Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Carr Junior School, Ostman Road, YO26 5QA

Contact: Cindy Benton 

No. Item


Ward Surgery


Prior to the start of the formal meeting, residents had the opportunity to speak to the Ward Councillors, the Street Environment Officer and Beat Manager Sgt Andy Chapman. A representative was also present to provide information on the proposal to introduce 20-mile per hour speed limits; and Fiona Williams attended to provide information on the proposal to transfer the libraries and archives service into a community benefit society, a representative from the Customer Centre at the new West Offices.



Update from the local policing team


Sgt Andy Chapman, PCSO Dale, PCSO Lewis provided a verbal update to the meeting and the following points were noted:

·         There had been a reduction in crime of over 20% in the West of York over the last year, which equated to 829 less victims.

·         Incidents of burglary in the Holgate area were down from 123 to 82, and anti-social behaviour incidents were down by 18%.

·         There is a dedicated anti-social behaviour vehicle in operation in the afternoon/evening, which responds to reports in the area.

·         PCSO Dale advised that a high percentage of burglaries which had taken place, had been through unlocked or insecure doors. Residents were asked to remain vigilant and be aware of this.

·         Sgt Chapman advised that victims of crime remained a priority and the Safer Neighbourhood Team continued to work closely with them.

Acomb Police station is now open, and as a result the response time should be much shorter to any call-out, as officers are already in the area. Sgt Chapman advised that the team of officers were very proactive, but were also reliant on information from the public on suspected criminal activity. Also just to remind general public that the telephone number for non-emergencies is 101.

Councillor Horton thanked the Safer Neighbourhood Team for their report,


Future changes of library services


Fiona Williams explained about the future of the library services.

The proposal to transfer the libraries and archives services will be put forward on June the 4th at the next cabinet meeting to decide if this will go ahead.This would mean it would go to chartable status enabling the libraries to apply for different funding grants which at present cannot be applied for as the main funder is City of York Council.  Under this proposal there are no plans to close libraries it will continue to develop and improve service.

·         The model it will be is a ‘Industrial Provident Society’ and should be made up of 2/3 community and 1/3 staff.

·         We are looking at having an Explore at the new community stadium and there are no plans to close any libraries.

·         Libraries will offer the same service and Yorkcards will still be used.

Questions and points raised were;

·         If you are improving the income stream will you charge more?   A) No there will be free reading access as there will an increased income stream through the cafe and room hire.

·         If you are a charitable organisation then who would be the trustees? A) Nobody as we wouldn’t be regulated through the charity commission.

·         What is the Council providing? A)  They are providing the money to do this.

·         Who would employ the staff?   A)  The Provident Society would

·         Why change it when it works wonderfully already?  A)  We have to save £450k and this way it enables to attract more funding, grants and sponsorship.

·         What if the council cut the budget again next year for libraries?  A)  We have asked for this proposal to be part of a 5 year settlement.



20mph limits update


Tom Horner (transport planner) explained about the proposal of 20mph speed limits in residential area across the City has been rolled out for consultation if this is successful visible signs will be placed in the affected areas in the west of the city to encourage car drivers to slow down.

·         Core roads are to stay at 30 but the infill will be 20mph

·         Monitoring of the speed data goes live on Friday

·         If you live in the streets on the plan then consultation packs will be distributed in the next few weeks

·         Once any objections are considered then those in favour will be signed up

·         It is not to congest the traffic it is to encourage slower driving

·         It will bring maximum speeds down by 10mph

Questions and issues raised were;

·         Ostman Road is now 20mph but it doesn’t stop some of them driving at 40 so how is this working?  A)  Tom to chat with colleagues to see if we can do a speed survey here

·         Beckfield lane to remain at 30 apart from the far end.

·         Will Police enforcement happen?  A) Discussions with the police are not yet finalised so not sure yet.

·         Are you aware of any action taken for driving over the 20mph  limit?  A) Not in York but there has been in Oxford.



Have Your Say


Deacon Ian M Cartwright, Lidgett Grove church. Addressed the meeting welcoming any events that are taking place in the area can be advertised in their newsletter, contact details are 07794377321 or email                                                                            



M.O.P enquired how Ward meetings are advertised, Cindy Benton informed the meeting that the dates are published in the free magazine Your Voice; it is also displayed on the York City Council Web site and in display boards on Beckfield Lane, Acomb Front Street and Sovereign Park.

M.O.P enquired how long Belfour Beatty will be working from the old Manor School site as it causing a nuisance in the area? Councillors are looking into this and will feedback information.


M.O.P mentioned a green cable box on the path at the front of Sovereign Park and felt it was not good, Councillor is going to call and see it and see if this is ok or not.


M.O.P enquired if Beckfield Lane skip will be re-open at any time. Councillor  informed the meeting planning permission will soon be submitted for Housing development.




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