Agenda and minutes

Venue: Foxwood Community Centre, Bellhouse Way

Contact: Julie Hood 

No. Item


Drop -in surgery 6.30pm


The drop-in surgery gives you opportunity to talk to your councillors, safer neighbourhood police team, street environment officer and neighbourhood management officer in an informal setting.

Residents had the opportunity to talk with Cllr Steve Galloway;  Cllr Sue Galloway; Cllr Andrew Waller; Julie Hood, Neighbourhood Management Office;, Michal Czekajlo, Neighbourhood Management Support Officer; Jackie Armitage, Street Environment Officer; Sgt Lindsey Stamp, PC Colin Parks; Paul Bickle, Energise Manager; James Williams, Waste Strategy Officer; Alan Bell, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue; Penny Goff and Helen Butterworth, NHS Foundation Trust; Louise King and Catherine Mattiocco, Yorkshire Water; Chris Pinder, Responsive Repairs Manager; Martin Horner, Head of Civil Engineering.


Welcome and Introduction


Main Meeting 7.00pm



2. Councillor Steve Galloway welcomed everyone to the meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 25th September were agreed and signed.


Safer Neighbourhood Police Team

Sergeant Lindsey Stamp will give an update on police operations in the area and answer any questions you have.


Sgt Lindsey Stamp gave an update on the last quarter of the year and the changes to local policing.


3.1 The  following changes will be implemented from March 21st 2011.


  • The City will be divided into four Inspector led area; East, West; Rural and City Centre.
  • Westfield will be part of the West Area Policing team which will be led by Insp Phil Cain.
  • Inspector Cain will be responsible for the Safer Neighbourhood Team and the Response Team.  Both will be based at Acomb Police Station
  • The Safer Neighbourhood Team will change their shift pattern to ensure seven day cover.
  • The current PCSO’s will remain in Westfield with more access to cycles so the visibility of the Officers is expected to remain the same.



3.2 Crime figures have stayed at the same level compared to last month.




Fire Risk And Keeping Safe

Alan Bell, Fire Station Manager, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue will give information about keeping safe in respect of fires and how to reduce the risk of fires.


Alan Bell, Fire Station Manager gave a presentation regarding the free home fire risk assessments offered by the Fire and Rescue services.


4.1 The risk assessments can be requested by that either by calling 01609 788 545, the website or by completing one of the leaflets.  The leaflets are in most community buildings including libraries.


4.2 The assessments are carried out by the Community Safety Officer, who determines the key risks in the property and identifies what needs to be done to minimise the risk.


4.3 Risk assessments include:


  • Checking any smoke detectors. If they are defective or no smoke detectors are present they can be installed free of charge. Smoke detectors should be checked every week by pressing the red button on it.
  • Fire escape routes will be checked and you will be advised on what to do and how to evacuate in case of fire.
  • The assessment takes up to 1 hour and can be arranged at a time convenient for you.
  • Kitchen, electric appliances and cables will be checked to minimise the risk of fire.


4.4.1       Fires with tragic consequences happen rarely.  When this does occur a thorough investigation is undertaken.


4.4.2       Providing residents know their escape routes and have taken proper precautions e.g. fitted smoke detectors, there is no reason to believe an escape would not be possible.


4.4.3       Houses are designed and built with fire safety as a crucial part of the planning process, they allow for easy escape and are accessible to the fire brigade.


Concern was raised in respect of removing keys from a locked door (for security) and making a quick escape in the event of Fire.  It was explained that this is part of the risk assessment and the resident concerned completed a form to book one.


The following questions were raised:


Q – Do fire extinguishers have ‘use by’ dates?  


A – All fire extinguishers have dates by which they should be used.  In the home it is preferable not to have any fire extinguishers although fire blankets are useful in kitchens.


Winter Weather - Leaks, Repairs and Salt Bins

A representative from Yorkshire Water will be at the meeting to discuss communication issues and recent delays dealing with leaking pipes.


Chris Pinder, responsive repairs manager, will give information about what might be done to prevent frozen pipes and what you can do in the case of a burst pipe.


Martin Horner, head of civil engineering, will discuss the gritting policy and the siting of salt bins.


Louise King and Catherine Mattiocco  gave a presentation regarding the difficulties experienced by Yorkshire Water during the recent period of very bad weather. They also thanked  Colleagues from Local Authorities and partner organisations for their support over this difficult period.


  • In December 80 000 calls were received, compared with 23 000 expected in December.
  • 2200 repairs on pipes were completed across the region, compared with an expected 600.
  • Colleagues worked through Christmas and New Year 24 hours a day to ensure that repairs happened as quickly as possible and customers were kept with running water where possible.
  • 130 repairs to burst pipes were completed daily.
  • Less than 1% of the 2 million properties supplied by Yorkshire Water were without water as a result of problems, although it is acknowledged that thousands more were affected by problems.
  • The priority was to support the most vulnerable customers (the elderly, housebound, those with medical conditions, disabled and those with newborn babies).  Bottled water was delivered to as many of these customers as possible.



The new £18m water treatment works at Acomb Landing will begin in May 2011 and will take 20 months to complete. It will treat around 35,000,000 litres every day.


The following questions were raised


Q –      Might it be best to raise awareness in the autumn so people are ready for the poor weather.


A –      We try to raise awareness early with our website, TV adverts and articles in newspapers.


Q –      The ventilation in my kitchen is next to a water pipe so it is prone to freezing, is there anything that can be done to prevent a frozen pipe?


A –             Insulation will help to prevent it freezing in the future.


The following suggestions were given


Ward Committee Meetings and Resident Association Meetings are a useful method of communication within neighbourhoods. Social Services can also help reach those individuals who are house bound.



6.0 Chris Pinder, Responsive Repairs Manager gave advice on maintaining home water pipe systems to avoid burst pipes including:



  • Identify where the main water valve is located outside your home, Identify where the internal water valve is located, making sure it is easily turned on and off.
  • Before leaving home for longer, turn off the water valve outside your house and run the taps to empty the water system.
  • Before you go to bed run the cold and hot water taps furthest away from where the water comes into the property (usually the bathroom)
  • Any taps located outside your property should be insulated and the water supply to them turned off.


6.1       Water while freezing can expand to such extent that it can burst a pipe.


The following questions were raised:


Q –      My boiler has a ‘holiday’ mode setting. Is it necessary to turn off the water and empty the system? 


A –      It is much better to drain the system as the system may break whilst you are away.


Q –      The water pipes outside my house are located about 2  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Local Improvement Schemes 2011 - 2012

This is an opportunity for discussion on the provisional list of schemes for 2011 – 2012.


Residents were given opportunity to ask questions or raise comments about the proposed schemes.


Westfield Central








Community Ranger Patrols



Ward fund for maintenance of items (e.g. salt bins).



Improvements to street lighting at identified areas throughout the ward.



Ward Fund to increase Leisure facilities & opportunities for teenagers throughout the ward.



Ward Fund to make repairs and improve security at play areas.



Ward fund to replace and install new dog bins and litter bins as identified by residents.



Ward Fund for reducing waste and have a quarterly recycle and refuse lorry for street pick-ups.



Ward Fund for tree management throughout the ward at identified areas.



Ward Fund to increase play facilities and play sessions for 8 – 13 year olds throughout the ward.



Active York to support young people in developing their opportunities in their sport.



Street Sport York to provide 10 x 2 hour sports sessions throughout the ward for young people.



Ward Fund for improvements for car parking facilities throughout the ward.



Ward Fund for improving and cleaning cycle tracks (e.g. removal of broken glass and detritus).



Age Concern to help with the costs of Room Hire to be able to offer increase services to the elderly.



Create footpaths on verges at various locations identified.



To install 5-a-side goal posts in Grange Lane Park.



Ward Fund for installing cycle barriers to prevent cycling on the footpaths



Ward Fund to increase facilities and opportunities for older people throughout the Ward.



Ward Fund to replace and improve ageing street signs throughout the ward.



York Rotters to promote composting with young people and to teach ‘compost the mini musical’.



Improvements to Dijon Avenue amenity area with trees and shrubs.



Westfield Foxwood







Community ranger patrols



Ward fund for maintenance of items (e.g. salt bins)



Foxwood Friendship Club – This is a weekly club for the elderly to come along and make friends and enjoy a range of activities.



Improvements to street lighting at identified areas throughout the ward.



Age Concern to help with costs of Room Hire to be able to offer increase services to the Elderly.



Active York to support young people in developing their opportunities in their chosen sport.



Ward Fund to make repairs and improve security at play areas.



Ward Fund to increase Leisure facilities & opportunities for teenagers throughout the ward.



Ward fund for improving and cleaning cycle tracks (e.g. removal of broken glass and detritus).



Ward Fund to increase play facilities and play sessions for 8 – 13 year olds throughout the ward.



Ward fund to replace and install new dog bins and litter bins as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Have Your Say!

Your chance to ask questions about local issues and concerns.


There were no other questions or comments.


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