Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: The Reading Room, Church St, Dunnington

Contact: Mora Scaife 

No. Item


Drop-in surgery, 6.30pm

The surgery gives you the opportunity to talk to Cllr Jenny Brooks, Cllr Nigel Ayre, Cllr Mark Warter, members of the ward team and visiting speakers informally before the meeting.


Councillors Jenny Brooks, Nigel Ayre and Mark Warters

Police Sergeant Mike Duffield

PC Alex Dobson

PCSO Annie Simpson

PCSO Marie Hampshire

Louise King, Yorkshire Water

Street Environment Officer Iain Dunn, City of York Council

Senior Flood Risk Engineer Brian Hebditch, City of York Council

Cindy Benton, Neighbourhood Manager, City of York Council

Ted Schofield, Neighbourhood Support Officer, City of York Council


The above attended the surgery to discuss local issues with members of the public.



Main Meeting, 7.00pm, chaired by Cllr Nigel Ayre

Welcome and minutes.


Cllr Nigel Ayre welcomed everyone to the meeting.


The minutes of the last meeting were approved.


Safer Neighbourhood Police Team

Your local police team will give an update on issues in your ward and answer any questions you have.


PC Alec Dobson spoke about police issues in the ward.


The following points were made:


In the last quarter, crime rates were down by half a per cent in the ward. 


Arrests have been made concerning an incident at the allotments and a shed burglary on Elm Park View.


PCs Marie Hampshire and Annie Simpson are recruiting members for Farm Watch and Neighbourhood Watch Schemes.


Shed bars are available for victims of crime or those particularly vulnerable.


The police will tag bicycles upon request.


The following questions were asked:


Do you have a breakdown of hate crimes in this area?


The response was given that these could be obtained, but the figures were very low for this area.


Can traffic speed traps be organised?


The response was given that complaint forms could be filled in concerning speeding, and these could result in a speed trap being arranged.


Can you target particular vehicles for speeding?


The response was given that this approach would not be followed.


Common Road is used as a rat run; could a speed trap be set up there?


The response was given that this would be possible.


Yorkshire Water

Louise King from Yorkshire Water will talk about the drainage transfer project.


Louise King spoke about the Private Sewer Transfer, the transfer of private sewers and lateral drains to ownership of Yorkshire Water.


On 1 October 2011 the transfer took place.  Campaigns had been going on for many years and this was welcomed by many whose sewers ran outside their own property, sometimes under public roads, and could be extremely expensive to repair.  This move is seen to be fairer to all.


The following questions were asked:


Who is responsible for the drainage of surface water?


The response was given that this was often a multi-agency issue, involving the Environment Agency, the City Council and Yorkshire Water.  Yorkshire Water’s responsibility is for sewage removal.


Do you bait sewers for rodents, and if so, how often?


The response was given that Yorkshire Water do bait the sewers, but Louise King was unsure how often this took place.


Who should we contact concerning surface water drains?


The response was given that it was best to contact both the City Council and Yorkshire Water.


Does Yorkshire Water pump water away?


The response was given that it does not.


Is the drainage map publicly available?


The response was given that records are free  for individuals to view concerning their own property but Yorkshire Water may charge for printed records.








Surface water drainage problems in Dunnington

Brian Hebditch from the City of York Council Flood Risk Management Team will talk about the surface water drainage problems in Dunnington last year and drainage matters in the area.


Brian Hebditch, Senior Flood Risk Engineer at the City of York Council, gave a powerpoint presentation and spoke about the surface water drainage issues in Dunnington.


The following points were made:


York is now a Lead Local Flood Authority.


The return period of the heavy flooding in Dunnington on 3 August 2011 is not known.


The pipework in Dunnington is old and the village has expanded without the capacity being sufficiently increased.  New buildings and hard standing collects more water and the old system cannot cope.


The use of soakaways is encouraged wherever there is space and a test proves to be successful.


Flood Report Questionnaires should be filled in whenever flooding occurs.  The public were asked to fill these in and encourage all their neighbours to do the same whenever an incident occurs.


The Flood Risk team are carrying out a report on drainage in Dunnington, which will involve some degree of repair, but funds are limited. It will report to the Ward Committee and to Parish Councils and the content will be available to the public. There is no deadline but it will probably be completed in a few months’ time.


The following questions were asked:


Would our house be prioritised as it is always getting flooded?


The response was given that it would.


Would you like to hear from anyone who has information concerning drains?


The response was given that the Flood Risk team would be interested to receive any such information.


What is the Environment Agency’s role?


The response was given that they are responsible for river flooding and they could be involved with other forms of flooding.







Treemendous York

Treemendous York aim to plant 50,000 trees throughout York in a three to five year period; Wendy Taylor, the project manager, will talk about the benefits of planning more trees in terms of promoting social, environmental and economic sustainability.


Wendy Taylor from Treemendous was not able to attend the meeting, but the Treemendous powerpoint presentation was shown and the following points were made:


Treemendous is a scheme supported by the City of York council, parish councils, Edible York and other partners, aiming to plant 50,000 trees in York over the next three to five years.  It offers advice and expertise in tree-planting.


The public can support the scheme in the following ways:


By planting trees where possible and appropriate.


By donating time, cash, equipment or advice.


By informing Treemendous of suitable sites for tree planting.


By offering time to provide aftercare for newly planted trees.


By letting Treemendous know when trees have been planted by anyone so that they can add it to their tree totaller.  This includes individual trees in gardens as well as groups.


Further information is available from Wendy Taylor on 01904 551474 or





Ward and schemes update

Progress report on this year’s schemes and other issues within the ward.


Cllr Nigel Ayre reported on the progress of Local Improvement Schemes.


The following points were made:


Concerning the painting of the Street lighting in Osbaldwick - work has been ordered.


Concerning the skips in Heworth Without - three skips for Friday 30th March – locations and times will be confirmed.


Concerning the feasibility study to look into appropriate measures for safe access to the road off the cycle route into Dunnington from the A1079 - Tom Blair has been out onsite, looking at the safety access to the road off the cycle route into Dunnington.  The feasibility report is not yet completed.


All other schemes have been done.



Have Your Say

Your chance to ask questions about local issues not covered by the agenda.


A member of the public asked if the “What do we do in Dunnington” Day (2009) could be repeated to cover the whole ward or particular areas.


Responses from councillors and parish councillors were positive regarding this idea but there were no firm conclusions.



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