Agenda and minutes

Contact: Elizabeth Mower 

No. Item




1. The meeting was a series of three surgeries across the three wards. The ward team attended these surgeries on an open top bus. The bus stopped at three locations starting with a 45 minute stop at Dunnington Playing Fields in the Derwent Ward.


Derwent Stop - Minutes


2.1 Ward Councillors Jenny Brooks, Jonathan Morley and Nigel Ayre, attended the first stop at Dunnington Playing Fields as they did each stop after that.


2.2  Also the residents had the chance to speak with representatives from the Neighbourhood Management Unit; James Nicholson, Kate Bowers, and Elizabeth Mower, PCSO’s from the Safer Neighbourhood Team, and Sustainability Projects Officer Noel Collings.


2.3  Thirteen residents attended at this location.


2.4  Residents had the opportunity to take part in the Neighbourhood Action Plan and One City consultation.


2.5 Residents also had the opportunity to discuss any issues they had for the ward team.


Osbaldwick Stop - Minutes


3.1 Ward Councillors Jenny Brooks, Jonathan Morley and Nigel Ayre, attended the 2nd stop at Osbaldwick Primary School.


3.2  Also the residents had the chance to speak with representatives from the Neighbourhood Management Unit; James Nicholson, Kate Bowers, and Elizabeth Mower, PCSO’s from the Safer Neighbourhood Team, and Sustainability Projects Officer Noel Collings.


3.3  Three residents attended at this location.


3.4  Residents had the opportunity to take part in the Neighbourhood Action Plan and One City consultation.


3.5 Residents also had the opportunity to discuss any issues they had for the ward team.


Heworth Without Minutes


4.1 Ward Councillors Jenny Brooks, Jonathan Morley and Nigel Ayre, attended the final stop at Christ Church, Stockton Lane.


4.2  Also the residents had the chance to speak with representatives from the Neighbourhood Management Unit; James Nicholson, Kate Bowers, and Elizabeth Mower, PCSO’s from the Safer Neighbourhood Team, and Sustainability Projects Officer Noel Collings.


4.3  19 residents attended at this location.


4.4 Residents had the opportunity to take part in the Neighbourhood Action Plan and One City consultation.


4.5 Residents also had the opportunity to discuss any issues they had for the ward team.


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