Agenda and minutes

Venue: West Offices

Contact: Laura Bootland 

No. Item


Chair pdf icon PDF 146 KB

To elect a Member to act as Chair of the meeting.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:       That Councillor Boyce be elected as Chair.


Declarations of Interest

At this point Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda.


At this point in the meeting, Members were invited to declare any personal, prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interests they had. None were declared.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 68 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of Licensing Hearing held on 22nd April 2013.


RESOLVED:       That the minutes of the Licensing Hearing held on 22 April 2013 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


The Determination of an Application by Sainsburys Supermarket Ltd to Vary a Premises Licence Section 35(3)(a) in respect of Sainsbury's 35-39 The Village, Haxby, York. (CYC-017365) pdf icon PDF 182 KB


Members considered an application by Sainsbury’s for the variation of a premises licence in respect of 35-39 The Village, Haxby.


In coming to their decision, Members took into consideration all of the evidence and submissions that were presented to them and determined their relevance to the issues raised and the licensing objectives.


The following were taken into account:


1.      The application form, in particular the operating schedule conditions.


2.                The Licensing Officer’s report and her comments made at the Hearing. She advised the application was to grant a variation to a premises licence to extend the sale of alcohol to;

·        Between the hours of 06.00 and 24.00 daily from and including the 14 days before Christmas Day, Christmas Day and up to and including the 7 days after Christmas Day.

·        Between the hours of 06.00 and 24.00 daily from and including the Monday prior to Good Friday up to and including the Sunday following Easter Monday.


She also said that the applicants wished to remove all conditions set out in Annex 2 of the premises licence and to replace them with a set of new conditions listed below under the heading Promotion of Licensing Objectives.


3.      Representations made at the hearing by the applicant’s solicitor in which he advised that his client had originally applied for a premises licence to sell alcohol and late night refreshments from 06.00 to 24.00, but had amended this to 07.00 to 11.00 and had withdrawn the proposal for late night refreshments. In addition, he highlighted that to extend hours for the sale of alcohol over holiday periods, and that his client needed to apply for temporary licenses. This did not give local residents a chance to make representations, as these licenses were not granted by a Licensing Committee.


He confirmed that if the variation of the licence was granted, his client would not change the opening hours of the supermarket. In his opinion, if the previous licence, which allowed for the sale of alcohol until 23.00 caused no evident problems with anti social behaviour then the likelihood of problems with an extension of one hour was slim. It was also confirmed that trading before 9 am was not busy.


4.      The representations made by Councillor Ian Cuthbertson both in writing and at the hearing. He advised that although there had been no representations submitted by the Police, that the local area had experienced problems with underage drinkers being sold alcohol, hanging around and fighting in the main shopping area (in particular Ryedale Court).


          He added that although he could not give evidence of anti social behaviour in the past two years, that litter and parking problems that could be caused by the extended hours would cause a nuisance to local residents. Finally, he felt that this application would encourage other businesses located in The Village to apply for similar variation licences.


5.      Written representations made during the consultation period.


The Sub Committee were presented with the following options:


Option 1     Grant the variation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


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