Agenda and minutes

Venue: Elvington Village Hall, Main Street

Contact: Claire Taylor 

No. Item


6.30pm - Drop in surgery

The drop in surgery gives you the opportunity to talk to your councillors, street environment officer, safer neighbourhood team, neighbourhood management officer and visiting speakers informally.


1.1 Residents had the opportunity to talk informally to Councillor’s Galvin and Vassie, James Nicholson and Mora Scaife, Suzanne Prance, Russell Broadbent, PC Anna Daniels, PCSO Matt Cockrill and Sarah Fitsell.


7pm - Main Meeting

Welcome and minutes


2.1 Cllr Galvin and Vassie welcomed residents to the meeting.

2.2 The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed. 


Street Environment Update

An update from your ward police team and your chance to raise any concerns.


3.1 Suzanne Prance updated residents on the  work she and the team have been doing in the area which included replacement street nameplates, replacement bins and refurbished benches. Suzanne Prance asked if there were any ideas on how to spend the remaining pot? There was no response to this question.


Police Update

Russell Broadbent from City of York Council Parking Services will tell the meeting about parking regulations and enforcement powers.


4.1 Firstly introduced Matthew Cockrill who is working with the SNT for the next 6 months or so.

4.2 Then PC Anna Daniels gave crime figures:

Wheldrake – 14% down

Bishopthorpe – 47% down


Wheldrake – 20% down

Bishopthorpe – 100% up – (from 8 to 16)

4.3 Police team then explained that next year there will be no written plan in relation to ward priorities due to change in budget. On a positive should free up Police time to be out of the office and in the community.


4.4 Drugs – only 2 issues in the year so not a major issues in the ward.

Speeding  - no longer a SNT priority.


4.5 Residents expressed disappointment that other areas in the Ward (outside of Bishopthorpe and Wheldrake village) were not mentioned. Police gave 2 reasons, 1 that there are very few problems, 2 that the ward name (Bishopthorpe and Wheldrake) is based on council ward naming. Police said next update will include information from other areas within the ward.


Parking Services Presentation

This is your chance to find out more information about the schemes proposed in this newsletter.  If you have made a suggestion that has been short-listed, this is your opportunity to promote your proposal.


5.1   Russell Broadbent gave a presentation on the work of parking services in York

The following questions and comments were noted:


a)  If I was to decide to go into town on an evening, leaving my car in a council car park and then decided to have a drink and leave it over night, there is currently no procedure on how to do this without having to get up extremely early, which is dangerous after a night of drinking.

Response was given that this is a difficult problem and currently a complicated payment system due to different rates for residents, etc. A new system is coming into place and that point has been considered.



b) Cllr Vassie then asked about the powers the council have regarding cars parking across two bays.

Response was given that the council have the power when causing an obstruction.


Local Improvement Schemes

Your chance to discuss local issues.


6.1      Mora Scaife went through the Local Improvement Scheme suggestions for 2011-12 and encouraged residents and representatives from the groups to speak on behalf of the proposals.

6.2      Mora Scaife on behalf of Street Sport York reported that the sessions in this ward are going extremely well and are well attended.


Have Your Say


7.1 - Cllr Vassie answered a query about the widening of a footpath in Naburn, saying that money allocated 3-4 years ago needs to be recovered with help from matched funding. Resident pointed out that £1k maybe available form Naburn Marina.


7.2 Sarah from York Carers Centre asked anybody who wanted to talk to her about the work she does can come over at the end of the meeting.


7.3 Resident wished to discuss further, following surgery discussion the issue of the parking outside the shops on Main St Wheldrake. Wanted to add that they get abuse from people when they ask them to move their vehicles. Cllr Vassie has raised the issue with the shop workers regarding their vehicles.


7.4 Resident pointed out that the elderly should get priority of services provided by the shops.


7.5 Resident pointed out that turning out of junction you have to drive in the middle of the road due to cars parked on the side and that is dangerous.


7.6 Resident wished to point out the danger of the school bus (Pullman’s Service) not being able to get close enough to the official stop meant that children end up running the rest of the way in the road which poses an obvious danger.

Cllr Galvin did point out that parked cars is a natural traffic calming measure.


7.7 Resident said there is a similar problem on Main Street Co-op site, Bishopthorpe.


7.8 Representative of Wheldrake Parish Council said they do take an interest in the issue being discussed and have put in place a new accessable bus stop. Also to point out village design statement is being consulted on at the moment and would like to invite people to take part.


Meeting Close


8.1 Meeting brought to a close 20:10.


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