Agenda and minutes

Venue: Guildhall

Contact: Jill Pickering  Democracy Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda.


The Chair invited Members to declare at this point any personal or prejudicial interests they might have in the business on the agenda. It was agreed that these standing declarations would be listed and attached to the agenda for future meetings.


Councillor Kirk declared a standing declaration as a governor of York Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.


Councillor Fraser declared standing declaration as a governor of the York Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.


Councillor Moore declared a standing declaration as his wife worked in the Health Service.


Councillor Wiseman declared a standing declaration as she was to be appointed as a governor of the York Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the last meeting of the Committee held on 11 June 2007.


RESOLVED:             That the minutes of the last meeting of the Health Scrutiny Committee held on 11 June 2007 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


Public Participation

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the Committees remit can do so. Anyone who wishes to register or requires further information is requested to contact the Democracy Officer on the contact details listed at the foot of this agenda. The deadline for registering is Friday 27 July 2007 at 5.00pm.


It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


Yorkshire Ambulance Service

To receive a presentation from Mark Inman of the Bicycle Paramedic Service.


Members received a presentation from Mark Inman, one of the Bicycle Paramedics from the York Ambulance Service. He detailed the history of the York Ambulance Service whose aim in April 2001 had been to reach a casualty within 8 minutes and this had been met 75% of the time. He confirmed that it had however been a struggle to achieve this standard. The cycling paramedic had originally been trialled for 16 weeks with little finance or equipment to work in the city centre. Sponsorship had subsequently been received in the form of two bikes, clothing, equipment and maintenance, together with mobile phones, printing and with the help of City of York Council the service had been launched with a start date of 1 May 2001.


It had been found that the Ambulance Station on Shipton Road was not an ideal base for the service so this had now transferred to the centre of the city. He confirmed that a “Your Opinion Counts” survey of the service had been undertaken which had been handed to patients, bystanders, relatives etc which had shown over 90% satisfaction, 20% of ambulances had been stood down and on 98% of occasions the paramedic had been on the scene of a call with 8 minutes. He and his colleagues now covered areas beyond the city walls, which had included the Designer Outlet, Acomb and Haxby.


In answer to Members questions he confirmed that there were 10 trained cycling paramedics but that only one was on duty at any one time and that they provided a 7 day a week service. This was quicker, cheaper, cleaner, environmentally friendly and provided exercise for the team.


The Chair thanked him for his informative and entertaining presentation


Work Planning for Health Scrutiny 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 34 KB

This report asks Members to confirm their work planning programme for the 2007/08 municipal year.


Members considered a report, which asked them to confirm their work planning programme for the 2007/08 municipal year.


The Scrutiny Officer referred to the Regional Health Scrutiny Event to be held at the Thackray Medical Museum in Leeds on 28 September at which 4 places were available for Members and Officers. Councillors Fraser and Wiseman had confirmed their attendance and Cllr Moore had shown interest in attending.


A draft agenda was circulated for the work planning seminar arranged for Members on 22 August, for information. The Scrutiny Officer confirmed that one of the partners; the Strategic Health Authority would also be represented on that date.


In answer to questions the Chair and Scrutiny Officer confirmed that there would be time available at the end of the planning seminar for Members independent discussion on areas they wished to scrutinise.


Members also questioned bringing forward items from the previous years work plan, which they required updates on which included, dental services in York and a review of the podiatry service.


RESOLVED:            i)            That Bill Hodson, Director of Housing and Adult Social Services be invited to attend  the meeting on 24 September to discuss how health scrutiny can contribute to the work of the Healthy City Board and the local area agreement.

ii)            That the Committee is represented by up to 4 members at the Regional Health Scrutiny Event to be held on 28 September at the Thackray Medical Museum in Leeds.

iii)            That Members note the facilitated work planning event to be held on August 22 at Clifton Moor Church and Community Centre. This will help determine the major issues affecting all health partners and the York public and establish a prioritised work plan for this Committee for the remainder of the municipal year.

iv)                That Members agree to hold a wider Community Engagement Day to be held in October 2007.  This will enable the Committee to listen to all voluntary and community groups and consider how to incorporate their views and expertise into the planned work.


REASON:                              In order to carry out their duty to promote the health needs of the people they represent.


York Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Governors pdf icon PDF 28 KB

This report introduces a verbal update from Cllrs Fraser and Kirk on their role as governors of York Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.


Members received a presentation from Councillor Fraser on behalf of Councillor Kirk and himself as Governors of York Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. A copy of the presentation is attached as an annex to these minutes.


The presentation covered the following points

·        Foundation Trust Status

·        What is an NHS Foundation Trust

·        What are the potential benefits for York Hospital and the Communities it serves

·        Our Vision for Services

·        Proposed Governance Arrangements

·        Members Trust

·        Members Council

·        Constituencies

·        Roles of the Members Council

·        Responsibilities of Governors

·        Practicalities of Governorship

·        Becoming a Governor

·        Working with the Directors

·        A Foundation Trust in York


Arising out of the presentation Members questioned whether the Committee, as part of its scrutiny topic, could keep under review ward space at York District Hospital. It was pointed out that a watching brief should also be kept on the integration of the Accident and Emergency and Out of Hours service which it was hoped would lead to cuts in waiting time.


York Hospitals Patient and Public Involvement Forum pdf icon PDF 28 KB

This report introduces a verbal update from Councillors Funnell and Wiseman who recently attended a meeting of the York Hospitals Patient and Public Involvement Forum (PPIF).


Councillor Funnell, on behalf of Councillor Wiseman and herself, gave a verbal update on a recent meeting of the York Hospitals Patient and Public Involvement Forum (PPIF).


Cllr Funnell confirmed that the meeting had been a useful lively discussion on the various services and future roles. Discussions had included maternity provision for home births for which there appeared to be insufficient midwives to cover.


Members agreed that the updates had been very useful but that short written updates would be preferable in future to keep Members informed of the various bodies work.  

York Hospital FoundationTrust Governors pdf icon PDF 400 KB


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