Agenda and minutes
Venue: Guildhall
Contact: Dawn Steel Democracy Officer
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest At this point in the meeting, Members will be invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest under this item. |
To approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 20th November 2006. Minutes: The Minutes of the last meeting of the Committee held on 20 November 2006 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair, subject to a slight correction to line 1, paragraph 3 of Minute No. 35(traffic congestion in York) by inserting the word “up” before “to 7%”. |
Public Participation At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the Committee’s remit can do so. Anyone who wishes to register or requires further information is requested to contact the Democracy Officer on the contact details listed at the foot of this agenda. The deadline for registering is 10.00am on Friday 15 December 2006. Minutes: There were no registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme. |
To receive a brief report on the main implications for the scrutiny function, arising from the Government’s White Paper on Strong & Prosperous Communities. Minutes: Members considered a report summarising the early and potential implications for the scrutiny function arising from the White Paper on Strong & Prosperous Communities. They were informed that the White Paper contained the following proposals for extending the scrutiny role in local authorities:-
It was noted that the Bill was currently scheduled to receive Royal Ascent in Autumn 2007.
Members discussed the implications and wider proposals contained in the Bill in some detail and indicated their wish to contribute to any formal Council response on the implications for scrutiny. As such, they agreed to consider the matter further at an already scheduled extra meeting of SMC on 22 January 2007 with a view to receiving a report at that meeting looking in more detail at what the implications could mean for scrutiny in York.
RESOLVED: (i) the report and potential implications for the scrutiny function contained in the White Paper be noted;
(ii) a further report on the potential effects on scrutiny in York be received at the additional meeting of this Committee on 22 January 2007. |
Budget Monitoring and Consultation PDF 38 KB To consider a report setting out current budget spend in relation to the available budget for supporting scrutiny reviews and recommend a suitable budget to the Executive, as part of the budget setting process for 2007/8. Minutes: Members considered a report setting out current budget expenditure in relation to the support budget for scrutiny and seeking a recommendation to the Executive on an appropriate budget for 2007/8.
A wide-ranging discussion was held on supporting scrutiny in general, from appropriate activities and events to the potential role of scrutiny should the proposals referred to in the White Paper become legislation. In the meantime, given current budgetary restraints and anticipated expenditure against the budget by current financial year end, it was suggested that an equivalent budget be recommended for 2007/8.
RESOLVED: That current and projected budget spend be noted and the Executive be asked to recommend the Council retain a scrutiny support budget of £6,000 for 2007/8. |
Floods Scrutiny - Update on Implementation of Executive Decisions in October 2005 PDF 41 KB To receive a report updating the position on the implementation of Floods Scrutiny recommendations and Executive resolutions in relation thereto. Additional documents: Minutes: Members received an update report on progress against the original recommendations and agreed actions arising from the Floods Scrutiny Report and in relation to supplementary actions agreed by the Executive when its last received a progress update in October 2005. The Chair of the former Floods Scrutiny Board attended the meeting to give a position update and answer any specific questions.
Members noted that the Executive request for an annual update to the then appropriate Executive Member was still outstanding. Members endorsed the suggestion from Councillor Moore that any such update should be the responsibility of the Executive in view of the multi-departmental impact of flooding issues. It was further suggested that such annual review be submitted to the Executive prior to annual OFERG meeting during September/October.
RESOLVED:That (i) the report be received and the Executive be asked to review the floods position annually in respect of the recommendations contained in the Floods Scrutiny Report during the September/October cycle to enable any necessary information to be fed into the multi-agency, OFERG, group; and
(ii) Councillor, former Chair of Floods Scrutiny Board, be formally thanked for maintaining a watching brief in relation to the recommendations of the Scrutiny Floods Review. |
Education Scrutiny Committee Workplan PDF 27 KB To receive a report giving details for the work plan of Education Scrutiny Committee for the remainder of 2006/7. Additional documents: Minutes: Further to a request at the last meeting of this Committee, Members received a report giving details of the work plan for Education Scrutiny Committee for the remainder of 2006/7. It was noted that the remaining available meeting slots and time were largely allocated to completing the home to school transport review.
RESOLVED: That the report and work plan be noted. |