Agenda and draft minutes
Contact: Jennifer Stanley
No. | Item |
Drop in Surgery 6.30pm The drop in surgery gives you the opportunity to talk with your Councillors, Street Environment Officer, Safer Neighbourhood Police Team, Neighbourhood Management Officer and visiting Speakers in an informal setting.
Main Meeting Starts at 7.30pm
1. Welcome and Minutes.
2. Safer neighbourhood Police Team-update
3. North Yorkshire Fire and Fire Rescue- Allen Bell will talk about what service they can provide to the community.
4. Housing Of Multiple Occupancy (HMOs)- Martin Grainger will present the changes in the legislation of multiple occupancy housing.
5. Local Improvement Schemes- The list of proposed Local Improvement Schemes will be discussed. The last chance to have your say in the decisions on how the 2011/12 budget will be spent.
6. Have Your Say- Your chance to ask question about local issues and concerns.
Minutes: 7.00PM- Drop In Surgery Residents had the opportunity to speak to Councillors Jenny Brooks, Nigel Ayre, and Jonathan Morley. Street Environment Officer , Angus Young, Neighbourhood Management Officer, James Nicholson, and the Safer Neighbourhood Police team were also available talk to in an informal setting.
7.30PM Main Meeting Cllrs Jonathan Morley welcome the residents to the meeting. The Minutes of the last meeting on October the 14th were agreed and signed.
Safer Neighbourhood Police Team The safer neighbourhood teams across the city are being restricted as of March. Response teams are being localised alongside the safer neighbourhood team. Cycle theft continues to be a problem in the ward and across the city. The teams are still doing free cycle security marking as part of Operation Spoke. Residents should contact the team on 08456060247 to arrange an appointment.
North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Fire and Rescue provide Home Fire Risk Check to home across the city. They will offer advice and fit smoke alarms free of charge. To request a Home Fire Risk Check call Fire Safety Advice Line on 01609 788545 or visit the website at
Housing of Multiple Occupancy (HMOs). Martin Grainger, the Principal Development Officer, discussed the recent Local Development Framework working group recommendation to proceed with a city wide article 4 direction to bring HMOs back under planning control. Questions were answered.
Local Improvement Schemes Councillors invited residents to make comments on the provisional list of ward committee funded schemes for 2011-12 published in the January Your Ward. One resident commented on scheme 11-02 , that the organisations does not have a business plan. Cllr Jenny Brooks declared an interest in schemes DHO-11-01,02,03,05,06 and left the room. For the Local Improvement scheme provisional list see the copy of the January edition of the Your Ward 2011
Have Your Say. No further question were raised. Meeting ended.