Agenda and minutes
Venue: West Offices - Station Rise, York YO1 6GA. View directions
Contact: Jane Meller Democracy Officer
Webcast: video recordings
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest (5:30 pm) At this point in the meeting, Members and co-opted members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest, or other registerable interest, they might have in respect of business on this agenda, if they have not already done so in advance on the Register of Interests. The disclosure must include the nature of the interest.
An interest must also be disclosed in the meeting when it becomes apparent to the member during the meeting.
[Please see the attached sheet for further guidance for Members.] Minutes: Members were asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest, or other registerable interest, they might have in respect of business on the agenda, if they have not already done so in advance on the Register of Interests.
In relation to Item 4, Cllr Crawshaw noted that he was a trustee of the York Museums Trust. Also in relation to the same item, Cllr Coles noted, for transparency reasons, that she was the preferred appointee for the Deputy Mayor of the Combined Authority, the remit for the post was unrelated to the projects under discussion.
To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 13 May 2024. Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes of the last meeting held on 13 May 2024 were approved as a correct record.
Public Participation (5:33 pm) At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered to speak can do so. Members of the public may speak on agenda items or on matters within the remit of the committee. Please note that our registration deadlines are set as 2 working days before the meeting, in order to facilitate the management of public participation at our meetings. The deadline for registering at this meeting is 5:00pm on Thursday 06 June 2024.
To register to speak please visit to fill in an online registration form. If you have any questions about the registration form or the meeting, please contact Democratic Services. Contact details can be found at the foot of this agenda.
Webcasting of Public Meetings Please note that, subject to available resources, this meeting will be webcast including any registered public speakers who have given their permission. The meeting can be viewed live and on demand at During coronavirus, we made some changes to how we ran council meetings, including facilitating remote participation by public speakers. See our updates ( for more information on meetings and decisions. Minutes: It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme. |
A York pipeline of projects for the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority (5:33 pm) This reports provides an update on a York pipeline of projects for the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority.
Additional documents: Minutes: Members were invited to consider a report which outlined the proposals for projects that could receive funding from the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority.
The projects had been organised under the following headings: · Great Places for All · Housing · Well-connected economy · Productive and Innovative Economy
Members asked a range of questions about the projects listed under each heading in Annex A to the report. During the course of the discussion, it was reported that:
· Annex A was a live document and expected to change according to developing priorities; these would then be fed back to the Mayor. The identified projects were either linked to council priorities or schemes that could be brought forward promptly due to funding availability. · It was the aim of the Combined Authority to develop strategic priorities in order to achieve the most benefit across the region, without the need to bid for funding. · Items highlighted in green were projects that had been brought forward and were either already funded or under development. · Once funding had been approved, more detailed proposals covering the scale as well as budget requirements would be developed. · The regulatory powers in relation to the retrofit of housing would be clarified and brought back to committee. · Bus franchising was a mayoral responsibility. · Officers agreed that it would be appropriate to wait for the movement and place plan to establish suitable timelines. · Further work was needed to develop rail priorities, this was ongoing. · The wording relating to public transport enhancements would be amended to include community transport. · The green construction skills initiative offered training in a real life environment.
Resolved: That the pipeline of projects be noted and amendments as discussed be brought back to the next committee meeting.
Reason: To ensure the pipeline of projects align with the 10 year strategies for York, the 2023-2027 Council Plan, and YNYCA Economic Framework and to ensure a set of proposals which are ready to engage with future funding opportunities as and when they emerge from the Combined Authority.
Work Plan (6:32 pm) To consider the scrutiny overview work plan. Minutes: Members considered the Scrutiny work plan for the four scrutiny committees.
Resolved: That the work plan be noted.
Reason: To ensure an overview of the scrutiny work programme. |