
Venue: Ralph Butterfield Primary School, Station Road, Haxby, York, YO32 3LS

Contact: Helen Jarvis-Ong  Community Involvement Officer

No. Item


6:30-8:30pm Informal Drop in meeting

Your ward Councillors would like to invite you to an informal meet up.

You will be able to talk to different groups/partners who are working in the Haxby and Wigginton ward, whilst enjoying a piece of cake and a hot drink.


Come along and talk to ......


·         Locale Councillors

·         Oaken Grove Community Centre

·         Wigginton Squash Club

·         Film at The Folk Hall

·         YO1 Radio

·         Explore Library

·         Yorkey Dads

·         Activ8 Learning

·         Haxby Table Tennis Club

·         OCAY

·         HealthWatch


And More........


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