Agenda and minutes

Venue: Headlands Primary School, Oak Tree Lane, Holy Tree Meadows, Haxby, YO32 2YH

Contact: Fiona Barker  Community Involvement Officer

No. Item


Informal Surgery

Informal surgery  6.30 – 7.00pm


Speak with your local councillors and key partners of the ward whilst enjoying some refreshments.





Formal Public meeting

Formal public meeting - 7.00pm – 8.30pm


-       Councillor introductions

-       Ward budgets

-       Ward priorities

-       Youth work update

-       Update from local PCSO

-       AOB




City of York Council                                           Committee Minutes

MEETING                     HAXBY AND WIGGINTON WARD       



DATE                            13th JULY 2016



                                      AND RICHARDSON

                                      FIONA BARKER (COMMUNITY

                                      INVOLVEMENT OFFICER)




                                      WARD RESIDENTS

APOLOGIES                Ellie Tillotson – Oaken Grove




1)      Welcome and Introductions


Councillor Ian Cuthbertson welcomed everyone to the meeting.  Apologies were receivedfrom Ellie Tillotson – Oaken Grove Community Ties project.


2)      Community Safety Report 


          Sergeant Colin Sutherland introduced himself and PCSO Jamie Gibson.  He then outlined details of the local policing team before both officers updated the meeting with information about priorities and plans for the forthcoming months.


Sergeant Sutherland explained the aims and successes of Operation Liberate in tackling anti-social behaviour (“ASB”), explaining how the initiative involves working in partnership with various bodies such as the NHS, York City FC Foundation and the Youth Offending Team.  A high visibility police presence visits areas of known ASB where individuals will be engaged with at various levels, including identifying vulnerable young people and taking them to a place of safety. Positive action with partnership bodies can then follow.  The Operation proved to be a success in tackling ASB last year and is to be used again this summer.


Operation Joypad will also run within communities over the summer months to raise awareness of how burglars operate and to provide security advice, thus reducing vulnerability to this type of crime.


Residents were reassured that crime within the ward was particularly low, although reference was made to the theft of the cash machine from Haxby Co-op.  Sergeant Sutherland also mentioned the role of the police in helping support and reassure the community in the wake of the tragic Springwood explosion in February 2016.


Sergeant Sutherland updated residents with details of the new Community Messaging service, designed to allow the police to send out messages such as crime alerts or news of forthcoming events by electronic means (email/text/tweet) to a targeted audience, eg residents in a particular geographic area.


Property marking events are also being held where residents can have their property marked and registered using a dot peen machine. Various sized fonts are available and the marking is discreet.  There is a facility for officers to visit residents should they not be able to attend an event.



3)      Youth Work Update


In the absence of Ellie Tillotson, the meeting was provided with a written update on the Community Ties initiative, a project established by Oaken Grove for young people in the local community.


    Cllr Cuthbertson then introduced Paula Stainton, the Foundation Manager for York City FC, who gave an overview of the positive opportunities provided by the Foundation for young people in the area.


Paula explained that they are working in partnership with the PCSOs to help reduce ASB by engaging with young people and providing them with positive alternatives, including providing access to coaches and facilitating activities at quality venues.


The activities are fully inclusive and are available  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.


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