Agenda and minutes

Venue: Heworth Christ Church,Stockton Lane, Heworth, York, YO31 1JG

Contact: Louise Cook and Catherine Clarke  Democracy Officers

No. Item


Drop In Surgery


Prior to the formal meeting, members of the public had the opportunity to speak to the Ward Councillors, Councillors Ayre, Brooks and Warters, as well as Julie Hood, (Neighbourhood Management Officer) and Ian Dunn (Street Environment Officer).


Minutes pdf icon PDF 54 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting of the Committee held on 6 February 2012.


RESOLVED:       That the minutes of the last meeting of the Derwent, Heworth Without and Osbaldwick Ward Committee, held on 6 February 2012, be approved and signed as a correct record.



Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team

A representative from the Policing Team will talk about and answer questions on their work in the ward.


Apologies had been received from North Yorkshire Police as no one from the Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team could attend the meeting due to the team being on day shift with “Crucial Crew” commitments and July 4th duties at Menwith Hill.


PC 1796 Alex Dobson, York Rural East Beat Manager, had provided a written update which was circulated at the meeting and is attached as an annex to these minutes.


No issues were raised regarding policing in the ward.


RESOLVED:       That the update on the work of the Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team  be noted.


REASON:            In order that Ward Members, parish councils and residents are kept informed regarding police work in the ward.



Have Your Say

At this point in the meeting you can raise any issues or concerns you may have in respect of the ward


Residents were given the opportunity to raise any issues or concerns they may have in respect of the ward. 


The following issues were raised:


·        There are large potholes towards edge of Woodlands Grove which pose a danger to cyclists.


·        Drivers pull onto the grass verge by flats on corner of Woodlands Grove which is damaging the grass. Complaints have been made to the Council already. Concrete posts would prevent this from happening.


·        Notice Board at end of the stray is empty, one door has been ripped off and it is covered with graffiti. Who is responsible for this? Money was raised by hosting a Jubilee party to purchase a new community notice board to be located at end of Westlands Grove. What is process for this? Members agreed to look into planning issues for the new board.


·        Concern raised by residents that none of three Ward Members are members of ruling Labour Group. Some residents felt that this disadvantaged the ward. Members advised residents that the Council’s Forward Plan is published online and members of the public have the right to speak at meetings or can email the Cabinet Member with concerns. Ward Committees are non-political.


·        The “Keep Clear” road marking to allow drivers to exit from Straylands onto Malton Road is very faint and is difficult to read. Ward Members agreed to speak to transport officers on this issue.


·        Tang Hall Beck is full of rubbish and trees have fallen in. Ward Members agreed to liaise with the Foss Internal Drainage Board on this issue.


·        One resident raised concerns about being bothered by dogs on the “nice part of the stray” when playing with her children. She stated that this is also likely to be an issue for a local school which uses this part of the stray too. Other residents noted that the stray was common land with open access and therefore everyone including dog walkers should be able to use it.


·        Would like more information on the new Smartphone app featured in Your Voice. Ward Members explained that this is a free app available to anyone with a Smartphone – it enables the user to photograph an issue, such as littering or graffiti, the app works out its location using the phone’s GPS, allows you to add comments then submits it to the Council for action.


·        Would like more information on future housing development on Whitby Drive. Ward Members stated that outline planning consent has been granted for 4 dwellings. It is expected that the land will be sold with outline permission. Any purchaser would have to submit another application to the council for full planning permission before any building work could commence.


·        Concern that a semi on Burnholme Avenue is being used as business rather than a home. Ward Members advised the concerned resident to contact planning enforcement officers at the Council.


RESOLVED:       That the issues raised be noted.

REASON:            In order that residents concerns are addressed.


Ward Committee Funded Schemes 2012/13

To formally agree the schemes to be funded through the Ward Committee for 2012/13 (to view the schemes for the ward go to


Ward Members were asked to agree the schemes to be funded through the Ward Committee for 2012/13. Details of how funding was now allocated, and a list of eligible schemes for the year, had been circulated at the meeting. It explained that the funding was now split into 3 pots as follows:


·        Ward Budgets: Each ward had an allocation to use as grant funding to commission local voluntary and community organisations to meet identified needs


·        Other Voluntary Sector Support:  Funding to support those voluntary sector organisations that provide services to more than one ward and that are currently forced to apply for a plethora of individual ward committee grants.  It was not intended that this fund would be open to Council services such as Street Sport; however, it was proposed that in the first year only, whilst the Ward Credits pot was being established, Council services were allowed to bid.

Your Consortium had won the tender to administer the schemes according to the Council’s criteria and priorities and would provide support to the recipient organisations including accessing additional funding / revenue sources, helping them to become more sustainable.


·        Ward Credits:  A “credits pot” to be allocated to identified wards to be used to commission new services, either from within the Council or from other partners / sectors, to deliver on the Ward priorities. 

Ward Members acknowledged that the majority of schemes were no longer eligible for ward funding and noted that the eligible schemes which had been put forward, and amounts applied for, were as follows:


·        A grant for maintenance of the scout and guide hall in Dunnington - £1,000 (Derwent Ward)

·        A grant to Heworth Cricket Club towards increased wicket space for juniors - £1,300 (Heworth Without Ward)

·        A grant to Osbaldwick Sport Club for the provision of cricket coaching 0 £1,000 (Osbaldwick Ward)

·        A grant to Dunnington Cricket Club towards fencing the practice area - £2,500 (Derwent Ward)

·        A community chest for Derwent schemes that come up during the year (Derwent Ward)

·        A community chest for Osbaldwick schemes that come up during the year (Osbaldwick Ward)

Some residents stated that that they had not been asked to vote on the schemes. Ward Members advised that the voting forms for each ward had been included within the Your Voice/Your Ward publications but acknowledged that voting was lower than previous years. Residents raised concerns that many of them were not receiving the Your Voice/Your Ward publications through their door and this would be a factor in why voting was down. Ward Members advised that in future, they would be talking to residents to determine the priorities for the ward and then deciding on which schemes to fund based on this information.


Following discussion it was agreed that the £4,340 for Derwent, Heworth Without and Osbaldwick Ward Committee for 2012-13 be allocated as follows:


Derwent Ward (£1,426)

To be allocated as follows:

·        A contribution towards the maintenance of the scout and guide hall in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Changes to Local Bus Services

Nigel Eggleton from Veolia Transdev will update residents on changes to local bus services.


Nick Eggleton from Transdev had been invited to attend the meeting to talk to residents about recent changes to bus services in the Ward but had not been able to attend and had sent his apologies. He provided a written update on bus services to Ashley Park which was circulated to Ward Members and residents at the meeting. This has also been attached as an annex to the minutes.


Residents raised concerns that, due to the way the timetables of the Coastliner (844 and 840) and No 11 services were organised, there was some overlapping of services.  They reported that the number 11 service frequently did not run to time and residents often experienced delays. Furthermore there was no evening or Sunday service on this route.


It was suggested that a meeting take place in order to discuss bus travel in Heworth Without ward.


RESOLVED:       (i)      That the Ward Member for Heworth Without Ward liaise with the Neighbourhood Management Officer to organise a meeting to discuss bus travel in the ward.


                             (ii)      That representatives from both Transdev and First York be invited to this meeting to provide their views and answer questions.


REASON:            To ensure that residents concerns regarding bus travel in Heworth Without ward are given due consideration. 





Your Ward Forum

To help identify issues to be the focus for the next informal meeting.


The Ward Members introduced the ‘Your Ward Forum’ and asked residents to suggest issues they would like discussed at future informal meetings.


Residents suggested it would be interesting to look at planning issues in order  to gain an insight into how planning is handled in the city, including the policy framework and how applications are dealt with.


RESOLVED:       That the issue detailed above be put forward for inclusion on the agenda for the next informal meeting.


REASON:            To ensure that issues relevant to the ward raised by members and residents at meetings are given due consideration.



Police Report pdf icon PDF 58 KB

Bus Services to Ashley Park pdf icon PDF 22 KB


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