Agenda and minutes

Venue: Dodsworth Park

Contact: Claire Taylor 

No. Item


3.30pm - 5.30pm Heworth ward committee Schools football tournament

Come along to watch 4 local schools compete in a 5-a-side football tournament at the Multi Use Games Area at Burnholme Community College.


1.1   Team’s from Heworth, Hempland, Tang Hall and Haxby Road Primary

schools took part in the annual Heworth ward committee 5-a-side football tournament on the Multi Use Games Area at Burnholme Community College.


1.2   Thanks to all the teams for taking part.  We saw some great football from all teams and the event was enjoyed by all.  Congratulations to Heworth Primary School for winning the trophy in a hard fought competition.


1.3  Thanks to PCSO Mark Jackson for refereeing. 




6.30pm - 8.00pm Community Safety Surgery

  • Come along to speak to your:

            Ward councillors

            Safer Neighbourhood Team

            Street Environment Officer

            Neighbourhood Management Officer


  • Find out more information about:


           York Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS)

           York Mediation

           York Libraries

  • Talk to Parks and Open Spaces staff about how you would like to see Dodsworth Park developed
  • Bring your bicycle along to be security tagged by your Safer Neighbourhood Team.
  • York RSPCA will be micro-chipping dogs for £5 each


2.1  Residents had the opportunity to speak to Councillors Potter, Funnell and

Boyce, Claire Taylor, Angus Young, Jackie Jackson, PC Michael Brocken, PCSOs Hall, Jackson and Wadsworth.


2.2  Representatives from York Link, York Independent Domestic Abuse    

Service (IDAS), Safe and Sound Homes (SASH), RSPCA and York   Libraries were offering information about their services and speaking to residents.


2.3  The RSPCA were offering Micro-chipping for dogs at a discounted rate of         £5 and a number of local residents took up this opportunity. 


2.4 The Safer Neighbourhood Team were offering free bicycle security tagging.


2.5  Residents had the opportunity to give their ideas on ways to improve Dodsworth Park.



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