Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall

Contact: Catherine Clarke and Louise Cook  Democracy Officers

No. Item


Declarations of Interest pdf icon PDF 35 KB

At this point Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda.


At this point in the meeting, Members were asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they might have in the business on the agenda or any other general interests they might have within the remit of the Committee.


Other than those standing interests listed in the agenda, no interests were declared.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 56 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 27 April 2010.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting of the Learning and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 27 April 2010 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Public Participation

At this point in the meeting, members of the public who have registered their wish to speak on an item on the agenda or an issue within the committee’s remit can do so.


Anyone who wishes to register or who requires further information is requested to contact the Democracy Officer for this meeting, details of whom are listed at the foot of this agenda.


The deadline for registering to speak is 5.00pm the working day before the meeting, in this case 5.00pm on Monday 12 July 2010.


It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


2009-10 Year End Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 157 KB

This report analyses the latest outturn position 2009/10 year end by reference to the service plan, the budget and the performance indicators for all of the services falling under the responsibility of the old Director of Learning, Culture & Children’s Services.


Members considered a report which analysed the latest outturn position for 2009-10 year end by reference to the service plan, the budget and the performance indicators for all of the services falling under the responsibility of the old Director of Learning, Culture and Children’s Services.


Officers gave an update and confirmed that the overspend in the Children and Young Peoples Services Portfolio was due to an increase in ‘Looked After Children’ (LAC). Officers would  incorporate LAC into the first Budget Monitoring 2010/11 report to allow Members to note any progress in this area. Officers also confirmed that the overspend in Adult Education and Music Services was due to adults withdrawing from the A’ Level provision and as a result of  the current economic downturn, the level of music tuition fees had proved to be too expensive.


Members discussed the report and reminded officers that acronyms should be listed in full when first used. It was suggested that officers produce a standard document listing all the Education acronyms.1


The Chair suggested Members contact the Scrutiny Officer if they requested any specific information relating to the Performance Indicators.


RESOLVED: That the Scrutiny Committee:


·      Noted the progress on all of the performance and corporate strategy milestone actions and commented on areas where corrective action was needed to bring things back on track.


Reason:  To update the committee on the latest finance and performance position for 2009/10


Briefing on Post Election Policy Direction for Education & Children's Services pdf icon PDF 111 KB

This report provides a summary of developing policy direction since the General Election.  It is provided to summarise the changing policy landscape which will impact upon the work of individual schools, the wider children’s services agenda and the local authority.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report that provided a summary of developing policy direction since the General Election. It provided a summary of the changing policy landscape which would impact upon the work of individual schools, the wider children’s services agenda and the local authority.


Officers gave a brief update and Members discussed what implications the policy would have on the City and how it would impact the Educational Services provided by the Council.


Officers explained that Free Schools would give groups who were interested in setting up a new school the power to locate their own premises and open their own facilities. Members noted how the Academy School status would be offered on a fast track option to any school that had received an outstanding Ofsted result. Officers stated that some parents and schools within the City had shown an interest in one of these options. Members discussed what implications would arise if any of these Schools were to open in York.


Members agreed that York provides an exceptional education service with outstanding schools.


Members thanked Cllr Runciman for attending the meeting for this item. 


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.


Reason:  To update Members on the developing policy direction for Education & Children Services since the General Election.


Casual Play Opportunities Scrutiny Review - Draft Final Report pdf icon PDF 96 KB

This report presents Members with an update on information gathered in respect of the review and an analysis of this information and asks them to consider the suggested recommendations and any other recommendations they wish to make.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report that informed them of the agreed key objectives and remit.


The officer gave an update and requested Members concur a set of recommendations to finalise the review.  Officers confirmed that  three areas within the City would be put forward as pilot areas.


Members thanked officers for their contributions throughout this review and the Chair also thanked Members for their input.


Members agreed the following recommendations:


RESOLVED:  The Executive to authorise officers to:


a)     support the introduction of a pilot scheme by working with the new ‘Taking Play Forward’ Strategic Board to:


·        Identify three diverse areas within the ‘area based service delivery’ pilot area which would benefit from such a scheme.

·        Identify all the relevant parties from within the council, external organisations, and from within the identified area of the city to participate in the scheme.

·        Draft a framework for the scheme for the Executive’s consideration.


b)     encourage ward committee, parish councils and residents associations to promote the value of outdoor play and take up any opportunities for encouraging community buy-in to play opportunities in their locality.


Reason: To conclude the review in line with scrutiny procedures and protocols


Learning & Culture Overview & Scrutiny Committee Work Plan 2010-11 pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Members are asked to consider the workplan for the Committee for the 2010-11 Civic Year.


Members considered the Committee’s workplan for 2010-11.


Members agreed to the following:


RESOLVED: That the work plan be updated to:


·        reschedule the next meeting from Wednesday 29 September to Tuesday 5 October 2010. 

·        hold the next meeting in Explore York and receive a tour of Explore and the Archives.

·        add Looked After Children and Active Leisure in Adults onto the work programme for 8 December 2010.

·        invite the Chief Executive of the York Museums Trust to the meeting on 8 December 2010 and request a 6 monthly report with an invite to attend a committee on an annual basis.

·        request that the Chief Executive of the York Theatre Royal provides a six monthly report with an invite to attend a committee on an annual basis.

·        invite the Director of Communities and Neighbourhoods to attend the meeting on 26 January 2011.


Reason:          In order to progress the work of the Committee.


York Theatre Royal - Service Level Agreement Performance Update Report pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Members are asked to note the progress and performance of the York Theatre Royal under the current Service Level Agreement (SLA) which runs to March 2012. 

Additional documents:


Members consider a report that informed them of the progress and performance of the York Theatre Royal under the current Service Level Agreement (SLA) which runs to March 2012.


The Chief Executive of the Theatre attended the meeting and gave Members an update on their performances.  Members noted her comments and commended the Theatre on the quality of productions it offers. The Head of Arts commented that the Theatre had been a great support to schools in York and had provided a great experience for the children. Members congratulated the Theatre on the projects it offers and the support it gives to young people and Members agreed to support the Theatre in their bid to expand into the De Grey Rooms.


Members thanked the Chief Executive and the Head of Arts for attending the meeting and for their updates. 



RESOLVED:  The Committee noted and commented upon the performance of the York Theatre Royal.


Reason:  To fulfil the Council’s role under the Service Agreement.


York Museums Trust Partnership Delivery Plan - Performance Update Report pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Members are asked to note the current progress of the York Museums Trust (YMT) towards meeting the targets agreed in the Partnership Delivery Plan.

Additional documents:


This report updates members on the current progress of the York Museum Trust (YMT) towards meeting the targets agreed in the Partnership Delivery Plan.


Members noted that the Museum had encouraging visitor numbers and were looking forward to seeing it reopen after the refurbishment.


Resolved: Members noted and commented upon the performance of the York Museums Trust.


Reason: To fulfil the Council’s role under the partnership delivery plan


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