Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall

Contact: Jill Pickering  Senior Democracy Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point in the meeting, Members will be invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on the agenda.


At this point in the meeting, Members were asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they might have in the business on the agenda.  No declarations were made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 72 KB

To approve and sign the Minutes of the last meeting of the Committee held on 25 June 2012.


RESOLVED:        That the minutes of the last meeting of the Corporate Scrutiny Management Committee held on 25 June 2012 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record, subject to the following amendment being made to Minute item 5:


‘Those Members of the Task Group who were present confirmed their conclusion that whilst the number of sick days needed to be reduced, the first priority was to ensure that sick days was being properly logged to allow correct figures to be recorded’


Public Participation

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the Committee’s remit can do so. The deadline for registering is 5:00 pm on Friday 13 July 2012.


It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


Briefing on Workforce Strategy 2012-15 and Update on iTrent

Presentation on the Workforce Strategy 2012-15.  This is one of a set of strategies that underpin the Council Plan to develop capability and capacity to deliver its priorities. It  sets out the strategic direction for the development of the council’s workforce through

·        Skills and Behaviours Development

·        Recruitment and Retention

·        Pay, Reward and Recognition

·        Wellbeing and Engagement

·        Performance and Change


The iTrent HR & payroll system will support the implementation of the Workforce Strategy, and members will receive an update on the scope and progress of the system implementation programme.


Members are asked to consider whether there are any potential scrutiny review topics arising from these presentations.


Members received a detailed presentation on the Council’s new Workforce Strategy, designed to underpin the core capabilities within the Council Plan 2011-15, and information on the associated priorities for 2012 i.e.:


·        Skills and Behaviour Development - to have visionary and ambitious managers and leaders who can develop, motivate and lead the workforce to deliver services effectively in challenging times. And, to further develop teams so that in providing services they can demonstrate flexibility, innovation, decision-making and at all times excellent customer service.


·        Recruitment & Retention - to recruit and retain a workforce with the skills and values needed, promote jobs and careers as an employer of choice, and identify, develop and motivate talent. To develop and maintain a diverse and inclusive workforce, actively challenging and addressing accessibility barriers and issues.


·        Pay, Reward & Recognition - to provide good and flexible reward packages within the current financial constraints, ensure fairness across all groups of employees, and recognise great work and ideas.


·        Wellbeing & Engagement - to be an organisation where risks are managed sensibly and proportionately to ensure the levels of accidents and incidents of occupational ill health are as low as possible. Also, to actively promote and manage wellbeing including effective and active employee engagement. 


·        Performance & Change - to be an organisation that can transform quickly and effectively, that is highly productive and focussed on achievement, that values and engages with employees and has a culture that is collaborative, innovative, inclusive and creative.


It was reported that an Action Plan had been developed to deliver the priorities and that the Staff Equalities Reference Group (SERG) were involved in reviewing the barriers to embedding their development throughout the Council.  Also, that a Booklet had been produced for staff to ensure all were informed on the new strategy for the Council’s workforce.


Also, Members received an update of the implementation of iTrent.  They were informed that Phase 1b had started, employee self service and the provision of e-slips was underway and manager self-service would be fully rolled out by the end of 2012.  Members also received a summary of ‘Operation Outreach’, designed to reach disadvantaged staff who were either computer illiterate of did not have access to a computer.


Finally, Members considered whether it would be useful to look at internal communications across the Council to ensure they are as effective as they could be across all staff.


The Chair thanked the officer for her detailed presentation and update.


RESOLVED:             i)  That the information provided be noted


ii) That a detailed briefing on Operation Outreach be brought to the November 2012 meeting of the Committee (1)


REASON:                  To inform and update the Committee of work undertaken in this area.



Briefing on Procurement Strategy and Suggested Topic on Procurement and Commissioning

Following discussion at the Scrutiny meeting on 25 June 2012, it was agreed that the Council’s Head of Procurement would bring a briefing to this meeting to highlight work underway to support local suppliers as a result of CYC’s revised Procurement Strategy agreed in April 2012.


Members are asked to consider whether there are any potential scrutiny review topics arising from these presentations.



Members received an overview of the transformation programme being undertaken by Procurement, shifting from a governance focussed transactional role to one delivering strategic value. 


Information was also provided on the new procurement team, structured to operate on a ‘Hub & Spoke’ basis focussed on high value strategic procurements, leaving the more tactical and routine procurements to officers based within directorates.


Members were informed that one of the new Procurement Strategy aims was to increase the proportion of spend with local businesses, supported by a revamped procurement toolkit to reduce the amount of duplication and bureaucracy within the procurement process, and revisions to the evaluation process to ensure social value criteria were being taken into consideration.


They also received information on the challenges facing the Council in local procurement, and obstacles i.e.:


·        The governance of complying with procurement regulations

·        The inappropriate use of frameworks

·        The lack of planning which had led to the higher use of frameworks due to the reduction in procurement time

·        Approved supplier lists


Members queried whether consideration had been given to the approved recommendations arising from a previous scrutiny review completed in 2005, and asked officers to consider the findings from that review and report back.


The Chair thanked the officer for her detailed presentation and update.


RESOLVED:             i)  That the briefing be noted


ii) That an update be provided on the implementation of the recommendations arising from the previously completed Procurement Scrutiny Review (1)


REASON:                To keep Corporate and Scrutiny Management Committee members updated on procurement issues within the authority.  


Scrutiny Support Budget pdf icon PDF 75 KB

This report advises Members of the new support budget allocated to scrutiny by Cabinet and endorsed by Council in setting the budget for 2012/13.


Consideration was given to how to allocate the budget of £5,000 for supporting scrutiny review work in this municipal year (2012-13). 


Members considered the options laid out in paragraph 11 of the report and agreed it would be useful to assess the expenditure of each Committee in 6 months time to ensure that the money had been spent appropriately and to reallocate funds across the committees if appropriate.


RESOLVED:             i)     That each of the five Scrutiny Committees receive a budget of £1,000 


                                    ii)    That CSMC receive an update on the expenditure of the committees in 6 months time, at their January 2013 meeting (1) and;


                                    iii)   That the work plan be updated accordingly


REASON:                  To enable the work of Scrutiny Committees to progress effectively.



Update on Implementation of Recommendations from Previously Completed Scrutiny Reviews pdf icon PDF 88 KB

This report provides Members with an update on the implementation of the recommendations arising from the previously completed scrutiny reviews which fall within the remit of this Committee.

Additional documents:


Members received an update on the implementation of the outstanding recommendations from the previously completed scrutiny reviews of:


·        CYC Apprenticeships and other work based learning opportunities;

·        Customer Complaints.


Having considered the information provided Members agreed to sign off all the outstanding recommendations.


RESOLVED:  That the outstanding recommendations be signed off as completed.


REASON:           In order to conclude the Committee’s reviews.         



Draft Work Plan 2012/13

To consider the Committee’s draft work plan and suggested list of scrutiny topics and briefings for 2012/13.



Members considered the Committees work plan for the municipal year 2012-13.  Having identified a number of additional work plan items earlier in the meeting, Members agreed to:


i)  Add:


·       ‘Review of implementation of approved recommendations arising from previously  Procurement Scrutiny Review’ to September 2012 meeting;

·   ‘Briefing on Operation Outreach’ to November 2012 meeting;

·   ‘Update on Expenditure of Scrutiny Support Budget’ to January 2012 meeting;


ii)  Move:


·           ‘Briefing on Innovation Strategy’ to November 2012 meeting;

·           ‘Consideration of Draft Work Plan for 2013-14’ to March 2013 meeting


RESOLVED:  To make the above changes to the 2012-13 work plan


REASON:      To assist in the formulation of the Committee’s work plan for the forthcoming year.


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