Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall, York

Contact: Tracy Johnson 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point, Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda.


Members were invited to declare at this point in the meeting any personal or prejudicial interests they might have in the business on the agenda.


Cllr Scott declared a personal non prejudicial interest in Executive item 4 (Executive Forward Plan – Minute 164 refers) in relation to the proposed report on the Theatre Royal, as a Theatre Royal member.


Cllr Fraser declared a personal non prejudicial interest in Executive item 6 (Neighbourhood Management Review –minute 166 refers) in relation to any staffing implications, due to his membership of the retired section of Unison.


Exclusion of Press and Public

To consider excluding the public and press from the meeting during consideration of any exempt information as detailed on the agenda for the Executive meeting to be held on 26 February 2008, under Schedule 12A to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to information) (Variation) Order 2006.


RESOLVED:             That the press and public not be excluded from the meeting as there was no exempt information detailed on the agenda for the Executive meeting to be held on 26 February 2008, under Schedule 12A to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to information) (Variation) Order 2006.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 46 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the Shadow Executive meeting held on 6 February 2008.



That the minutes of the last meeting held on 6 February 2008 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Public Participation

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the Shadow Executive’s remit can do so. The deadline for registering is Tuesday 19 February 2008, at 5.00 pm.


It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak under the Council’s Public Participation scheme.


Executive Forward Plan

To consider the items on the agenda for the Executive meeting to be held on 26 February 2008, and to take a decision on whether to call-in any of these items.


Please note that the reports relating to these items will be published on the Council’s website on 15 February 2008. The website address is  Copies of the Executive agenda and reports are also available for viewing at public libraries in York and can be obtained by telephoning Democracy Support Group on York (01904) 551088.


The Shadow Executive made the following comments on the Forward Plan at page 15 of the papers circulated for the Executive meeting to be held on 26 February 2008:


The Shadow Executive:

·        agreed to provisionally request officers for the following items on the Executive Forward Plan:


         Executive on 11 March


§        Future of City Archives Services

§        Revised Framework Agreement – Derwenthorpe


         Executive on 25 March


§        Review Report – Safe City


Minutes of Working Groups


The Shadow Executive considered a report which was listed as item 5 on the agenda for the Executive meeting on 26 February 2008, at page 19. The report presented the draft minutes of the Local Development Framework Working Group, the Social Inclusion Working Group, and the Young People’s Working Group and asked Members to consider the advice given by these groups in their capacity as advisory bodies to the Executive.


Having discussed the issues set out in the report, the following comments were agreed:


The Shadow Executive:

  • noted Annex A
  • noted Annex B
  • highlighted that, in relation to Annex C, Cllr Scott was in attendance at the meeting as the Children and Young People’s Champion.


RESOLVED:(i) That the Executive be asked to take the above comments into account when considering this item.


(ii)                        That the item not be called in.


Neighbourhood Management Review


The Shadow Executive considered a report which was listed as item 6 on the agenda for the Executive meeting on 26 February 2008, at page 37. The report considered the role of Neighbourhood Management within the Council, in response to the Local Government White Paper “Strong and Prosperous Communities” and The Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007, and made recommendations for the future delivery of neighbourhood management in York.


Having discussed the issues set out in the report, the following comments were agreed:


The Shadow Executive:

·        agreed that the Government agenda was an exciting opportunity.

·        expressed disappointment in the report as it failed to address the need for change and lacked ambition.

·        agreed that the York model had prompted some of the government proposals and that York should be leading and showing the way ahead.

·        agreed that Annex One should include more than two models of devolution and that this showed a lack of ambition.

·        considered that the status quo was not an option and that recommendation be rejected.

·        agreed that there was a need to address community involvement and a need for better resources if it was going to be successful, as highlighted in paragraph 22 of the report.

·        agreed that there was still a need to address areas of social deprivation and social exclusion.

·        highlighted the need for a community engagement strategy which was an important initiative and needed to be pursued.

·        agreed that with such diverse wards and areas within wards, one solution did not fit all and any neighbourhood management and neighbourhood action plans would need to take this into account.

·        agreed that there was a need to address geographic barriers within ward/area committees which prevented people from travelling.

·        recognised the importance of ward members in leading initiatives within wards, within the Neighbourhood Management Unit, Economic Development Unit and community initiatives.

·        agreed that more performance indicators should be provided to wards.

·        highlighted concerns regarding scrutiny, area scrutiny and Councillor Call for Action and recommended that a report be produced in relation to the adequacy of resources for this.

·        noted that ward committee budgets had been progressively cut and questioned the Council’s commitment to participatory budgets by the administration.


RESOLVED:(i) That the Executive be asked to take the above comments into account when considering this item.


(ii)                        That the item not be called in.


Review of Sub-National Economic Development and Future Working within the Leeds City Region


The Shadow Executive considered a report which was listed as item 7 on the agenda for the Executive meeting on 26 February 2008, at page 103. The report set out background information on the Government’s review of sub-national economic development and regeneration, considered the implications of this review for the Leeds City Region and proposed specific actions for the Executive to consider in order to maximise the benefits for York.


Having discussed the issues set out in the report, the following comments were agreed:


The Shadow Executive:

·        acknowledged the potential benefits but agreed that there was a need for clear reporting and accountability given the significance of the decision made.

·        agreed that York’s position needed to be safeguarded whenever possible.


RESOLVED:(i) That the Executive be asked to take the above comments into account when considering this item.


(ii)                        That the item not be called in.


Businesses in City Centre Peripheral Streets


The Shadow Executive considered a report which was listed as item 8 on the agenda for the Executive meeting on 26 February 2008, at page 115. The report provided information in relation to a motion regarding businesses in City Centre peripheral streets, referred to the Executive by full Council on 4 October 2007, and made recommendations for the Council, working in partnership with others, to adopt in response to the motion.


Having discussed the issues set out in the report, the following comments were agreed:


The Shadow Executive:

·        welcomed the report as a first step and agreed that it should be seen as an enabling report.

·        asked that sufficient resources were provided by the Council to make sure that work could be carried out.

·        agreed that there were areas of weakness which needed proper analysis of success and how success was achieved.

·        agreed that there was a need to improve pedestrian access, movement, signage and quality of public realm in the streets.

·        agreed that there was a need for a more proactive role by the Council  in facilitating trader forums to promote partnership working.


RESOLVED:(i) That the Executive be asked to take the above comments into account when considering this item.


(ii)                        That the item not be called in.


Use of Resources CPA (UOR CPA) 2007


The Shadow Executive considered a report which was listed as item 9 on the agenda for the Executive meeting on 26 February 2008, at page 127. The report advised the Executive of the final score for UOR CPA 2007, based on the criteria scores provided by the Audit Commission, and the detailed findings and recommendations made by the District Auditor in his final report to the Council on the UOR CPA 2007.


Having discussed the issues set out in the report, the following comments were agreed:


The Shadow Executive:

·        welcomed the overall increase from 2 to a 3.

·        agreed that it was a mixed report, as paragraph 5 highlighted areas of concerns, in particular financial reporting and financial management.

·        agreed that there was an urgent need to address equality of access.

·        prompt the Executive to note Page 142 and KLOE 2.2.

·        agreed that there was a need for proper management and to act on resources to address it.


RESOLVED:(i) That the Executive be asked to take the above comments into account when considering this item.


(ii)                        That the item not be called in.


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