Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall, York

Contact: Jayne Carr, Democracy Officer 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on the agenda.


The Executive Member was invited to declare at this point in the meeting any personal or prejudicial interests she might have in the business on the agenda.  None were declared.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 54 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the Decision Session of the Executive Member for Children and Young People’s Services held on 13 July 2010.


RESOLVED:That the minutes of the Executive Member for Children and Young People’s Services Decision held on 13 July 2010 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Public Participation

At this point in the meeting, members of the public who have registered their wish to speak at the meeting can do so.  The deadline for registering is 5.00 pm on Monday 13 September 2010.


Members of the public may register to speak on:-

  • An item on the agenda
  • An issue within the Executive Member’s remit
  • An item that has been published on the Information Log since the last session.


It was reported that there had been two registrations to speak under the council’s Public Participation Scheme.  Both speakers spoke in respect of agenda item 6 (minute 19 refers) “Implications of recent Government announcements for certain Council-funded programmes”.


The Chief Executive of York CVS stated that she had also been asked to represent the views of York Young Carers and CANDI.  She explained the work that they carried out to support some of the most vulnerable children in the city and their families.  Details were also given of the ways in which the CVS supported such organisations, including providing funding advice, the costs of which were far outweighed by the income generated.  The Executive Member’s attention was drawn to the impact that the proposed cuts would have on voluntary organisations and she was urged to look at ways of protecting the most vulnerable by making an evidence based assessment on the impact that this would have on families and the organisations themselves.


The Chair of the Refugee Action Group detailed the work that the organisation carried out to support a very vulnerable section of the community.  A significant number of volunteers were involved in the organisation but two thirds of its funding came from the Early Intervention Fund.  Withdrawal of this funding would put the organisation at risk.  The speaker also expressed concern that, having entered into a service level agreement, back word had been given in respect of funding.  It was important that decisions were evidence based and that there was more consultation.  The grant had been of tremendous value to refugees and the asylum community and the proposal to withdraw the funding had left them feeling that they were not valued.


Appointment of Local Authority (LA) School Governors pdf icon PDF 72 KB

This report provides information about the current position with regard to vacancies for LA seats on governing bodies, lists current nominations for these vacancies and requests the appointment, or reappointment, of the listed nominees.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:(i)         That the appointment and re-appointment of Local

Authority Governors, as proposed in Annexes 1 and 2 of the report, be approved.1


(ii) That the following LA appointments also be made:

·        Emily Rice – Bishopthorpe Infant School

  • Anne Haithwaite – Our Lady’s and English Martyrs’ RC Primary Federation


(iii)That thanks be recorded to Governors for the excellent work that they carried out and the service that they gave to schools.


REASON:      To ensure that local authority places on school governing bodies continue to be effectively filled.


The Executive Member considered a report that informed her of the current position with regard to vacancies for Local Authority (LA) seats on governing bodies, listed current nominations for those vacancies (detailed in Annexes 1 and 2 to the report) and requested the appointment or reappointment of the listed nominees.


The Executive Member was asked to consider the following additional nominations:


  • Emily Rice – Bishopthorpe Infant School
  • Anne Haithwaite – Our Lady’s and English Martyrs’ RC Primary Federation


The Executive Member paid tribute to the work that officers carried out to ensure that vacancy levels remained low.


RESOLVED:(i)         That the appointment and re-appointment of Local

Authority Governors, as proposed in Annexes 1 and 2 of the report, be approved.1


(ii) That the following LA appointments also be made:

·        Emily Rice – Bishopthorpe Infant School

  • Anne Haithwaite – Our Lady’s and English Martyrs’ RC Primary Federation


(iii)That thanks be recorded to Governors for the excellent work that they carried out and the service that they gave to schools.


REASON:      To ensure that local authority places on school governing bodies continue to be effectively filled.


Catalyst Family Intervention Project pdf icon PDF 109 KB

This report updates the Executive Member on the Family Intervention Project (FIP) model and its roll-out in York through the Catalyst Project, and invites comment on the progress that is being made.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:(i)         That the progress being made by the Catalyst Family

                                    Intervention Project be noted.


                        (ii)        That the Executive Member be given an update on the

project once the outcome of the Comprehensive Spending Review was known.


                        (iii)       That thanks be recorded to those involved in the project

                                    for the excellent work that they were carrying out.


REASON:      To provide an account of the early stages of this new project, which is consistent with a number of corporate objectives.


The Executive Member received a report that provided an update on the progress being made by a project providing a new delivery model for the city.  The report described the Family Intervention Project (FIP) model, its roll-out in York through the Catalyst Project, the positive outcomes being seen for families, and the scope for savings being realised through this approach.


Officers gave details of the work that was being carried out, as outlined in the report, and of the numbers of children and families who were involved. 


The Executive Member stated that she was delighted to hear of the excellent work that was taking place and of the significant difference that this initiative was having on the families involved.


RESOLVED:(i)         That the progress being made by the Catalyst Family

                                    Intervention Project be noted.


                        (ii)        That the Executive Member be given an update on the

project once the outcome of the Comprehensive Spending Review was known.


                        (iii)       That thanks be recorded to those involved in the project

                                    for the excellent work that they were carrying out.


REASON:      To provide an account of the early stages of this new project, which is consistent with a number of corporate objectives.


Implications of recent Government announcements for certain Council-funded programmes pdf icon PDF 116 KB

This report summarises the implications of recent Government announcements about in-year expenditure reductions for programmes that had been funded under the Early Intervention Fund (EIF) and the York Youth Community Action Project (YYCAP).  It invites the Executive Member to approve officers’ actions, which have sought to protect the Council’s financial position whilst at the same time minimising so far as possible the impact on the third sector and on those whom they support.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:(i)         That the actions officers had taken to handle the in-year

expenditure reductions to the Early Intervention Fund and the York Youth Community Action Project, summarised in Annexes A to C of the report, be approved.


(ii) That the Executive Member receive further updates on

the implications of the expenditure reductions, including a briefing once the results of the Comprehensive Spending Review were known.


(iii) That thanks be recorded to those involved in projects

funded by the EIF and YYCAP for the excellent work that they had carried out.


(iv) That representation be made to Ministers regarding the

 issues raised.


REASON:      To protect the council’s financial position while at the same time minimising the impact, so far as possible, on third sector organisations and those whom they support.


The Executive Member received a report that summarised the implications of recent Government announcements about in-year expenditure reductions for programmes that had been funded under the Early Intervention Fund (EIF) and the York Youth Community Action Project (YYCAP).  It invited the Executive Member to approve officers’ actions, which had sought to protect the Council’s financial position whilst at the same time minimising so far as possible the impact on the third sector and on those whom they support.


Officers detailed how the EIF had been utilised, as outlined in the report, and of the in-year expenditure reductions that had been necessitated as a result of the Government announcements.  All possible alternatives had been explored, including consideration of a more differentiated approach to the reductions and ascertaining whether it was possible to access funds from elsewhere.  Equality Impact Assessments had also been carried out, and the specific impact of the reductions on certain communities was drawn to the Executive Member’s attention.  However, a differentiated approach was not recommended in the circumstances, and no alternative source of funding had been identified within the Council, not least because of the wider reductions in the Area Based Grant.  Once the outcome of the spending review was known there would be an opportunity to consider the position further but it was important not to raise expectations that funding may become available.  The Authority continued to value enormously the contribution made by the Third Sector.


Officers explained that YYCAP was a pilot project, which was only ever intended to last just over a year, and there was still some uncertainty regarding the final payment from the DfE.  Individual exit strategies had been agreed with those organisations that had been allocated funding under the first two rounds, and tribute was paid to the way in which the organisations concerned had responded to the situation.  The Authority was working with the organisations to seek to avoid job losses wherever possible.  It was encouraging to note that many of the groups intended to continue with the work that they had been carrying out.  The funding that had been received had had a significant impact on providing volunteering opportunities for young people and would leave a lasting legacy.


The Executive Member paid tribute to the excellent work that organisations had carried out through the EIF and the YYCAP.  The YYCAP initiative had instigated some very worthwhile volunteering opportunities and it was pleasing to note that groups were hoping to continue with the work. 


The Executive Member thanked the speakers for their helpful comments.  She stated that she intended to make Ministers aware of the valuable work that had been funded by the grant and the support that this had provided to the most vulnerable in society, including ethnic minority families. She would welcome the speakers’ support in providing case studies to enable hard evidence to be presented to Ministers.  Ministers would also be made aware of the implications when funding was withdrawn mid-year. The Executive Member stated that she would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 19.


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