Agenda and minutes

Venue: Gateway Centre, Front Street

Contact: Cindy Benton  Neighbourhood Manager

No. Item


7pm Ward Surgery

7pm – Ward Surgery


Come along and have a chat with your Ward Cllrs, First York Managing Director,  Neighbourhood Policing Team


Cllr Waller welcomed everyone to the meeting, introduced Cllr Jackson and Cllr Hunter


Westfield Policing Team

An update from the Neighbourhood Police Team


An update was given by the local Police Community Support Officer. 

Crime statistics from 2014 to the present day:

Vehicle theft down -  20%

Shop theft down – 24%

Cycle theft down – 50%


However, more recently there had been an increase in the number of ‘sneak’ thefts especially in the Dringhouses area.  Residents were encouraged to ensure all windows and doors were locked even when residents were home.  Staff had been deployed into the areas currently being targeted by thieves.


It was noted there would be a number of workshops where items could be security marked, the first one being at The Gateway Centre on 13th Nov am- 1pm.


The meeting was informed about Operation Liberate which tackles unsocial behaviour involving youths under the influence of drugs and/ or drink.  Vulnerable people under the influence are taken to a safe haven and are not allowed to leave without a responsible adult.  It was noted that this operation will be ongoing over Halloween and Bonfire Night.


Operation Noel will be implemented to reduce shop theft over the festive period.

Is it possible to have mobile workshops to do security markings?

The new machine is large and difficult to set up so requires a base, it engraves rather than marks the items.  It was noted there would be more workshops organised which would be published on notice boards and in shops.

Does it mark mobile phones?

It is possible however as mobile phones are quite delicate it would be a risk.


Cllr Waller thanked the PCSO Team


First York

First York Managing Director Ben Gilligan will be listening to residents concerns


First York Update – Stuart Fillingham


Mr Fillingham apologised for the recent changes to the No 4 bus route timetable.  It had become apparent that the new timetable was not robust enough.  The comments from residents had been taken on board and from 22nd November the route would run from Acomb to Skeldergate, it would be a much shorter route and much more achievable, it was acknowledged the current route within the allocated time had been unachievable.

It was that a new scheduler had been appointed from York who understood the issues.  Other route changes were outlined:

No 1 – Some changes between timetables making the timetable more robust.

No 5/5A – No changes

No 10 – Timetable changes making routes 30 minutes long replacing the current 35 minutes.

No 6 – The old route has been reinstated.

Will the changes be publicised in the press?

Yes, Thursday 8th October.

Some of the early morning buses are dirty especially in the corners, could they be checked?

Mr Fillingham said he would investigate by spending time with the cleaning crew.


Cllr Waller thanked Mr Fillingham for coming to the meeting.




Westfield Ward Budgets

Ward Councillors will present the ward budget amounts for this financial year


Ward Budgets


Cllr Waller informed the meeting that previously the Ward Grants had been awarded through an application process and this system was being reinstated... 

Cllr Waller shared statistics from the process in 2003 where priorities had been community rangers.  More recently priorities had been youth, older people, parking, lay-bys, and matrix parking which had been introduced to ease flooding.


The process for allocation of grants was explained.  Applications would be received by a deadline and people involved in the Ward would decide where the funding would be allocated.


The new budgets were:

·        Annual General Ward Fund - £10309

·        Community Care Fund - £5154 - to support activities which would potentially delay people needing to access social care.

·        Pride in York Fund - £6877 – to support environmental projects aimed at keeping the area presentable; grass/ hedge cutting, repositioning litter bins, targeting problem areas.  It was noted that this fund would be additional to work currently carried out by CYC such as playing field maintenance.

·        One off Pride in York Fund - £7046 – to initially support projects which potentially would prevent additional funds being needed at a later stage for example removal of perennial weeds, replacing salt bins.

·        Ward Highway Programme - £17181 – this budget would be in place for 4 years to target Ward maintenance not covered by CYC for example improving footpaths and pot holes in pavements.  It was noted that the Gale Farm elderly residents were experiencing difficulties access the shopping areas due to the uneven footpaths.


It was acknowledged that due to the recent election the budget information and application process had been significantly delayed and would operate much earlier in future years.  Cllr Waller explained that the application period would remain open until 31st October 2015; packs were available at the meeting on online via the CYC website.  The Councillors would review the applications on 4th November 2015 in line with previous priorities and decide which had reached the criteria for the funding.  The results would be published on CYC website and the residents would then be balloted in February 2016 on the qualifying projects for feedback and comments.  The Councillors would then review the feedback and allocate funding appropriately.  It was noted that unsuccessful projects may be able to access alternative CYC funding.  Residents would be notified of the projects chosen via notice boards across the Ward.  It was noted that successful applicants would be required to demonstrate how the funding had enhanced the Ward following implementation of their project.

Are the footpaths in the Gale Farm area to be improved?

Quotes for the work were needed, Cindy Benton, Community Involvement Officer agreed to collate the estimates.

It was noted that Cllr Waller had agreed to travel the route by motorised scooter to experience the problems encountered by the residents.




Front Street & Footpaths

Ward Councillors will feed back on the development of Front Street and the footpaths


Front Street & Footpaths Update


Cllr Hunter informed the meeting that a campaign was underway around ‘Safer walking in Acomb’.  It was aimed at addressing the issues surrounding the poor quality of the footpaths around the Ward.  It was noted there had been a significant number of falls and vulnerable groups such as the elderly, disabled and visually impaired were experiencing significant difficulties.  Cllr Hunter would be asking residents to sign petitions and encouraging shop owners to back the campaign by having petitions in their shops.  Ideally Cllr Hunter would like the whole area repaved, this was a necessity not vanity,

Cllr Hunter informed the meeting that other key areas for action by the Highways department were;

·        Alleyways at Beaconsfield and Milner

·        Flooding on Green Lane although the drains had been cleaned which had helped.

Paving outside the shops had been completed but was still uneven


Have Your Say

Thsi is an opportunity for residents to ask questions or raise any issues or concerns with Ward Councillors


Any Other Business

a.    Foxwood

The parking and storage around the flats at the Foxwood shops was very poor.  Cllr Waller was working on these issues and how the area could be tidied up especially the weeds around the shops.


b.   Youth Provision

Reduction in CYC budgets had seen a significant reduction in Youth services in the Ward.  Cllr Waller would be looking at how the Youth provision could be increased in the area as there was a direct correlation between the decrease in youth services and activities and the increase in anti social behaviour.



It was noted that residents had reported the issue of storage of rubbish and were waiting for a response from CYC.  Cllr Waller agreed to look into this as the rubbish was a significant fire hazard.


c.     Environmental issues

·        Cllr Waller explained to residents that there was a problem with the weed killer previously used by CYC in the Ward, which was toxic to the water system hence a new product was being used which would need time to react.

·        The last grass cut would be done in October and the roadside crews would sweep the gutters.

·        The last green bin collection would be November.  The refuse collection calendar would be distributed on 18th October.  This would detail refuse and recycling including the Christmas period.  It was noted that half the Ward would have a black bin and recycling collection immediately prior to the Christmas period and the remainder immediately after.  Recycling would be every third week and green bin collections would recommence in April.




Would there be a leaflet delivery to Windsor Garth, which had been previously missed from the distribution.


Yes.  The previous problems with deliveries had been acknowledged.  The information would also be on CYC website and in the libraries.



Would the applications for funding be available online?


Yes with some exceptions.  Cllr Waller summarised the process;

·        Applications by 31st Oct 2015

·        Agree applicants on 4th Nov 2015

·        Ballot Feb 2016


It was acknowledged that the process for this year was much delayed, in future years budgets would be announced in April and the timeline would be more generous.



A resident from Stuart Road expressed concerns regarding fly tipping in the Hob Moor area.  It was asked if a residents association/ friends of group might be the solution.


A previous residents association chair offered to help set up such a group.  Cllr Waller explained that should this be needed there was training available and other residents associations in York could be asked to advise.  It was felt it would be good to work with other groups and it was noted that Kingsway had a meeting planned for 22nd October.



Was there still a Friends of Hob Moor group?


The group had suffered from a reduction in active committee members however the first meeting for a long time had been held on 7th October.



Was there a possibility of additional cleaning for the area around the Foxwood shops  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


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