Agenda, decisions and minutes
Contact: Robert Flintoft Democracy Officer
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest At this point, Members are asked to declare:
· any personal interests not included on the Register of Interests · any prejudicial interests or · any disclosable pecuniary interests
which they may have in respect of business on this agenda.
Minutes: Members were asked to declare at this point in the meeting any personal interests not included on the Register of Interests, or any prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interests, that they might have in the business on the agenda. Councillor Aspden declared a personal interest in Minute No.117 below in relation to proposals for Fulford School, as the local ward Councillor. |
To approve and sign the minutes of the last Executive meeting, held on Thursday 19 March 2020. Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes of the Executive meeting held on 19 March 2020 be approved and then signed by the Chair as a correct record. |
Public Participation At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered to speak can do so. The deadline for registering is 5.00pm on Wednesday, 6 May 2020. Members of the public can speak on agenda items or matters thin the remit of the committee.
To register to speak please contact the Democracy Officer for the meeting, on the details at the foot of the agenda. The Democracy Officer will then advise on the procedures for dialling into the remote meeting.
Webcasting of Remote Public Meetings
Please note that, subject to available resources, this remote public meeting will be webcast including any registered public speakers who have given their permission. The remote public meeting can be viewed live and on demand at
During coronavirus, we've made some changes to how we're running council meetings. See our coronavirus updates ( ) for more information on meetings and decisions. Minutes: It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme. That being the case, the Leader did, however, report that the following written representations had been received:
(i) Mr R Clark relating to Council monies spent on Covid 19; an update on Covid 19 on aspects of concern to the Council was being considered under Minute No. 119 below; (ii) York Central Action Group relating to progress with the York Central Project, for which the Leader confirmed the Executive’s continuing commitment.
The Leader thanks those concerned for their written representations, which had been circulated to all Members of the Executive and which were noted. |
Fulford School Remodelling Phase 1 & Access Improvements by Highways PDF 252 KB The Director of Children, Education and Communities to present a report that requests funding for two projects at Fulford School. The first project will address the requirement for more teaching space at the school to accommodate additional pupils for September 2020. The second project provides a solution for the current and projected transport access issues at the school. Decision: Resolved:
i. Approved the allocation of £500k of basic need funding to enable remodelling of areas of the existing Fulford School building to accommodate additional pupils above the school’s planned admission number for September 2020. This would allow the school to admit the growth in pupil numbers from within its catchment meaning that all children in catchment could access their local secondary school.
Reason: To enable the council to meet its statutory responsibility to provide sufficient school places in this area.
ii. Approved the funding of £550k in principle to carry out access improvements to the Fulford School site.
Reason: To make improvements to the access route to the school to reduce congestion and improve road safety in the area. Minutes: Members considered a report outlining two schemes requesting funding at Fulford School. The first project being needed to address the requirement for more teaching space at the school to accommodate additional pupils for September 2020, due to the increase in pupil numbers from within the school’s catchment as of September 2020. Thereby enabling the school to admit the growth in pupil numbers from within its catchment, so that all children in that catchment could access their local secondary school.
The second scheme being to provide a solution for the current and projected transport access issues at the school.
The Executive Member indicated his support for both proposals to provide adequate school places and safe travel.
The Leader thanked partners, schools and all those involved in enabling workable solutions to be brought forward to the issues.
i. That the allocation of £500k of basic need funding be approved, to enable remodelling of areas of the existing Fulford School building for the purpose of accommodating additional pupils above the school’s planned admission number for September 2020.
Reason: To enable the council to meet its statutory responsibility to provide sufficient school places in this area.
ii. That funding of £550k be approved, in principle, to carry out access improvements to the Fulford School site, providing for school buses to access the school from the south through the Germany Beck site and exit the school site via Fulford Gate to the north.
Reason: To make improvements to the access route to the school to reduce congestion and improve road safety in the area. |
Term Dates for the 2021/22 School Year PDF 349 KB The Director of Children, Education and Communities to present a report that seeks approval of the school term dates for schools for whom the City of York Council (CYC) is the employer, for the school year beginning in September 2021. Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
i. Approved the draft term dates for 2020/2021 school year.
Reason: to meet the statutory requirements of legislation including the Education Act 2002, (Section 32), and other related legislation. Minutes: Members considered a report seeking approval to proposed school term dates, for which the City of York Council (CYC) was the employer, for the school year beginning September 2021.It was reported that such approval would usually be sought from the responsible Executive Member but had been submitted to this meeting during the pandemic, given there were currently no Executive Member Decision Sessions taking place. The Executive Member indicated his support for the proposals, advising that they were in line with those of neighbouring authorities. He took the opportunity, at this point, to thank all those key workers who continued to support York’s children and young people.
That the proposed term dates for the 2020/2021 school year be approved
Reason: to meet the statutory requirements of legislation including the Education Act 2002, (Section 32), and other related legislation. |
Update on Coronavirus Response PDF 351 KB The Deputy Chief Executive to present a report on the complete transformation of the way the council operates, reprioritising support to those most in need, and facilitated the ongoing delivery of critical services in response to Coronavirus.
Additional documents: Decision: Resolved:
i. Amendment to page 47 agenda item 6 paragraph 76 was noted: ‘A total of £4.7m has been received in central Government support for the costs associated with the coronavirus response. However, initial estimates suggest the cost to the council could be as much as £35m, taking into account cost pressures, additional demand and reduced income. A further allocation of £5.7m has been announced and payment of this second tranche of funding is due in May.’
ii. That a report be taken to the next meeting of the Executive on recovery planning and work ongoing with partners.
Reason: To ensure that the Executive were updated on City of York Council’s response to Coronavirus. Minutes: Members considered a report summarising activities and changes to working practices and services which had been taking place to deliver essential services to those most in need during the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic. Annex 1 to the report set out in detail the financial implications for the Council to date in providing that support to residents and businesses alike.
The Acting Chief Executive reported the following amendment to the report (page 47, paragraph 76 to agenda item 6 refers) since it had been published:
‘A total of £4.7m has been received in central Government support for the costs associated with the coronavirus response. However, initial estimates suggest the cost to the council could be as much as £35m, taking into account cost pressures, additional demand and reduced income. A further allocation of £5.7m has been announced and payment of this second tranche of funding is due in May.’
A full and comprehensive debate then ensued with each Executive Member contributing their response to the work and reprioritisation which had been taking place and was still ongoing. They thanked all those staff, key workers, partners, service operators, residents and volunteers who were responding every day to emerging new and changing priorities.
It was recognised that there would need to be a review of financial support provided and the Council’s position as it moved towards recovery but with an emphasis on retaining the community’s ongoing public health as a continuing central focus.
In summary and in noting the work undertaken to date, the Leader requested a report to the next Executive meeting on the Council’s plans for recovery, including how it could work with partners to support and help the recovery of the city and its residents.
i. That the report and contents be noted, including the above amendment to page 47 of agenda item 6, at paragraph 76, and the financial position outlined;
ii. That a report be considered at the next meeting of the Executive on recovery planning and work ongoing with partners.
Reason: To ensure that the Executive were updated on City of York Council’s response to Coronavirus (Covid 19) |
Amendment to Standing Orders PDF 413 KB The Monitoring Officer to present the amendments to the Constitution following the publication of The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 (the “Regulations”) which came into force on 4th April 2020, and provide for alternative arrangements for Local Authority meetings which are required to be held between 4th April 2020 and 7th May 2021.
The Monitoring Officer to also present in accordance with the Council’s constitution the report of the decisions made using the Urgent Decision Making Guidance for the period 23rd March 2020 to 7th April 2020.
Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved:
i. The Executive noted the amendment to the Council’s Standing Orders for the provision of remote meetings.
ii. The Executive notes the decisions made under the urgent decision making guidance between 23rd March 2020 and 7th April 2020.
Reason: To ensure that the Executive were updated on City of York Council’s change to the Council’s Standing Orders and the urgent decisions that had been made between 23rd March 2020 and 7th April 2020.
Minutes: Members considered a report notifying them of amendments made by the Monitoring Officer to the Council’s Constitution following the publication of The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 (the “Regulations”). These came into force on 4th April 2020, and provided for alternative arrangements for Local Authority meetings required to be held between 4th April 2020 and 7th May 2021. Members were advised that the changes made enabled the continuity of decision making during this period and enabled the convening of remote meetings for the Council.
The report also detailed the decisions made using the Urgent Decision Making Guidance (provided as a part of those constitutional changes) for the period 23rd March 2020 to 7th April 2020.
The Leader confirmed that the meeting today was the starting point for series of remote meetings to be scheduled in the coming weeks, including those to deal with planning and licensing applications.
i. That the amendment to the Council’s Standing Orders for the provision of remote meetings and urgent decisions, be noted;
ii. That the decisions made under the Urgent Decision Making Guidance between 23rd March 2020 and 7th April 2020, be noted.
Reason: To ensure that the Executive were updated on City of York Council’s change to the Council’s Standing Orders and the urgent decisions that had been made between 23rd March 2020 and 7th April 2020.