Agenda and minutes

Contact: Laura Bootland  Democracy Officer

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point, members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda.


At this point in the meeting Members were asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they might have in the business on the agenda.  None were declared.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of the Local Development Framework Working Group held on 6 September 2010.


RESOLVED:That the minutes of the last meeting of the Local Development Framework Working Group held on 6 September 2010 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


Public Participation

At this point in the meeting, members of the public who have registered their wish to speak, regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the remit of the Working Group, may do so.  The deadline for registering is 5.00 pm on Friday 1st October 2010.


There were two registrations to speak under the council’s Public Participation Scheme.  Both registrations were in respect of agenda item 4 – “LDF Core Strategy” (minute 13 refers). 


A representative of Osbaldwick Parish Council stated that the parish council welcomed the commitment to localism.  He urged Members to support Issue 3 – Option 1 in the report and to take the opportunity to protect York’s Green Belt.


A representative of residents surrounding the North Selby Mine (NSM) raised concerns regarding the suggestion that NSM could be designated as an area for employment.  He stated that it had been granted mining status in the 1970’s on the understanding that it would be returned to agriculture once mining had ceased.  Copies of a document entitled “Selby Coalfield Mines Activity and Afteruse” dated July 2003 had been provided by the speaker and were tabled.  The speaker stated that if NSM was to be designated as an employment area, the local community would perceive that the planning process had been overtaken by the zoning of the site as brownfield.  He requested that the council provide the local community with the opportunity to have their views heard on this issue.


LDF Core Strategy. pdf icon PDF 3 MB

This report follows on from the previous report on the Core Strategy considered by Members on 6th September which highlighted a series of key issues relating to the Core Strategy arising from the changing policy context. It seeks Members views on potential alteration to the Spatial Strategy component of the LDF Core Strategy which will then be incorporated into the full Core Strategy document for approval by Members, followed by consultation and submission for examination.


This report is supported by technical annexes which are available in the Members Library, on the Council’s Website and from the report author.

Additional documents:


Members received a report that followed on from the previous report on the Core Strategy which had been considered on 6 September 2010.  The report highlighted a series of key issues relating to the Core Strategy arising from the changing policy context. 


The report set out a number of options for Members to consider as follows:


Issue 1: The Level of Future Housing

·        What should the LDF Core Strategy use as a target for future housing supply?

·        Should an allowance for small windfalls be included in the housing?


Issue 2: The Level of future employment land provision

·        Should the LDF Core Strategy include the target of approximately 1,000 jobs a year?

·        Should the LDF allocate Areas C, I and North Selby Mine for employment?


Issue 3:  Options for identifying the extent of York’s Green Belt

·        Option 1:  Retaining the existing draft Green Belt in line with citywide consultation responses;

·        Option 2:      Identify sufficient housing and employment land for at least 20 years including areas of search as required (dependent on the responses to the issues highlighted above).  Designating the remaining open land outside the built up areas as Green Belt;

·        Option 3:  Identify sufficient housing and employment land for 15 years.  Undertake to keep all land outside the built up areas open for at least the duration of the plan using Green Belt for those areas outside the outer ring road but designating unconstrained areas within the ring road as “Open Countryside”; or

·        Option 4:  Identify sufficient housing and employment land for 15 years.  Undertake to keep all land outside the built up areas open for at least the duration of the plan i.e. 15 years.  Recognising the Historic Character & Setting of York as its key objective of York Green Belt, designate those areas identified as performing that role as Green Belt and the remainder as countryside.


Members put forward the following views on the options:


Issue 1:  The Level of Future Housing


(i)            Affordable Housing


Concerns were expressed that figures had not been provided in respect of the level of affordable housing generated by the suggested number of future houses.  No mention had been made of the Affordable Housing Strategy and of the impact that this would have.  There was existing un-met demand for affordable housing, including examples of the displacement of York residents, but this had not been addressed in the report.


(ii)            Ageing Population


Some Members stated that insufficient consideration had been given to issues arising from an ageing population, including the increase in the retirement age and older people staying in their own homes.


(iii)       Buy to Let Properties


Concerns were expressed that the report did not address the issue of buy to let properties.  Officers confirmed that the figures did allow for some growth in the student population.


(iv)            Potential Sites


Concerns were expressed regarding inaccuracies in Annex 3 of the report in respect of the descriptions of some sites.  Members agreed to notify officers of any required amendments following the meeting.


Consideration was given  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.


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