Steward would be kept informed on the Financial Regulation work and that a report would be brought back to a future Cabinet meeting in respect of the recommendations.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 112.


Get York Building - Year 1 Update pdf icon PDF 248 KB

This report provides Members with a review of the package of measures and interventions made under the Get York Building agenda and considers the impact these have had on helping to stimulate house building and construction activity in the city. The report proposes a series of further interventions and priorities for the coming year.




Resolved:  That Cabinet agree Option One, as set out in the report, to: 


i)             Note and approve the updates on the first year of the Get York Building project.


ii)            Support the proposed future work plan priorities to March 2015, as outlined in paragraph 88 of the report, with the Get York Building Board overseeing their delivery, and reporting to Cabinet where necessary for decisions and approval.



iii)          Agree to the continued programme support through the provision of a project manager.


Reason:     On the basis that the Get York Building Board have considered and ‘signed off’ the proposed work plan this option will enable the project to focus on the most important priorities for the coming year. 





Members considered an update to a February 2013 Cabinet report which had examined the barriers to house building and the part the Council could play in helping to support conditions to stimulate residential housing development.


The update provided Cabinet with a review of the package of measures and interventions made under the Get York Building agenda and their impact on helping to stimulate house building and construction in the city. The report included details of infrastructure investment to unlock major developments, a reduction of affordable housing targets, a review of affordable housing clauses and investment in existing council homes and opportunities for investment to deliver private rented homes in the city. Further information on new council house building, a mortgage advice scheme, a review of barriers to development and the city centre living project were also reported. A further series of interventions and priorities for the next 12 months relating to the Get York Building initiative to support the continuation of the work had been agreed with the Get York Building Board.


Consideration was given to the following options:


Option One:


·         Note and approve the updates on the first year of the Get York Building project.

·         Support the proposed future work plan priorities to March 2015 as outlined in paragraph 88 with the Get York Building Board overseeing their delivery, and reporting to Cabinet where necessary for decisions and approval.

·         Agree to the continued programme support through the provision of a project manager.


Option Two:


·        Note and approve the updates on the first year of the Get York Building project.

·        Amend the proposed future work plan priorities of the project to March 2015 with the Get York Building Board overseeing their delivery, and reporting to Cabinet where necessary for decisions and approval.

·        Agree to the continued programme support through the provision of a project manager.


The Cabinet Member presented the report highlighting the increase in housing planning consents, presented at Table 5, which, if continued at the present level, would exceed the previous highest level during 2007/8. He also referred to the consents for student cluster flats thereby reducing pressure on family housing and decreasing the number of Council Tax exempt properties.


The Leader welcomed the report and expressed his commitment to the Get York Building initiative. He drew attention to the issue of sufficiency of school places and the need for co-ordination with the relevant council departments.


Resolved:           That Cabinet agree Option One, as set out in the report, to: 


i)             Note and approve the updates on the first year of the Get York Building project.


ii)            Support the proposed future work plan priorities to March 2015, as outlined in paragraph 88 of the report, with the Get York Building Board overseeing their delivery, and reporting to Cabinet where necessary for decisions and approval.


iii)          Agree to the continued programme support through the provision of a project manager. 1.


Reason:     On the basis that the Get York Building Board have considered and ‘signed off’ the proposed work  ...  view the full minutes text for item 113.


Delivering Development Investment – Stage 2 pdf icon PDF 157 KB

This report follows the Cabinet’s approval of a more proactive approach being undertaken to deliver development investment. It sets out the estimated overall scale of development – of sites and infrastructure – needed for the city to pursue its economic growth ambitions, as identified from early work to assemble a city-wide development pipeline.



Resolved:  That Cabinet agree to:


i)             Note the progress already being made across a range of development projects.


ii)            The proactive development of the strategic investment pipeline ready for high level business case assessment against funding options;


iii)          Develop a business case for the creation of a CYC commercial fund;


iv)          Develop a business case for the creation of a joint venture investment vehicle ready for potential engagement with a strategic external investor;


v)           Dedicate the necessary resource from the Economic Development Unit to manage the development of this work, and delegation of responsibility to the Chief Executive and Director of City and Environmental Services to make changes to internal structures to provide the necessary resources to progressing this work;


vi)          Development of a project board to oversee development of this work.

Reason:     To allow officers to develop the business cases for a CYC commercial fund and a joint venture model, and to enable officers to engage landowners and potential investors in the process.






Consideration was given to a report which set out the estimated overall scale of development of sites and infrastructure required for the city to pursue its economic growth and conditions to provide a city wide development pipeline.


It was noted that, in line with the investment priorities identified, four broad funding options had been considered details of which  were explored further in the report, including the advantages and disadvantages of each option:

Option 1: Market-led approach

Option 2: Joint venture approach – Project by Project

Option 3: Council-led approach: Creating a council Commercial Investment Fund

Option 4: Joint venture with strategic city partner(s).


If the proposals were accepted the programme of work would continue in March with the provision of resources and the temporary reorganisation of staff, followed by an options appraisal and commencement of delivery of the preferred option by September with the securing of investors and delivery in 2015.


Cabinet Members expressed their full support for the proposals and further investment in the city to provide continued growth and increased employment.


Resolved:  That Cabinet agree to:


i)             Note the progress already being made across a range of development projects.


ii)            The proactive development of the strategic investment pipeline ready for high level business case assessment against funding options;


iii)          Develop a business case for the creation of a CYC commercial fund;


iv)          Develop a business case for the creation of a joint venture investment vehicle ready for potential engagement with a strategic external investor; 1.


v)           Dedicate the necessary resource from the Economic Development Unit to manage the development of this work, and delegation of responsibility to the Chief Executive and Director of City and Environmental Services to make changes to internal structures to provide the necessary resources to progressing this work; 2.


vi)          Development of a project board to oversee development of this work. 3.

Reason:     To allow officers to develop the business cases for a CYC commercial fund and a joint venture model, and to enable officers to engage landowners and potential investors in the process.






Retail Rate Relief Scheme pdf icon PDF 81 KB

This report sets out details of a proposed new retail rate relief scheme which will provide a reduction in business rates for qualifying businesses helping to sustain employment and encourage growth of the York economy.  It requests Cabinet to approve the categories for relief and give the Chief Financial Officer the power to make individual awards.


Additional documents:




Resolved:  That Cabinet agree to:


i)             Approve Option 1 to provide retail rate relief to all categories of business listed at paragraph 6 of the report;


ii)        Approve the power to make individual awards to the Chief Financial Officer, as set out at paragraph 11 of the report.



Reason:      i)      To provide clarity in respect of the categories for which the council will consider awarding retail relief and maximise the level of income into the York economy. 


ii)                 To ensure that all applications are dealt with immediately when they are received and that where a business qualifies their bill is promptly amended. 






Consideration was given to a report which provided details of a new retail rate relief scheme proposed to provide a reduction in business rates for qualifying businesses to help sustain employment and encourage growth of the economy. It was noted that the value of rate relief to York could exceed £1m which would be fully met by Central Government.


The temporary two year relief had been provided to support the ‘high street’, affected by changes in consumer spending preferences in particular related to online shopping. In order to qualify for the relief it was noted that the business should be used as a shop, restaurant, cafe or drinking establishment. The report provided at paragraph 6, a list of the categories of business which would be considered for relief.


The Cabinet Member pointed out that in the region of 17,000 businesses could benefit from the relief which could also assist Acomb’s retail offer and rejuvenation of the area.


Consideration was then given to the following two options:

Option 1 – Approve all the categories as set out at paragraph 6;


Option 2 – Select just certain categories as set out at paragraph 6;


Option 3 – Provide no discretionary high street relief at all and it was


Resolved:  That Cabinet agree to:


i)             Approve Option 1 to provide retail rate relief to all categories of business listed at paragraph 6 of the report;


ii)           Approve the power to make individual awards to the Chief Financial Officer, as set out at paragraph 11 of the report. 1.




Reason:      i)      To provide clarity in respect of the categories for which the council will consider awarding retail relief and maximise the level of income into the York economy. 


ii)                 To ensure that all applications are dealt with immediately when they are received and that where a business qualifies their bill is promptly amended. 






Tour De France - 100 days to go pdf icon PDF 115 KB

This report provides Members with a further update on the York element of the Tour de France, shows progress on the agreed objectives outlining the breadth of activity taking place in the 100 day run up to the Start of the second stage of the Grand Depart on the on Sunday 6 July. It asks Cabinet to note and approve the actions planned for the secure delivery of the event.  


Additional documents:


Resolved:           That Cabinet agree to:

(i)           Note the success and progress made with the delivery of the Tour de France against the agreed objectives.


(ii)         Approve the outcomes detailed in the report.



Reason:     To ensure the successful delivery of the Tour De France events in York and support York’s cycling legacy.



Cabinet considered a report which provided a further update on the York element of the Tour de France; it showed progress on the agreed objectives and outlined the breadth of activity which would take place in the 100 day run up to the start of the second stage of the Grand Depart.

It was noted that work was progressing well on delivering the Racecourse start event, spectator hubs and route infrastructure. With York taking the lead for the region on the legacy programme, details of the objectives and targets were set out together with details of cycling activity to support the delivery. Further information was also provided at Annex 1, of the accompanying cultural festival which included regional commissions and community engagement projects.

Cabinet Members highlighted the extent of the preparation which had gone into the organisation and to the extensive programme of events. Reference was made to the major impact on the traffic network and the need to maintain access around the city for residents and emergency services. It was noted that further information regarding traffic implications would be announced at the end of the month.

Thanks were expressed to all staff involved, but in particular to The Director of Communities and Neighbourhoods, the Head of Culture, Tourism and the City Centre and the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Tourism.

Officers referred to the work undertaken across the region in order to deliver a successful event. It was confirmed that officers were confident that the teams, traffic and crowd management were in place to ensure the safe delivery of the event on budget.

Resolved:           That Cabinet agree to:

(i)           Note the success and progress made with the delivery of the Tour de France against the agreed objectives.


(ii)         Approve the outcomes detailed in the report.



Reason:     To ensure the successful delivery of the Tour De France events in York and support York’s cycling legacy.



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