Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall, York

Contact: Jill Pickering  Democracy Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda.


Members were invited to declare at this point in the meeting any personal or prejudicial interests they might have in the business on the agenda.


Councillor Hyman declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in agenda item 6 (2007/08 Economic Development Finance and Performance Outturn) as the Council’s representative on the Board.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 51 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel held on 17 March 2008.


RESOLVED:             That the minutes of the last meeting of the Panel held on 17 March 2008 be approved and signed by the Chair and the Executive Members as a correct record.


Public Participation

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the Panel’s remit can do so. Anyone who wishes to register or requires further information is requested to contact the Democracy Officer on the contact details listed at the foot of this agenda. The deadline for registering is Friday 30 May 2008 at 5pm.


It was reported that there had been two registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme, from Local Members.


Councillor Watt spoke regarding agenda item 4 (Update on Petition Regarding Anti Social Behaviour). He confirmed that the recommendations had the 100% support of the residents and he confirmed details of anti-social behaviour carried out by a small minority of young people in the area. He suggested that if the problems were not resolved that consideration should be given to the relocation of the children’s play area.


Councillor Holvey spoke regarding agenda item 10 (Public Rights of Way – Review of Request to Restrict Public Pedestrian Rights Over an Alleyway Leading from Mayfield Grove to St Helen’s Road, Dringhouses). He confirmed that he represented all the Dringhouses and Woodthorpe Ward Members in supporting in principle the making of a Conditional Gating Order to restrict public access along this alleyway. He also pointed out that the reported crimes detailed in the report did not give the full picture as numerous incidents had gone unreported by residents.


Update on Petition Regarding Anti-Social Behaviour pdf icon PDF 45 KB

This report advises Members of the actions taken by various agencies since 14th January 2008 to address anti-social behaviour in Rawcliffe.  This is an update report following the initial report on actions taken in response to receipt of a petition by residents.

Additional documents:


Members received a report, which advised them of actions taken by various agencies since 14 January 2008 to address anti-social behaviour in Rawcliffe. This was an update report following an initial report on actions taken in response to receipt of a petition by residents.


A multi-agency problem solving meeting involving the Ward Councillor, representatives from the Safer Neighbourhoods Policing Team, City of York Council Youth Services and Safer York Partnerships had been held in November 2007 to develop an action plan. Consideration was also given to the updated action plan, which had been prepared following a further meeting on 23 April 2008.


Arising out of this action plan the Safer York Partnership’s Architectural Liaison Officer had outlined a number of options that could be considered to “design out” some of the problems of anti-social behaviour in the area. These included control of the access, provision of fencing and a lockable gate at the children’s play area, security of the skate park and the provision of a youth shelter.


Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Leader to:

i) Note the action to date as outlined in the revised plan attached at Annex 1

ii) Address the recommendations made by the Safer York Partnership as follows:

Recommendation 1:

That an application be made for Target Hardening funding to provide a suitable kissing gate aimed at reducing access for motor vehicles

Recommendation 2:

That the local Ward Committee, Parish Council, recreation grounds management committee and local residents be consulted on whether an application should be made to the Ward Committee, Target Hardening and Safer York Partnership to provide funding to increase the height of the fencing around the children’s play ground, provide a lockable gate and to contract Mayfair Security - or other suitable agency - to undertake to lock the gate during the evening/overnight.

Recommendation 3:

Note that Barratts are now securing the skateboard park at night and requests the Parish Council, Ward Committee and recreation ground management committee to review the effectiveness of this policy as and when the skateboard park is adopted for maintenance purposes by the Council.

Recommendation 4:

That further consideration be given, following full consultation with relevant agencies and local residents, to the placement of a youth shelter in the area following an analysis of patterns and levels of behaviour which develop when the recommendations above have been implemented.


Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To address anti-social behaviour in Rawcliffe.


Members received a report, which advised them of actions taken by various agencies since 14 January 2008 to address anti-social behaviour in Rawcliffe. This was an update report following an initial report on actions taken in response to receipt of a petition by residents.


A multi-agency problem solving meeting involving the Ward Councillor, representatives from the Safer Neighbourhoods Policing Team, City of York Council Youth Services and Safer York Partnerships had been held in November 2007 to develop an action plan. Consideration was also given to the updated action plan, which had been prepared following a further meeting on 23 April 2008.


Arising out of this action plan the Safer York Partnership’s Architectural Liaison Officer had outlined a number of options that could be considered to “design out” some of the problems of anti-social behaviour in the area. These included control of the access, provision of fencing and a lockable gate at the children’s play area, security of the skate park and the provision of a youth shelter.


The Director of the Safer York Partnership circulated a plan at the meeting, which indicated the siting of the proposed kissing gates and the area around the play park where the fencing height would be increased. It was reported that the two gates would cost £5000 and a further £5000 for fencing. She updated that between the period 14.01.08 and 05.05.08 there had been 23 reported anti-social behaviour incidents in this area registered as low level nuisance incidents. She also confirmed that of 155 incidents reported overall in the Ward, 13% related to Rawcliffe Recreation Ground. Barratts were willing to secure the skateboard park in the evening until the City of York Council formally adopted the development. Officers were to investigate the possibility of using the caretaker from the adjacent Community Centre to assist with the locking of the skateboard park following its adoption.


A list of amended recommendations was circulated at the meeting, which included fuller consultation with all concerned. Photographs of the play area and skateboard park were also circulated for member’s information.


Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Leader to:

i) Note the action to date as outlined in the revised plan attached at Annex 1

ii) Address the recommendations made by the Safer York Partnership as follows:

Recommendation 1:

That an application be made for Target Hardening funding to provide a suitable kissing gate aimed at reducing access for motor vehicles. 1.

Recommendation 2:

That the local Ward Committee, Parish Council, recreation grounds management committee and local residents be consulted on whether an application should be made to the Ward Committee, Target Hardening and Safer York Partnership to provide funding to increase the height of the fencing around the children’s play ground, provide a lockable gate and to contract Mayfair Security - or other suitable agency - to undertake to lock the gate during the evening/overnight. 2.

Recommendation 3:

Note that Barratts are now securing the skateboard park at night and requests  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


2007/08 Chief Executive's Finance and Performance Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 67 KB

This report presents draft outturn figures for the Chief Executive’s Directorate for capital and revenue expenditure for the financial year 2007/08, and outturn (2007/08) performance against target for a number of key indicators, that are made up of Best Value Performance Indicators, Customer First targets (letter answering and telephone calls) and Staff Management Targets (sickness absence).

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report which set out the following data from the Chief Executives Directorate:

a)     the outturn figures for revenue expenditure for the portfolio,

b)     outturn (2007/08) performance against target for a number of key indicators made up of:

·  Best Value Performance Indicators owned by the Chief Executive Directorate

·  Customer First targets (letter answering and telephone calls)

·  Staff Management Targets (sickness absence)


The outturn for 2007/08 showed a small overspend of £3k for the directorate against a gross budget of £9,709k.

 Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Leader be advised to approve the financial and performance position of the Chief Executive’s portfolio.


Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.


Consideration was given to a report, which set out the following data from the Chief Executives Directorate:

a)     the outturn figures for revenue expenditure for the portfolio,

b)     outturn (2007/08) performance against target for a number of key indicators made up of:

·        Best Value Performance Indicators owned by the Chief Executive Directorate

·        Customer First targets (letter answering and telephone calls)

·        Staff Management Targets (sickness absence)

The outturn for 2007/08 showed a small overspend of £3k for the directorate against a gross budget of £9,709k.

Members questioned:

·        the reasons for Print Unit losses;

·        expressed concern at the vacancies in Scrutiny Service;

·        long delays with the Coroners Service;

·        concerns that if the Chief Executives department had been fully resourced the overspend would have been far greater.

Officers confirmed that details regarding the vacancies in Scrutiny Services would be emailed to members. 1.

 Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Leader be advised to approve the financial and performance position of the Chief Executive’s portfolio.


Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:       That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.


2007/08 Economic Development Finance and Performance Outturn pdf icon PDF 58 KB

This report presents draft outturn figures for Economic Development for capital and revenue expenditure for the financial year 2007/08, and outturn (2007/08) performance against target for a number of key indicators, that are made up of Best Value Performance Indicators, Customer First targets (letter answering and telephone calls) and Staff Management Targets (sickness absence).

Additional documents:


Members considered the Economic Development draft outturn figures for capital and revenue expenditure, together with the outturn performance against target for a number of key indicators for 2007/08.


The latest approved budget for Economic Development for the year was £2,359k. The provisional outturn expenditure was £2,343k a gross underspend of £-16 against the latest approved budget which represented a variation of –0.1% on the portfolio’s net budget.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Leader be advised to:


i)                    Note the Economic Development provisional performance and revenue and capital outturn for 2007/08.


ii)       Approve the carry forward of budget as detailed in paragraph 14, subject to the approval of the Executive.


Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.






Members considered the Economic Development draft outturn figures for capital and revenue expenditure, together with the outturn performance against target for a number of key indicators for 2007/08.


The latest approved budget for Economic Development for the year was £2,359k. The provisional outturn expenditure was £2,343k a gross underspend of £-16 against the latest approved budget, which represented a variation of –0.1% on the portfolio’s net budget.


Officers confirmed that the main problem area was the shortfall on Newgate market tolls but that this was against a general decline in markets.  A request was made to carry over a £15k underspend to enable to undertake a proactive service with respect to indigenous property enquiries, including those for retail premises.


Members expressed concern at the shortfall in market tolls and questioned the introduction of casual user rates and the examination of good practice elsewhere to encourage the appearance of a vibrant market. Officers confirmed that they were in regular contact with traders and had recently held a market awareness day.


In answer Members questions Officers confirmed that they would need to commission a special piece of work to find out the number of people in York employed locally including their pay grade.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Leader be advised to:


i)                    Note the Economic Development provisional performance and revenue and capital outturn for 2007/08.


ii)         Approve the carry forward of budget as detailed in paragraph 14, subject to the approval of the Executive. 1.



Decision of the Executive Leader


RESOLVED:       That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures.






Petition Against the Proposed Clifton Gate Eco-town pdf icon PDF 66 KB

This report considers a petition submitted by Councillor Moore on behalf of the residents of Skelton, Rawcliffe and Clifton Without, opposing the Clifton Gate Eco-town proposal. The report sets out the Council’s view that the correct way to consider any longer term major proposals for meeting housing need in York should be in a strategic way, through the democratic planning processes and involving significant public consultation. 


Consideration was given to a report, which examined a petition submitted by Councillor Moore on behalf of the residents of Skelton, Rawcliffe and Clifton Without, opposing the Clifton Gate Eco-town proposal. The report set out the Council’s view that the correct way to consider any longer term major proposals for meeting housing need in York should be in a strategic way, through the democratic planning processes and involving significant public consultation.




Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to:


i)                    Note the contents of the report.


ii)                  Re-affirm the Council's view that longer term proposals for meeting housing need in York should be considered in a strategic way, through the democratic planning processes and involving significant public consultation.


iii)                 That the lead petitioner be advised of the outcome of this report.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:    i) So that members are aware of the latest position regarding Eco-towns and the Council’s concerns about the Clifton Gate submission as expressed to the Secretary of State.


ii)To acknowledge the key role that local democratic processes should play in determining longer-term proposals for meeting housing need in York.


Consideration was given to a report, which examined a petition submitted by Councillor Moore on behalf of the residents of Skelton, Rawcliffe and Clifton Without, opposing the Clifton Gate Eco-town proposal. The report set out the Council’s view that the correct way to consider any longer term major proposals for meeting housing need in York should be in a strategic way, through the democratic planning processes and involving significant public consultation.


Officers updated that four sites had now been shortlisted by the Leeds City Region as possible sites for an eco town, and that all these sites were in the Selby District Council area. It was confirmed that the Leeds City Region Study would be presenting its findings by the end of June.


Members expressed concern that the manner in which the private sector bid was submitted for the Clifton Gate Eco-town with no consultation with the City of York Council or with local residents or other interests in the city.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to:


i)                    Note the contents of the report.


ii)                  Re-affirm the Council's view that longer term proposals for meeting housing need in York should be considered in a strategic way, through the democratic planning processes and involving significant public consultation.


iii)                 That the lead petitioner be advised of the outcome of this report. 1.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:       That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:    i)      So that members are aware of the latest position regarding Eco-towns and the Council’s concerns about the Clifton Gate submission as expressed to the Secretary of State.


ii)   To acknowledge the key role that local democratic processes should play in determining longer-term proposals for meeting housing need in York.


Petition from Residents of Howe Hill Road and Poppleton Road Asking for Resurfacing and Lighting of the Alleyway Behind Their Homes pdf icon PDF 42 KB

This report is in response to a petition presented to Full Council by Councillor Bowgett on 24 January 2008 signed by 31 residents of the Howe Hill Road and Poppleton Road area that have direct access to the alleyway.  The petition calls on the Council to resurface and provide lighting on the alleyway which leads behind their homes onto Poppleton Road.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report in response to a petition presented to Full Council by Councillor Bowgett on 24 January 2008, signed by 31 residents of the Howe Hill Road and Poppleton Road areas, which represented 17 properties, from a total of 31, that had direct access to the alleyway.


Members then considered the following Options:


Option 1 – Members may ask officers to carry out a resurfacing/reconstruction scheme from within our approved programme of works for 2008/09 (Emap 17th March 2008) which would require removing a scheme, of equivalent value, from the approved programme.

Option 2 – Members may note and agree that officers arrange to make safe any defects that breach the Council’s intervention levels, monitor the condition of the alleyway and assess it later in the year, along with all the other rear lanes, for a possible inclusion within the budget allocation.

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to:


i)                    Approve Option 2 subject to the funding being made by the Ward Committee to complete the street lighting scheme.


ii)                  Request the Ward Committee to fund the completion of the street lighting scheme.


iii)                 That the lead petitioner be notified of the decision of the Advisory   Panel.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To ensure works are carried out on a needs and worst first basis and to avoid any new works being damaged by subsequent street lighting improvements.


Members considered a report in response to a petition presented to Full Council by Councillor Bowgett on 24 January 2008, signed by 31 residents of the Howe Hill Road and Poppleton Road areas, which represented 17 properties, from a total of 31, that had direct access to the alleyway.


Members then considered the following Options:


Option 1 – Members may ask officers to carry out a resurfacing/reconstruction scheme from within our approved programme of works for 2008/09 (Emap 17th March 2008) which would require removing a scheme, of equivalent value, from the approved programme.

Option 2 – Members may note and agree that officers arrange to make safe any defects that breach the Council’s intervention levels, monitor the condition of the alleyway and assess it later in the year, along with all the other rear lanes, for a possible inclusion within the budget allocation.

In answer to questions Officers confirmed that the resurfacing of this lane was a low priority as there were a number of lanes in a far worse condition. Usage was taken into account but they were not aware that this lane was commonly used by local residents. Photographs showing the condition of the lane were circulated at the meeting.

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to:


i)                     Approve Option 2 subject to the funding being made by the Ward Committee to complete the street lighting scheme. 1.


ii)                  Request the Ward Committee to fund the completion of the street lighting scheme. 2.


iii)                That the lead petitioner be notified of the decision of the Advisory   Panel. 3.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:       That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To ensure works are carried out on a needs and worst first basis and to avoid any new works being damaged by subsequent street lighting improvements.


Public Rights of Way - Petition Seeking the Addition of Dead Man's Alley, Clifton to the List of Streets Maintainable at the Public Expense pdf icon PDF 45 KB

This report is in response to the receipt of a petition, signed by 78 residents of Clifton and surrounding areas, requesting that the path known as Dead Man’s Alley be adopted by the Council.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report prepared in response to a petition signed by 78 residents of Clifton and the surrounding areas, requesting that the path known as Dead Man’s Alley be adopted by the Council.


It was reported that due to its location, within the former County Borough of York, it appeared likely that the path had been maintained by the Highway Authority for many years and that it had been missed off the List of Streets Maintainable at the Public Expense (LoS). It was therefore recommended that the path should be added to the List of Streets with immediate effect and the Council become responsible for its maintenance.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to authorise the immediate addition of Dead Man’s Alley to the List of Streets maintainable at public expense.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To enable the alleyway to be maintained to a standard commensurate with its use.


Consideration was given to a report prepared in response to a petition signed by 78 residents of Clifton and the surrounding areas, requesting that the path known as Dead Man’s Alley be adopted by the Council.


It was reported that due to its location, within the former County Borough of York, it appeared likely that the path had been maintained by the Highway Authority for many years and that it had been missed off the List of Streets Maintainable at the Public Expense (LoS). It was therefore recommended that the path should be added to the List of Streets with immediate effect and the Council become responsible for its maintenance.


Members thanked Officers for their report and the speedy resolution to this request.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to authorise the immediate addition of Dead Man’s Alley to the List of Streets maintainable at public expense. 1.


Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:       That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To enable the alleyway to be maintained to a standard commensurate with its use.


Public Rights of Way - Review of Request to Restrict Public Pedestrian Rights Over an Alleyway Leading from Mayfield Grove to St Helen's Road, Dringhouses pdf icon PDF 38 KB

This report follows up a request made by the Executive Members and Advisory Panel in January 2007 to identify a practical option for implementing a Conditional Gating Order (CGO) on the alleyway leading from Mayfield Grove to St Helen’s Road, Dringhouses, once the Council’s Gating Order Policy had been adopted. 

Additional documents:


Members considered a report which followed up the Advisory Panel’s request in January 2007, to identify a practical option for implementing a Conditional Gating Order (CGO) on the alleyway leading from Mayfield Grove to St Helen’s Road, Dringhouses, once the Council’s Gating Order Policy had been adopted.


The report sought approval in principle, to a CGO being made in order to restrict public access along the above alley at certain times of the day, subject to a further report, giving details of how this would be implemented, being approved at a later date. Members were reminded that when the residents petition had first been considered it had been recognised that there was a case for closure on crime/anti-social behaviour grounds but as the snicket was well used during the day a CGO would be the most practical solution.


Members then considered the following options:


Option A:  Do not approve, in principle, a Conditional Gating Order being made to restrict public access along the alleyway in question.


Option B: Approve, in principle, to a Conditional Gating Order being made to restrict public access along the alleyway in question.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to approve Option B and agree in principle, to a Conditional Gating Order being made to restrict public access along the alleyway in question, subject to a further report to the Advisory Panel identifying a workable and affordable solution for the opening and closing of the gates.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To aid the prevention of crime and anti-social behaviour in the area. 


Members considered a report which followed up the Advisory Panel’s request in January 2007, to identify a practical option for implementing a Conditional Gating Order (CGO) on the alleyway leading from Mayfield Grove to St Helen’s Road, Dringhouses, once the Council’s Gating Order Policy had been adopted.


The report sought approval in principle, to a CGO being made in order to restrict public access along the above alley at certain times of the day, subject to a further report, giving details of how this would be implemented, being approved at a later date. Members were reminded that when the residents petition had first been considered it had been recognised that there was a case for closure on crime/anti-social behaviour grounds but as the snicket was well used during the day a CGO would be the most practical solution.


Members then considered the following options:


Option A:  Do not approve, in principle, a Conditional Gating Order being made to restrict public access along the alleyway in question.


Option B: Approve, in principle, to a Conditional Gating Order being made to restrict public access along the alleyway in question.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to approve Option B and agree in principle, to a Conditional Gating Order being made to restrict public access along the alleyway in question, subject to a further report to the Advisory Panel identifying a workable and affordable solution for the opening and closing of the gates. 1.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:       That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To aid the prevention of crime and anti-social behaviour in the area. 


Traffic Calming Measures on Penyghent Avenue, Burnholme, York pdf icon PDF 46 KB

This report advises Members of the outcome of consultation with local residents on a proposal to introduce additional traffic calming measures on Penyghent Avenue. Based on the feedback from this consultation, plus accident and traffic speed data, the report recommends that no further action be taken.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report which advised Members of the outcome of consultation with local residents on a proposal to introduce additional traffic calming measures on Penyghent Avenue.

Officers reported that the accident and speed data made the possible introduction of additional traffic calming measures on Penyghent Avenue a low priority. They also pointed out that feedback from residents consultation revealed that more respondents were against the idea of additional traffic calming measures than were in favour and Officers therefore recommended that no further action be taken.

Consideration was given to the following Options:

Option 1 - Reject the possible introduction of additional traffic calming measures on Penyghent Avenue.

Option 2 -  Support the introduction of traffic calming measures on Penyghent Avenue, and request that a scheme proposal be put forward for consideration within the development of the Local Transport Plan (LTP) Capital Programme for 2009/10. 


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to:

i)                    Note the outcome of the residents consultation survey;

ii)                  Reject the possible introduction of additional traffic calming measures on Penyghent Avenue.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To respond to the outcome of public consultation and to ensure that Local Transport Plan funding is put to best use.


Consideration was given to a report, which advised Members of the outcome of consultation with local residents on a proposal to introduce additional traffic calming measures on Penyghent Avenue.

Officers reported that the accident and speed data made the possible introduction of additional traffic calming measures on Penyghent Avenue a low priority. They also pointed out that feedback from residents consultation revealed that more respondents were against the idea of additional traffic calming measures than were in favour and Officers therefore recommended that no further action be taken.

Officers reported receipt of one additional late response in relation to the consultation expressing their strong opposition to the scheme, this increase the number of strongly opposed residents to 21. Officers also confirmed that results from the consultation exercise in connection with proposed parking restrictions near the Fifth Avenue junction, adjacent to the school, would be reported back shortly.

Consideration was given to the following Options:

Option 1 - Reject the possible introduction of additional traffic calming measures on Penyghent Avenue.

Option 2 - Support the introduction of traffic calming measures on Penyghent Avenue, and request that a scheme proposal be put forward for consideration within the development of the Local Transport Plan (LTP) Capital Programme for 2009/10. 


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to:

i)                    Note the outcome of the residents consultation survey;

ii)                  Reject the possible introduction of additional traffic calming measures on Penyghent Avenue. 1.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:       That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To respond to the outcome of public consultation and to ensure that Local Transport Plan funding is put to best use.


Highway Drainage - Survey and Repair pdf icon PDF 46 KB

This report provides information to demonstrate how the £200k, allocated in 2008/09 for the survey and repair of drainage systems, will be spent. 


Members considered a report which provided information on how the £200k, allocated in 2008/09 for the survey and repair of drainage systems would be spent. Officers were to gather information on highway standing water problems from a variety of sources, to identify the locations most in need of treatment and to arrange for a programme of repair works to be carried out.




Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to approve the proposal in this report to enable the survey and repair works, to assist in alleviating localised highway flooding and standing water problems in 2008/09, to be completed.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To ensure delivery of highway maintenance services in an efficient and cost effective manner.


Members considered a report, which provided information on how the £200k, allocated in 2008/09 for the survey and repair of drainage systems would be spent. Officers were to gather information on highway standing water problems from a variety of sources, to identify the locations most in need of treatment and to arrange for a programme of repair works to be carried out.


Officers updated that information had now been gathered from a variety of sources and that all this data was now being consolidated into a single database. It was confirmed that information on areas where there were persistent drainage problems would be available by the end of the month and that copies would be forwarded to Members. 1.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to approve the proposal in this report to enable the survey and repair works, to assist in alleviating localised highway flooding and standing water problems in 2008/09, to be completed. 2.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To ensure delivery of highway maintenance services in an efficient and cost effective manner.


City Strategy Directorate Plan 2008/09 - 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 47 KB

This report asks the Executive Member to approve the City Strategy Directorate Plan for 2008/09 – 2010/11. The document outlines a set of priorities for City Strategy, and for each priority sets out a small number of key actions and performance indicators.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the City Strategy Directorate Plan for 2008/09 – 2010/11 which outlined a set of priorities for City Strategy and for each priority a number of key actions and performance indicators had been set.


The purpose of the Directorate Plan was to:


·         communicate a common direction for City Strategy.

·         set out the directorate priorities for the medium term (1-3) years. 

·         demonstrate how we will contribute to the shared vision of the authority.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to:

i)                    Approve the City Strategy Directorate Plan.

ii)                  Request a report back to a future meeting on the City Towns bid together with an update on the 2008/09 Cycling Target.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To provide strategic direction for the Directorate and to act as a consolidated reference point for Service Managers and to put in place an important element in improving the directorate’s performance management and monitoring arrangements.


Consideration was given to the City Strategy Directorate Plan for 2008/09 – 2010/11 which outlined a set of priorities for City Strategy and for each priority a number of key actions and performance indicators had been set.


The purpose of the Directorate Plan was to:


·         communicate a common direction for City Strategy.

·         set out the directorate priorities for the medium term (1-3) years. 

·         demonstrate how we will contribute to the shared vision of the authority.


Officers reported that a number of points in the report had now been overtaken by events e.g. Reference to Highway PFI which could now be removed from the report and inclusion of reference to the production of the 5 year Carbon Management Strategic Implementation Plan.


Members also referred to updating in the following areas:

  • Sustainable Community Strategy (page 153) amend “agreed in April 2004” to 2008.
  • CS7 Delivery of Local Transport Plan (page 165) to update target in light of the City Towns bid.
  • Organisational Development Priorities (pages 162/163) no targets set in a number of these areas. Officers confirmed that following completion of job evaluation/pay and grading that targets would be set in these areas. Officers confirmed that once set this information be made available to Members. 1.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to:

i)                     Approve the City Strategy Directorate Plan. 2.

ii)                  Request a report back to a future meeting on the City Towns bid together with an update on the 2008/09 Cycling Target. 3.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To provide strategic direction for the Directorate and to act as a consolidated reference point for Service Managers and to put in place an important element in improving the directorate’s performance management and monitoring arrangements.


2007/08 City Strategy Finance and Performance Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 92 KB

This report presents draft outturn figures for City Strategy for capital and revenue expenditure for the financial year 2007/08, and outturn (2007/08) performance against target for a number of key indicators, that are made up of Best Value Performance Indicators, Customer First targets (letter answering and telephone calls) and Staff Management Targets (sickness absence).

Additional documents:


Members considered this report which presented two sets of data from the City Strategy Directorate:


a)     the outturn figures for revenue expenditure and capital expenditure for the City Strategy portfolio,

b)     outturn (2007/08) performance against target for a number of key indicators that are made up of:

·  Best Value Performance Indicators owned by City Strategy

·  Customer First targets (letter answering and telephone calls)

·  Staff Management Targets (sickness absence)


It was reported that the overall outturn position showed a provisional £-49 underspend. A carry forward request for the waste project work that had not been completed at 31 March totalling £31k. If the request was approved the overall overspend within the City Strategy portfolio to support council reserves totalled £18k.


The budget carry forward request was in order to complete projects for which funding had been set aside in 2007/08 but which were unable to be completed within the year.



Waste PFI

York has joined up with its neighbouring authorities to find a long-term solution to deal with waste. Slight delays in the project means that some of the work which will need to be carried out has been deferred to 2008/09.


Total Requested Carry Forwards












Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to approve the financial and performance position of the portfolio and the carry forward request of £31k set out in paragraph 55, subject to the approval of the Executive.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures


Members considered this report, which presented two sets of data from the City Strategy Directorate:


a)     the outturn figures for revenue expenditure and capital expenditure for the City Strategy portfolio,

b)     outturn (2007/08) performance against target for a number of key indicators that are made up of:

·        Best Value Performance Indicators owned by City Strategy

·        Customer First targets (letter answering and telephone calls)

·        Staff Management Targets (sickness absence)


It was reported that the overall outturn position showed a provisional £-49 under spend. A request was made for a carry forward of £31k for the waste project work that had not been completed at 31 March. If the request was approved the overall overspend within the City Strategy portfolio to support council reserves would amount to £18k. The budget carry forward request was in order to complete projects for which funding had been set aside in 2007/08 but which were unable to be completed within the year.

Members questioned which was the correct number of days for the corporate average of sickness absence 10.20days or 9.54 days both referred to in the report. Officers confirmed that the correct figure was 9.54 days, which would be updated.

In answer to Members questions, Officers confirmed that there had been high long term sickness levels amongst parking attendants but that recent improvements would result in better enforcement of regulations. They also referred to PI BVPI 99ai (The number of people killed or seriously injured (KSI) in road traffic collisions) a national indicator and confirmed that extensive road safety initiatives had been undertaken on targeted groups over the past year. The provisional figure to December 2007 was 93, which it was hoped was down to the raising of awareness.

Members also congratulated Officers on the overall achievements including being close to target with the parking budget and the small number of adjudications that had been submitted to the National Parking Adjudication Service. They confirmed that major changes were now required to increase the use of public transport which would be assisted by the two new Park and Ride sites.

Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to approve the financial and performance position of the portfolio and the carry forward request of £31k set out in paragraph 55, subject to the approval of the Executive. 1.

Decision of the Executive Member for City Strategy


RESOLVED:       That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            In accordance with budgetary and performance monitoring procedures


2007/08 City Strategy Capital Programme: Outturn Report pdf icon PDF 113 KB

This report sets out progress on schemes in the City Strategy Capital Programme during the financial year 2007/08. It is the outturn report for 2007/08 and reports on budget spend to the end of March 2008.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report which set out progress on schemes in the City Strategy Capital Programme during the 2007/08 financial year. This included the outturn report for 2007/08 and reports on budget spend to the end of March 2008.


The outturn for the 2007/08 Capital Programme was £8,872k, an underspend of £662k against the budget. This represents an underspend of approximately 7% against the budget, which is principally due to the Council’s £500k contribution to the Highways Agency Hopgrove Roundabout Improvement scheme not being needed in 2007/08.


It is proposed to carry over the following schemes from 2007/08 with funds into 2008/09. It was reported that proposals for the funding of the completion of other schemes would be made in the consolidated report to Members in July.

Proposed Carry Overs to 2008/09



A1237 Northern Bypass (Monks Cross Roundabout) - Resurfacing


Harrogate Road (part) - Resurfacing


Manor Lane (part) - Resurfacing


Hamilton Drive East/Hamilton Drive - Resurfacing


Selby Road Drainage Scheme


City Walls






Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to:

·        note the significant progress made in 2007/08 in implementing the City Strategy capital programme.


·        note the financial implications indicated in paragraphs 96 - 97.


·        approve the proposed carryovers amounting to £253k as outlined in paragraphs 98 - 100, subject to the approval of the Executive.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To manage the Capital Programme effectively.


Consideration was given to a report which set out progress on schemes in the City Strategy Capital Programme during the 2007/08 financial year. This included the outturn report for 2007/08 and reports on budget spend to the end of March 2008.


The outturn for the 2007/08 Capital Programme was £8,872k, an underspend of £662k against the budget. This represented an underspend of approximately 7% against the budget, which was principally due to the Council’s £500k contribution to the Highways Agency Hopgrove Roundabout Improvement scheme not being required in 2007/08.

It was proposed to carry over the following schemes from 2007/08 with funds into 2008/09. It was reported that proposals for funding for the completion of other schemes would be made in the consolidated report to Members in July.

Proposed Carry Overs to 2008/09



A1237 Northern Bypass (Monks Cross Roundabout) - Resurfacing


Harrogate Road (part) - Resurfacing


Manor Lane (part) - Resurfacing


Hamilton Drive East/Hamilton Drive - Resurfacing


Selby Road Drainage Scheme


City Walls





Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Advisory Panel advise the Executive Member for City Strategy to:

·        note the significant progress made in 2007/08 in implementing the City Strategy capital programme.


·        note the financial implications indicated in paragraphs 96 - 97.


·          approve the proposed carryovers amounting to £253k as outlined in paragraphs 98 - 100, subject to the approval of the Executive. 1.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:       That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:            To manage the Capital Programme effectively.


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