Agenda and minutes
Venue: The Guildhall
Contact: Tracy Wallis
No. | Item |
To elect a Member to act as Chair of the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: That Councillor Horton be elected to act as Chair of the meeting. |
Declarations of Interest At this point Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda. Minutes: Members were invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interests in any of the business on the agenda. None were declared. |
Additional documents:
Minutes: Members considered an application by Alan Stephen Robinson to vary a premises licence at The Lighthorseman, 124 Fulford Road, York, YO10 4BE.
In coming to their decision the Sub-Committee took into consideration all the evidence and submissions that were presented and determined their relevance to the issues raised and the licensing objective, the prevention of public nuisance, including:
The Sub-committee agreed to grant the variation of the premises licence with the following conditions:
· Sunday to Thursday The beer garden must be vacated, cleaned and cleared by 23:00 hours · Friday and Saturday the beer garden must be vacated, cleaned and cleared by midnight. · A sign must be placed on the door to the beer garden asking customers to leave quietly.
All conditions offered by the Applicant in the application, including the operating schedule, for variation of the premises licence under the Licensing Act 2003, shall be included in the licence, unless contradictory to the above conditions. |