Agenda and minutes

Venue: Christ Church, Stockton Lane

Contact: Virginia Shaw 

No. Item


Drop-in surgery 7.00pm

An opportunity to raise issues informally with your Ward Councillors, Street Environment Officer, members of your Safer Neighbourhoods Policing Team, Waste Strategy, Neighbourhood Management Officer and visiting speakers.


1.1     Local residents had the opportunity to speak with Cllrs Nigel Ayre, Jenny Brooks and Jonathan Morley, Angus Young (Street Environment), Sgt Andy Duffield and PC Paul Fenwick (Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team), Kate Bowers and Virginia Shaw (Neighbourhood Management), Stephen Moulds (Highways) and Jane Taylor (Animal Health).  


Main meeting 7.30pm

Main meeting starting at 7.30pm with the signing of Januarys minutes and an update on action points.


2.1             Cllr. Nigel Ayre thanked residents for attending the meeting, commenting on the higher than usual turnout, and informed them of the location of the fire exits and toilets.  He mentioned that the ward committee is a formal meeting of the council and also advised attendees of the induction loop available in the church.  This necessitated speakers to use the microphone on the lectern and for hearing aid users to turn their aids to the “T” position.

2.2             Cllr. Ayre reminded attendees that copies of the April Your Ward, including the agenda for the meeting, minutes of the previous ward committee meeting, held 3 February 2010, and an evaluation form were available on the table on the way in to the meeting.  He invited comments on the minutes.  There being no comments on the accuracy of the minutes, they were agreed and signed.

2.3             The following update was given on actions arising from the previous meeting (7.1): Osbaldwick barrow man (litter picker) is funded by CYC.  Tranby Avenue is visited weekly by this staff member but the boundary is the roundabout.  Removal of litter in the road side of verges and hedgerows past the garage, B&Q along the main Hull Road is the responsibility of CYC.  It is not removed on any set frequency but on an as and when required basis using resources when available.  Should residents wish to report a build up they can do so on line using self serve forms on the council’s web site or by contacting the York Customer Contact Centre on 01904 551551.  They will then be given a reference number to use to follow up their complaint.

2.4             The dog bin will be replaced within a week.

2.5             In response to a question about the availability of copies of the minutes of the previous meeting, the extraordinary turnout was referred to.


Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team

Hear from your safer Neighbourhood Policing Team and give them feedback about your concerns.


3.1             Sgt Andy Duffield introduced PC Paul Fenwick who had just joined the Team and commented that they are currently up to strength.  The most prevalent crime is cycle theft and Operation Spoke is in place to address this.  It is free and involves use of a UV pen to mark valuables that can then be traced to the owner if they are recovered by the police.

3.2             North Yorkshire is one of the safest places in the country to live.  As far as the wards covered by this ward committee are concerned, in 2009-10 Derwent reported crime was down 13% on the previous year, Heworth Without was down 21% and Osbaldwick 30%.  In total, there were 93 crimes reported, including the theft of a milk bottle.

3.3             The Team are working with partners on crime prevention, including organising community football.  Three weeks of activities are planned for the school summer holidays, using the Derwent School all-weather Muga pitch.

3.4             The following issues were raised by residents:

i.                   Speed warning (vehicle activated) sign seems to flash too early.

ii.                 Telephone number on screen for contacting you (0845 60 60 247): is there a local number we can use?

iii.               Are barbeques on Monk Stray something you would respond to?

iv.                Are there any regular PCSO patrols on Monk Stray/Stockton Lane?

v.                  A 4-5 hour response to a call regarding Elmfield Terrace was quoted regarding loud music: Northallerton did not appear to know location.

vi.                When does your shift end?

vii.              When we have made a call, what should we do while waiting?

viii.            What about police confidentiality?

ix.                Anti-social behaviour is not high on police radar.      

3.5             In response, the following comments were made:

i.                   These signs are funded by CYC – we will feed comment into traffic management.

ii.                 No.  That number is the Control Room and they re-direct calls from Newby Wiske or Fulford Road to individual Teams.

iii.               Yes – anything of concern to you we will review and consider action.

iv.                Yes – the local office at Derwent School has made us more accessible.  We cover a wide area and patrol as much as possible.

v.                  If you can give us precise details, we can follow up.

vi.                It varies, depending on the shift pattern.

vii.              Get as much detail as possible to report to us, including registration numbers and detailed descriptions.  We will report back your dissatisfaction with the response time.

viii.            You can have absolute confidence that the information you give to us will be kept confidential.

ix.                Can assure you anti-social behaviour (ASB) is high on police radar.  When Safer Neighbourhood Policing was introduced 3 years ago, we targeted ASB and as a result there have been dramatic reductions.

3.6             In conclusion, the importance of reporting incidents of ASB was emphasised so that it can be effectively tackled.




Animal Health

Jane Taylor, Dog Warden, will explain what the council and residents can do to help stop dog fouling,


4.1             Jane Taylor, Dog Warden, provided information about the action she and her colleague can take and the penalties available to them to tackle dog fouling.  The team of two also carry out other work, including picking up stray dogs and enforcing the dangerous dogs legislation.

4.2             She made the following points:

It is an offence not to pick up dog faeces from a dog you are in charge of.  No excuses are acceptable, such as that it is not the walker’s dog, being unaware the dog has fouled or not having a suitable means of removing the dirt.  Under 16 year olds cannot be fined: name and address taken and reported to parents/guardians.  If picked up dirt then drop, is a littering offence.

There is a fixed penalty of £50 and failure to pay can lead to prosecution and a fine of up to £1,000 through the Magistrates’ Court.

Because of the limited staff resources, they respond to identified “hot spots”.  Every complaint goes onto a database so that collated information can be used in this way.  Need detailed information (dog, walker and time of day) and informant must witness offence.  It can mean going to court to testify.

Have also reported missing dog bin on Monk Stray. 

4.3             In response to questions, the Dog Warden stated they can work out of usual hours (8.30 till 5pm) with permission of manager if that is when fouling occurs.  Dog bins are emptied by Street Environment Service as and when necessary, in response to reports that bin is full.  Dogs are required to be on lead in areas covered by bye-laws issued by CYC.  These tend to be bus routes and other roads with high volume of traffic: a list can be provided.  There are four breeds covered by the dangerous breeds legislation, though this may be increased.  It is more to do with behaviour than type of dog so attacks should be reported as they can be followed up.  There has been one successful prosecution in 4 years.  Photographic and private CCTV footage is admissible evidence.  All five members of the Animal Health Team can issue fines.  Please report the dog walking business in Dunnington that has been observed letting dogs free in the woods and intimidating other dogs and walkers.

4.4             Jane Taylor was thanked for the information provided.  


City of York Council Highways

Stephan Moulds, Asset Manager, will give an overview of the council’s highways maintenance responsibilities.


5.1             Stephen Moulds, Asset Manager with City of York Council Highways, provided a presentation using powerpoint detailing the work carried out by Highways, with a particular focus on the winter maintenance programme.  The council is responsible for 320 km of roads and 15 km of footpaths.  Four thousand two hundred tons of salt had been used in the worst winter for 30 years, including 20 days of snow and ice.  The policy is being reviewed so residents’ feedback is welcome.

5.2             In response to questions, the following points were made:

Despite some of the press reports at the time, no-one has been sued for clearing the footpath in front of their home.  As long as due care and attention have been used (for example, ensuring as far as possible that all the snow, ice and water are cleared away) there is no liability.

Provide details of drain not cleared and grate cannot be shifted on Elmfield Terrace and it will be inspected.

Tarmac will be used to repair overrun damage to footpaths by cars.

All potholes will be inspected – there has been a back log because of the severe winter and this is almost cleared.

Inspections do not happen automatically and rely on residents providing feedback.

CYC has a duty of care to pedestrians using footpaths at all times, including the severe winter weather.  However, not all paths can be kept clear of snow and ice and busy areas are prioritised.

Obstruction caused by parking on the pavement should be reported to the police (PCSOs).

5.3          Stephen Moulds was thanked for his presentation.  


Have Your Say!

Your chance to ask questions of you Ward Councillors. The meeting will be chaired by Cllr. Nigel Ayre.


6.1          Residents from the Monk Stray area raised issues around the application made by the CYC Events Manager for an entertainments licence covering public open spaces in York, including the Stray.  One event is envisaged for 2010-11 for the Stray.  The application is to CYC as the licensing authority (this was changed in 2003 from the Magistrates’ Court).    Twelve councillors sit on the Licensing Committee and if there is an objection there will be a special hearing consisting of 3 councillors, using a very strict procedure advised by the council’s Legal team.  It is also subject to Judicial Review.  Cllr. Ayre, though a member of the Licensing Committee, will not be involved in the hearing and he offered to advise residents on how to submit an objection.  He emphasised Monk Stray is not being singled out and all public open spaces are being treated in the same way.  He recommended residents contact the Licensing Office for a copy of the consultation document and encouraged them to respond as it is not difficult to get a licence revoked.

6.2          Residents from the Monk Stray area raised issues around the Playbuilder consultation.  In particular, there were concerns about the potential for increasing anti-social behaviour.  Reported incidents are very few (one in 6 months).  £53, 000 has been allocated to the area for play provision for 8 to 13 year olds’ adventurous play.  This is part of Year Two of the funding to York and it must be spent in the current financial year. A first stage consultation event had been held on 23 March on the Stray that attracted a big response, this location was deliberate.  The second stage is for the Playbuilder Project Officer to collate and analyse the responses, discuss with Cllr. Ayre and the Head of Parks and Open Spaces and take the outcome to a further public meeting.  All residents will be informed.  If the result of the consultation is that there is strong opposition, then it will not go ahead on the Stray.  The ultimate decision lies with Cllr. Ayre as the Executive Member concerned.  Although using the money for upgrading or maintenance to existing play areas might be desirable, this work is ineligible and it is a once in a lifetime chance to invest in play in York.  Siting the Playbuilder at Monks Cross would not be appropriate because of the walking distance.  



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