Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Guildhall

Contact: Dawn Steel  Democracy Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point in the meeting, Members will be invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on the agenda.


The Chair invited any declarations of interest from Members in relation to business on the agenda.  No such declarations were made.


Minutes p1 pdf icon PDF 25 KB

To approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 23 October 2005.


The Minutes of the last meeting of the Committee held on 23 October 2006 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Public Participation

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the Committee’s remit can do so. Anyone who wishes to register or requires further information is requested to contact the Democracy Officer on the contact details listed at the foot of this agenda. The deadline for registering is Friday 17 November 2006 at 10.00am.


The Chair reported that no registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme had been received.


Update on Work of Educations Scrutiny Committee [5.00pm-5.20pm] pdf icon PDF 29 KB

To consider a report on scrutiny work undertaken so far during 2005/6 by the Education Scrutiny Committee and ask any relevant questions of the Chair of that meeting.


Members considered a report which detailed the scrutiny work undertaken so far during 2005/6 by the Education Scrutiny Committee.


Members were informed that a final report on the Extended School Service had already been considered by the Executive and that the Committee were now reviewing home-to-school transport contracts and how pupil safety could be maximised.  Members were informed that the review would concentrate on primary schools and examine the implications of introducing seat belts onto all buses transporting pupils to primary schools in York.


It was noted that an outstanding topic on the role of school governors had been delayed pending available staffing support.


Members requested that a formal work plan for the Education Scrutiny Committee be drafted for consideration at the next meeting of the Scrutiny Management Committee.


RESOLVED:    That:


i.                    the progress of the Education Scrutiny Committee be noted.

ii.                  A formal work plan for Education Scrutiny Committee be presented at the next meeting of SMC.


REASON:         In order to meet the delegated authority of Scrutiny Management Committee as defined in CYC’s Constitution.


Traffic Congestion in York - Registered Scrutiny Topic No. 120 [5.20pm-5.45pm] pdf icon PDF 33 KB

Further to the last meeting of Scrutiny Management Committee, to consider a report on potential remit and the feasibility of a review on the above topic, should Members wish to proceed with a review.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report detailing a proposed scrutiny review on Traffic Congestion in York. It was noted that the registered scrutiny topic had been deferred at a previous meeting held on 23 October 2006 to enable a draft remit to be produced.


Members considered the remit which listed the key objectives for the review:


·          To identify improvements to current and future congestion and air quality problems.

·          To investigate issues around the 5 poor air quality ‘hot spots’ identified in LTP2 and other Council documents.

·          To seek quick solutions to immediate problems rather than long term strategies, eg. School term time solutions, inclement weather difficulties or particular events (ie. Caravan show on Knavesmire)

·          To promote the use of environmentally viable and financially practical alternative methods of transport.


It was noted that there was an anticipated rise in traffic in York to 7%.  As traffic had been found to be a key contributor to air quality problems in York, Members suggested that it would be useful to know if the Air Quality Action Plan developed by the Council would have any influence on traffic congestion. 


Members considered the impact on resources of undertaking this review and requested that a report or presentation on the key issues be brought to the next meeting by relevant officers from City Strategy to enable them to decide whether to proceed to review.


RESOLVED:That a further report and information be received as soon as possible as indicated above to give a fuller picture of the position in relation to a potential remit for any review of this topic.


REASON:         In order to fulfil the responsibility of managing the scrutiny function in York


Highways Maintenance Procurement Review - Proposed Remit [5.45pm-6.10pm] pdf icon PDF 30 KB

To consider a report setting out a potential remit for the above approved review and asking Members to set an estimated timescale on completion.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report detailing the draft remit for Part A of the Highways Maintenance Procurement Review. It was explained that it was proposed to conduct this review in 2 parts, to enable the first part of the review to fit with timescales for the outcome of the PFI bid in January 2007, so far as was possible.


The remit for Part was attached as Annex A to the report and detailed the aims of the review and listed the key objectives as follows:


·          to examine the potential efficiencies from a PFI arrangement

·          make recommendations with regard to available longer term alternative options in the event that a PFI outcome is unsuccessful;

·          look at the cost effectiveness of those options, including improved ways of working;

·          profile expenditure over the lifespan of the PFI and any associated secondary costs.

·          understand how to fund PFI if successful


Members agreed the timescale for the review as set out in the remit and requested that the final report go to Executive late February / early March.


RESOLVED:             That the remit for Part A of this review be approved and the initial timescales for completion be noted, as indicated above.


REASON:                  To progress existing agreed scrutiny reviews within

procedural and constitutional requirements


Update on Progress Monitoring pdf icon PDF 35 KB

To receive a report on progress with the database for monitoring scrutiny reviews and tracking implementation of any agreed actions.


Members considered a report on the progress made to date in implementing the new agreed processes and procedures for managing and monitoring scrutiny reviews.


The report included information on a new scrutiny database for monitoring:


·          the progress of reviews

·          the implementation of recommendations arising from reviews. 


As the new process included the proposal of a Member Sponsor for each review, it was noted that the database allowed for the name of the sponsor to be recorded and it was recognised that the new database would help improve overall effectiveness.


The report highlighted that work was now ongoing to develop the reporting facility of the database which would provide Members with the following information:


·          Current stage/status of new/ongoing/final reviews

·          Progress against timescales per review

·          Details of all topics registered and whether rejected or approved for review, including reasons why rejected where applicable.

·          Timescale for reporting to Executive

·          Details of any recommendations/revised actions agreed by Executive

·          Implementation arrangements for agreed Executive actions (including responsible officers).


Members requested that subject to the reporting features being built in time, a first report off the system be considered at the next meeting of SMC.


RESOLVED:             That work completed to date on the new database be noted


REASON:                  to progress development of the new agreed processed and procedures in order to increase efficiencies and maximise resources within the scrutiny function.


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