Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall, York

Contact: Tracy Johnson 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

At this point, Members are asked to declare any personal or prejudicial interests they may have in the business on this agenda.


Members were invited to declare at this point in the meeting any personal or prejudicial interests they might have in the business on the agenda.


Cllr Horton declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Executive Agenda Item 8 (York Racecourse – Application for Lease Extension and Amendments – Minute 100 refers) as a recipient of complimentary tickets from York Racecourse. He left the room during consideration of this item and did not take part in the discussion or decision thereon.


Cllr Looker declared a personal non prejudicial interest in Executive Agenda Item 8 (York Racecourse – Application for Lease Extension and Amendments – Minute 100 refers) as a recipient of complimentary tickets from York Racecourse.


Exclusion of Press and Public

To consider excluding the public and press from the meeting during consideration of any exempt information as detailed on the agenda for the Executive meeting to be held on 20 November 2007, under Schedule 12A to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to information) (Variation) Order 2006.


RESOLVED: That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of:

·        Annex 2 to Executive agenda item 8 (York Racecourse – Application for Lease Extension and Amendments – Minute 100 refers)

·        Annex A to Executive agenda item 9 (Review and Strategy for the Commercial Property Portfolio – Minute 101 refers)

on the grounds that they contain information relating to the financial or business affairs of particular persons, which was classed as exempt under paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as revised by The Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006).


Minutes pdf icon PDF 38 KB

To approve and sign the minutes of the Shadow Executive meeting held on 31 October 2007.



That the minutes of the last meeting held on 31 October 2007 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Public Participation

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered their wish to speak regarding an item on the agenda or an issue within the Shadow Executive’s remit can do so. The deadline for registering is Tuesday 13 November 2007, at 5.00 pm.


It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak under the Council’s Public Participation scheme.


Executive Forward Plan

To consider the items on the agenda for the Executive meeting to be held on 20 November 2007, and to take a decision on whether to call-in any of these items.


Please note that the reports relating to these items will be published on the Council’s website on Friday 9 November 2007. The website address is  Copies of the Executive agenda and reports are also available for viewing at public libraries in York and can be obtained by telephoning Democracy Support Group on York (01904) 551088.


The Shadow Executive made the following comments on the Forward Plan at page 9 of the papers circulated for the Executive meeting to be held on20 November 2007:


The Shadow Executive:

·        welcomed the new format showing slippages;

·        agreed to provisionally request officers for the following items on the Executive Forward Plan:


Executive on 4 December


§        Report of the Future York Group

§        Energy and Water Management – Policy & Practice/ Sustainability in Design

§        Reducing the Maintenance Backlog

§        Kendric Ash Review Update


Executive on 18 December


§        Progress Update: Draft Carbon Management Implementation Plan and progress on Climate Change Strategy for the City

§        Response to Regional Spatial Strategy – proposed changes

§        Thin Client Management Arrangements

§         Review Report – Housing (affordable and social)


IT Development Plan 2008-09


The Shadow Executive considered a report which was listed as item 6 on the agenda for the Executive meeting on 20 November 2007, at page 13.  The report set out areas for investment in IT that had been identified and put forward by Directors and asked Members to review these proposals and decide which ones they wish to fund.


Having discussed the issues set out in the report, the following comments were agreed:


The Shadow Executive:

·        noted the report;

·        agreed that in principle, subject to budget, there was a need for Option 2;

·        recognised the importance of monitoring Health and Safety, but there was a need to ensure training was made a priority to address cultural issues within the Council.


RESOLVED:(i) That the Executive be asked to take the above comments into account when considering this item.


(ii)                        That the item not be called in.


Comprehensive Performance Assessment Inspection - Self Assessment


The Shadow Executive considered a report which was listed as item 7 on the agenda for the Executive meeting on 20 November 2007, at page 65.  The report sought endorsement for the Council’s draft self assessment, to be submitted to the Audit Commission on the 10th December 2007, in preparation for the corporate inspection in January 2008.


Having discussed the issues set out in the report and questioned officers present at the meeting, the following comments were agreed:


The Shadow Executive:

·        expressed concerns that the self assessment report was truly reflective of the position;

·        agreed that there was merit in recognising areas which needed to be addressed, e.g. housing management, shared vision, consultation process, climate change and sustainability;

·        agreed that more detailed direct comments would be made to the report author and chief officer.


RESOLVED:(i) That the Executive be asked to take the above comments into account when considering this item.


(ii)                        That the item not be called in.


York Racecourse - Application for Lease Extension and Amendments


The Shadow Executive considered a report which was listed as item 8 on the agenda for the Executive meeting on 20 November 2007, at page 107.  The report asked Members to consider a request from the Race Committee to extend the lease of York Racecourse to 99 years from 2008, to include permanent rights to retain the ‘Ascot Bend’ and to make other changes to update the lease.


Having discussed the issues set out in the report and questioned officers present at the meeting, the following comments were agreed:


The Shadow Executive:

·        agreed that the lease did not achieve all that it could and failed to address ward councillors’ concerns

·        agreed that the lease should address:

§         alternative southern access from Sim Balk Lane, including traffic management implications

§         policing outside of racecourse, through a contribution from the racecourse

§         location of temporary toilets

§         benefits to York residents

§         contributions to traffic management and parking in residential areas

§         adequate protection for evening racing and implications to the city

§         investment in area “W”

·        agreed that alternatively, the council should earmark such monies from rent to address the issues;

·        recommended that further negotiations were undertaken with the racecourse to address the issues and a report was brought back to the Executive.


RESOLVED:(i) That the Executive be asked to take the above comments into account when considering this item.


(ii)                        That the item not be called in.


Review and Strategy for the Commercial Property Portfolio


The Shadow Executive considered a report which was listed as item 9 on the agenda for the Executive meeting on 20 November 2007, at page 121.  The report identified the properties making up the Council’s Commercial Property Portfolio, examined the background to current ownership, established criteria for holding these premises in the future and audited performance for the period 2000 to 2005.


Having discussed the issues set out in the report and questioned officers present at the meeting, the following comments were agreed:


The Shadow Executive:

·        welcomed the report;

·        agreed that it was important to have a strategy and to keep assets for income, as highlighted by MacMillan’s comments on Thatcher privatisation and the sale of family silver;

·        agreed that the community use of buildings should be looked at, as highlighted in the scrutiny review;

·        agreed that some buildings were of historic importance and CYC membership was in the interest of the city;

·        agreed that sensitive historic buildings were sold to sympathetic and appropriate organisations;

·        agreed that it was important to have a suitable investment fund, as highlighted in paragraph 3 of the report, but each sale should be considered on its own merits and the proceeds not automatically put into the fund.


RESOLVED:(i) That the Executive be asked to take the above comments into account when considering this item.


(ii)                        That the item not be called in.


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