Agenda and minutes

Venue: Alex Lyon House

Contact: Claire Taylor 

No. Item


6pm - Health and Wellbeing Surgery

The surgery gives you the opportunity to talk to your councillors, street environment officer, safer neighbourhood team and neighbourhood management officer informally.


Also find out more information about……


York Carers Centre


Hotspots project

York Mediation Service

and many more. 


1.1Residents had the opportunity to talk to Councillors Potter, Funnell and Boyce, Claire Taylor (Neighbourhood Management Officer), Angus Young (Street Environment Officer) and PC Michael Brocken (Safer Neighbourhood Team).


1.2 Residents also had the opportunity to speak to representatives from York Carers Centre, Age Concern, Citizens Advice Bureau, York Link, Older Citizens Advocacy York (OCAY), York and District Mind and Adult Social Services Community Facilitators team.


1.3 Information was also available about York IDAS, Energy Savings Trust ‘Hotspots’ project and personalised budgets.


7.15pm - Formal Meeting

Welcome and minutes


2.1    Cllr Barbara Boyce welcomed residents to the meeting.

2.2    The minutes of the last meeting on 7th July 2010 were agreed and signed.


Local Improvement Schemes 2011/12

This is your chance to find out more information about the schemes proposed in this newsletter.  If you have made a suggestions that has been short listed, this is your opportunity to promote your proposal.


Residents were given the opportunity to discuss the local improvement schemes and grant applications put forward for the 2011-12 ward committee budget.  The following points were noted:


3.1        There is no guarantee how much the budget will be for the 2011/12 financial year. 

3.2        The following declarations of interest were made:

  • Cllr Ruth Potter sits on the committees for Bell Farm Adventure Playground and Tang Hall Committee Centre, both of whom have applied for grants from the ward committee.
  • Cllr Tina Funnell is the Chair of St Nicholas Fields who have also applied for a ward committee grant.
  • Cllr Barbara Boyce is involved with York Carers Centre who have applied for a grant from the ward committee.

3.3        Residents were encouraged to use their vote.


Representatives gave more information about the following schemes:


3.4        HE-10-23 – York St John Student Union – The application is to fund the Community Co-ordinator scheme which will employ a student community co-ordinator to work for five hours a week in the ward to work alongside the local community to combat any issues and make the ward a more inclusive community for students.

3.5        HE-10-15 – Safe and Sound Homes -  the application is for funding towards York Nightstop, a 24 hour project which provides emergency housing for homeless young people in York.  This is a vital service which today alone received 6 referrals in the space of one and a half hours. 

3.6        HE-10-10 – Age Concern York  - the application is to support their toe nail cutting service for elderly people in the ward.  The grant would contribute towards room hire at community venues around the ward.  This would help to keep the cost of the service at a minimum for the elderly people who use it.

3.7        HE-10-14 – York Youth Council – the ward committee grant would contribute towards the Youth Café project which is being run by York Youth Council.  The aim of the project is to set up and run a city centre youth café open after school and weekends for young people from all across the city.  The young people have already managed to raise a large proportion of the money required through fundraising activities. 

3.8        HE-10-19 – Citizens Advice Bureau – the grant would be used to fund an outreach service in the ward similar to the one in the central office in Blossom Street.  This is a valuable service offering advice on debt, benefits and civil rights and obligations.  This has been a successful service in the ward in previous years.

3.9        HE-10-18 – Street Sport York – the money will fund 10 two hour street sports sessions across the ward which are free to 5-18 year olds.  The sessions alternate between a skate park, a climbing wall and multi-sport.  Archery is going to be introduced in the near future.  The sessions have been extremely popular in the ward with 168 young people attending during 2010.


Have Your Say

Your chance to discuss local issues.


4.1  No further issues were raised. 


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