Agenda and minutes
Venue: Foxwood Community Centre, Bellhouse Way
Contact: Julie Hood
No. | Item |
Drop in surgery 6.30pm The drop in surgery gives you the opportunity to talk to your councillors, Street Environment Officer, Safer Neighbourhood Team, Neighbourhood Management Officer, The Recycling Team or visiting speakers informally. Minutes: 1.1 Residents had the opportunity to speak with Councillors Steve Galloway and Sue Galloway; Jackie Armitage (Street Environment Officer); Gordon Loftus (Group Response); PS Lindsey Robson, PC Mark Antonelli, PCSO Chris Upton and PSCO Matthew Cockerill from the Safer Neighbourhood Team; Marta Garcia and Mark Hewlett (Waste Strategy) and Kate Bowers and Julie Hood (Neighbourhood Management). |
Meeting 7.00pm Welcome and minutes Minutes: 2.1 Cllr Steve Galloway welcomed everyone to the meeting, gave a reminder to sign in and asked attendees to complete an evaluation form.
2.2 He went on to explain that Frances Winter (Yorkshire Water) was unable to attend the meeting as planned due to illness. She would be asked to give her presentation to a future meeting. |
Safer Neighbourhood Team The Safer Neighbourhood Team will give an update on police operations within the ward and answer any questions you have. Minutes: 3.1 Mark Antonelli, the PC for the Westfield Ward introduced himself and explained that there will be a new Police Constable starting to work in the Ward from May 12th.
3.2 The crime figures for 2009/2010 were down on 2009/2008, by 200 crimes.
3.3 There has been an increase in shed burglaries across the area. Residents can get a shed alarm from the Safer York Partnership, tel: 01904 669069.
3.4 Operation Manganin is targeting shed/garage break ins and theft from unattended motor vehicles.
3.5 The Policing priorities for the Ward are Speeding and Criminal damage.
3.6 The Safer Neighbourhood Team have now undergone training in regards to speeding vehicles and can target identified areas. If residents are concerned about speeding in a particular area informing one of the Team (tel: 0845 6060 247) will ensure the information is logged and monitored so that action can be taken if the problem persists.
3.7 Incidents of criminal damage within the Ward have dropped, there have been no recent hot spots for criminal damage.
3.8 Mark then introduced PS Lindsey Robson. Lindsey gave an update on the recent Community Action Days on the 23rd and 24th April.
3.9 The 23rd April saw Operation Spoke (bicycle marking), the Fire Service and others at York High School. On the 24th the activities were based at Acomb Explore and included several Fire Appliances, Operation Spoke, Trading Standards and Noise Control.
3.10 The following questions were raised:
Q. Snickets in the Foxwood area of the Ward are being used by motorcycle riders. Residents consider that the cyclists are a danger to pedestrians particularly the young and older residents. A. PCSO Matt Cockerill will make sure the area is on his patrol and will send letters to the residents living close to the snicket to try to get more information. The registration number of the bike/s would be helpful.
Q. How many Police Officers cover the Westfield Ward? A. There is a team of 2 Police Officers and 6 PCSOs.
Q. Is there any possibility of a 20 mile an hour speed restriction on Gale Lane and other main streets in the Ward? A. The City of York council in consultation with the Police determine the most appropriate speed limit fro roads. There are no proposals at present for further 20 mile an hour limits. |
Yorkshire Water Frances Winter (Network Protection Manager, Yorkshire Water) will report on the many sewer blockages that happen in the ward and what can be done to prevent them. Minutes: 4.1 Cllr Steve Galloway assured residents that Yorkshire Water would be invited to a future meeting. If there were any questions for Yorkshire Water they would be asked to respond, in writing, directly to the resident.
4.2 There were no questions.
4.3 It was noted that in wet weather there continues to be problems with flooding. |
Neighbourhood Services Richard White, Assistant Director for Neighbourhood Services, will give a brief overview of Neighbourhood Services, highways and winter maintenance. Minutes: 5.1 Richard White (Assistant Director for Neighbourhood Services) gave an overview of the work undertaken by Neighbourhood Services (now part of Communities and Neighbourhoods)
5.2 He explained that Highway Maintenance undertake work such as carriageway surfacing, street lighting, pest control, street signs and footway reconstruction
5.3 They also undertake Winter Maintenance. This includes gritting roads and footpaths.
5.4 Last winter was the worst winter for 30 years and included 20 days of snow and ice. 320 km of roads and 15km of footpaths were gritted with 4,200 tons of salt being used.
5.5 The department are reviewing the Winter Maintenance policy and would welcome views and feedback from residents, tel: 01904 551551.
5.6 The key issues identified so far are:
5.7 The following questions were raised:
Q. One of the cul-de-sacs in the area (Oldman Court) was identified as having a very poor surface A. An inspector will be asked to look at the road and determine the actions needed.
Q. Are members of the general public able to be join Scrutiny Committees? A. Not as a rule, these committees do have the power to co-opt members, these are usually experts in a particular subject area.
Q. Could some cycle paths be moved from the road to footpaths where there is a very wide footpath? A. Shared use of a footpath, cyclists and pedestrians, is a controversial issue especially for people with poor eyesight. Where there is a new development it is much easier to put in discrete cycle paths. On carriage cycle paths are preferred (by some cyclists and pedestrians) to shared pathways.
Q. There are potholes on Eason View and Bellhouse Way which are a danger to cyclists as to avoid them the cyclist must cycle towards to centre of the road. A. If potholes are reported they will be repaired. An inspector will visit these streets and determine the actions necessary. |
Have your say Your opportunity to raise any issues that have not been covered by the agenda Minutes: 6.1 A resident reported speed calming measures outside their home causing vibrations when heavy vehicles pass over them. Details were taken to be passed to the appropriate Officer
6.2 A resident reported experiencing difficulties with a Housing Association and the repairs service. Details were taken to be passed to the appropriate Officer
6.3 The information in Your Ward regarding the shed alarms and cycle storage had the wrong contact details The residents details were taken to pass to the Officers concerned.
6.4 Cllr Steve Galloway thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting
6.5 The next meeting will be held on 19th July |