Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall, York

Contact: Tracy Johnson 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point, Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda.


Members were invited to declare at this point in the meeting any personal or prejudicial interests they might have in the business on the agenda.


Cllr Looker declared a personal non prejudicial interest in Executive Agenda Item 7 (Minute 35 refers) as a Director of the Credit Union.


Exclusion of Press and Public

To consider excluding the public and press from the meeting during consideration of any exempt information as detailed on the agenda for the Executive meeting to be held on 15 July 2008, under Schedule 12A to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to information) (Variation) Order 2006.


RESOLVED: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of those parts of Executive agenda item 9 (Community Stadium – Minute 37 refers) that relate to the financial or business affairs of particular persons (including the authority holding that information), on the grounds that this information is classed as exempt under Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as revised by The Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006).


Minutes pdf icon PDF 41 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the Shadow Executive meeting held on 25 June 2008.



That the minutes of the last meeting held on 25 June 2008 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Public Participation

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the Shadow Executive’s remit can do so. The deadline for registering is Tuesday 8 July 2008, at 5.00 pm.


It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak under the Council’s Public Participation scheme.


Executive Forward Plan

To consider the items on the agenda for the Executive meeting to be held on 15 July 2008, and to take a decision on whether to call-in any of these items.


Please note that the reports relating to these items will be published on the Council’s website on 4 July 2008. The website address is  Copies of the Executive agenda and reports are also available for viewing at public libraries in York and can be obtained by telephoning Democracy Support Group on York (01904) 551088.


The Shadow Executive made the following comments on the Forward Plan at page 11 of the papers circulated for the Executive meeting to be held on 15 July 2008:


The Shadow Executive:

·              agreed to provisionally request officers for the following items on the Executive Forward Plan:


Executive on 29 July


·        Tang Hall Area Asset Management Plan

·        Access York Phase 1 Park and Ride Development – Programme and Consultation Plan


         Executive on 9 September


·        Museum Gardens Public Toilets

·        A Big Screen for York  

·        Income Policy Framework


Review of Sub-National Economic Development and Regeneration


The Shadow Executive considered a report which was listed as item 6 on the agenda for the Executive meeting on 15 July 2008, at page 15. The report sought approval for a response to the Government’s consultation on the Sub-National Review of economic development and regeneration (SNR) and for a Multi-Area Agreement submitted by the Leeds City Region.


Having discussed the issues set out in the report, the following comments were agreed:


The Shadow Executive:

·                    were dismayed that such an important consultation had not been put before members before the deadline to comment and debate;

·                    highlighted that there appeared to be no analysis as to whether this was right for York and that should have been its starting point;

·                    highlighted that it raised issues of social equity and its focus was on top end jobs. The equalities box in the report said none, but there should be more issues on equalities in there;

·                    did not consider that a leaders forum amounted to accountability or scrutiny unless there was proper reporting to Council and Members;

·                    highlighted that transport and planning arrangements caused concern for local decision making and accountability;

·                    highlighted that, in relation to paragraph 13 of the annex, there were major questions as to who appoints the independent panel and who it consists of, and what public involvement and ability to participate and challenge would there be in relation to the panel;

·                    welcomed the duty to assess;

·                    raised concerns that the Economic Development Partnership Board still did not exist and had not met since March 2008.


RESOLVED:(i) That the Executive be asked to take the above comments into account when considering this item.


(ii)                        That the item not be called in.


Future of York as a "Thriving City": Part B, Local measures to retain York as a "Thriving City"


The Shadow Executive considered a report which was listed as item 7 on the agenda for the Executive meeting on 15 July 2008, at page 103. The report asked Members to consider actions to help ensure that negative impacts were minimised, and that York remained a Thriving and Inclusive City, through a difficult economic period.


Having discussed the issues set out in the report, the following comments were agreed:


The Shadow Executive:

·                    agreed that at first glance, York was doing well compared to national averages and regional comparators;

·                    highlighted that the Future York Group report said there would be a 6 month review by the Board but there had been no update provided after a year;

·                    highlighted that the figures did not include part time workers;

·                    asked again that research should be conducted into what jobs were being created by Science City;

·                    highlighted that the self employed figures showed the difficulties faced for business start ups;

·                    agreed that crude measurements had been used for average wages, and it would be useful to have different comparators such as median and mean measures broken down by quartile;

·                    agreed that the economy of York was at a critical stage and noted that the report figures were until the end of September 2007 and not July 2008;

·                    highlighted that there was an element of complacency in the report;

·                    noted there was no link with the anti poverty strategy under the hardest hit;

·                     noted in terms of benefits that while speed was useful, the benefit take up rate was important, and referred the Executive to the reduction in LPSA which was not as high as it should have been;

·                    agreed that there was a need to consider the effects on housing created by the credit crunch and generally other matters raised about affordable housing in York by the Future York Group report.


RESOLVED:(i) That the Executive be asked to take the above comments into account when considering this item.


(ii)                        That the item not be called in.


Approval of the Homeless Strategy 2008 to 2013


The Shadow Executive considered a report which was listed as item 8 on the agenda for the Executive meeting on 15 July 2008, at page 111. The report  asked the Executive to note the review of the Council’s  homeless strategy and approved the contents of the strategy that would cover the period between 2008 and 2013 for submission to Communities and Local Government by the end of July 2008.


Having discussed the issues set out in the report and questioned officers present at the meeting, the following comments were agreed:


The Shadow Executive:

·                    noted and acknowledged the significant work undertaken by staff;

·                    raised concerns about the very high failure rate (65%) of accommodation of the youngest age group;

·                    understood that there was to be a strategy for young people and urged that this be completed as soon as possible;

·                    highlighted that there was a need to consider the appropriate support that was required, such as tenancy consideration and money management for young tenants, and emulate the success in care leavers and prisoners;

·                    highlighted that they had heard concerns raised by ward councillors about the partnership organisation Foundation Housing regarding its management and support especially in dealing with more challenging clients/tenants, and the organisation’s relationship and obligations within the community and with its neighbours, and they echoed these concerns.


RESOLVED:(i) That the Executive be asked to take the above comments into account when considering this item.


(ii)                        That the item not be called in.


Community Stadium


The Shadow Executive considered a report which was listed as item 9 on the agenda for the Executive meeting on 15 July 2008, at page 137. The report provided an update on progress made following the meeting of the Staffing and Urgency Committee on 21 May 2008, when the issue of the “Community Stadium” was discussed, and sought approval for a proposed loan to the York City Football Club.


Having discussed the issues set out in the report and questioned officers present at the meeting, the following comments were agreed:


The Shadow Executive:

·                    supported the Community Stadium as one which has professional football club and rugby club teams based there and other community and cultural uses;

·                    agreed that this presented a great opportunity for York;

·                    requested that a report should go to Council including a full risk assessment of financial, legal, planning and district auditor issues;

·                    agreed that there should be an intelligent plan of commercial activity for its survival detailed included within a viable business plan for the new stadium;

·                    agreed that this was a matter of great importance to the City, and as giving this loan moves us towards a community stadium, this should be dealt with at full Council and as much as possible needs to be held in public to allow full public debate.


RESOLVED:(i) That the Executive be asked to take the above comments into account when considering this item.


(ii)                        That the item not be called in.


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