Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall

Contact: Fiona Young 

Note: Please note that the start time of this meeting has been changed from 12 noon to 12:30 pm 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point, Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda.


Members were invited to declare at this point in the meeting any personal or prejudicial interests they might have in the business on the agenda.


Cllr Fraser declared a personal interest in the business generally, as a member of the retired section of UNISON and the retired section of Unite (TGWU / ACTS section).


Cllr Alexander declared a personal interest in the business generally, as a member of the GMB.


Exclusion of Press and Public

To consider the exclusion of the press and public from the meeting during consideration of the annexes to Agenda Item 6 (Redundancy), on the grounds that they contain information relating to individuals and the financial affairs of particular persons.  This information is classed as exempt under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3  of Schedule 12A to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as revised by The Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006).


RESOLVED: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the annexes to agenda item 6 (Redundancy), on the grounds that they contain information relating to individuals and the financial affairs of particular persons, which is classed as exempt under paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of Schedule 12A to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as revised by The Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006).


Minutes pdf icon PDF 42 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of the Staffing Matters & Urgency Committee held on 24 January 2011.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Staffing Matters & Urgency Committee meeting held on 24 January 2011 be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.


Public Participation

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the Committee’s remit can do so.  The deadline for registering is 5.00 pm on Friday, 4 February 2011.


It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.


Chief Officers Pay Review pdf icon PDF 141 KB

This report, requested by the Committee on 20 December 2010, sets out the financial and non-financial implications of seeking to reduce Assistant Director pay from the current grade of Chief Officer Group 10 to the top point of Chief Officer Group 9.


Members considered a report which set out the financial and non-financial implications of seeking to reduce Assistant Director (AD) pay from the current grade of Chief Officer Group 10 to the top point of Chief Officer Group 9.  A report on this subject had been requested by the Committee at their meeting on 20 December 2010 (Minute 35 of that meeting refers). 


The report outlined the background to the current position regarding AD posts and pay scales, highlighting the recent reduction in the number of posts from 21 to 16 and consequent increase in individual workloads.  A re-evaluation of the new AD roles had shown that all now fell within the Chief Officer Group 10 grade.  Members were reminded of the need to take a long term view, bearing in mind that current pay and reward levels were low by comparison with other authorities and there was a need to recruit and retain highly motivated and performing staff.  Any decision by the Committee to reduce AD pay could only be made in principle at this stage, and subject to the outcome of consultation and negotiation with the affected staff group and their representatives.


Cllr Alexander expressed disappointment that issue of a reduction in pay had not been considered before the new AD contracts were signed, and voiced concern that assigning ADs to higher pay grades when their workload increased due to the re-structure could set a precedent for all Council staff.  He asked that his comments be recorded.


RESOLVED: (i)         That the implications of seeking to reduce Assistant Director pay be noted.


(ii)                    That no action be taken in respect of the salaries of existing Assistant Director post holders but that the Chief Executive be authorised to review the progression mechanism and rewards associated with Assistant Director grades, including annual leave entitlement and incremental pay progression, with a recommendation that performance-related pay be introduced in future.1


REASON:      In order to clarify the mandate provided to the Chief Executive on the review of AD pay, whilst taking into account the financial, legal, operational and reputational implications detailed in the report.


Redundancy pdf icon PDF 62 KB

This report advises Members of the expenditure associated with the proposed dismissal of a number of employees on the grounds of redundancy.  Exempt annexes containing details of the individual cases will be circulated to Members at the meeting.


Members considered a report which informed them of the expenditure associated with the proposed dismissal of a number of employees on the grounds of redundancy.


Details of the four cases in question were circulated at the meeting, as exempt annexes to the report.  They involved a total of 5.5 posts, of which 3.5 related to fixed term contracts coming to a close, one to a voluntary redundancy and one to a redundancy arising from a More for York restructure.  No discretionary enhancements were proposed.


RESOLVED: That the expenditure associated with the proposed dismissal of the seven employees on the grounds of redundancy, as detailed in the exempt annexes to the report, be noted.


REASON:      In order to provide an overview of the expenditure.


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