Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: The George Hudson Board Room - 1st Floor West Offices (F045). View directions
Contact: Ben Jewitt Democracy Officer
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest (10:01am)
An interest must also be disclosed in the meeting when it becomes apparent to the member during the meeting.
[Please see attached sheet for further guidance for Members].
Minutes: The Executive Member was asked to declare, at this point in the meeting, any personal interests not included on the Register of Interests or any prejudicial or disclosable pecuniary interests they might have in respect of the business on the agenda. None were declared. |
To approve and sign the minutes of the Decision Session held on 16 January 2024. Minutes: Resolved: That the minutes of the Decision Session held on 16 January 2024 be approved and signed by the Executive Member as a correct record. |
Public Participation (10:02am) At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered to speak can do so. Members of the public may speak on agenda items or on matters within the remit of the committee.
Please note that our registration deadlines have changed to 2 working days before the meeting. The deadline for registering at this meeting is at 5.00pm on Friday 16 February 2024.
To register to speak please visit to fill out an online registration form. If you have any questions about the registration form or the meeting please contact the Democracy Officer for the meeting whose details can be found at the foot of the agenda.
Webcasting of Public Meetings
Please note that, subject to available resources, this public meeting will be webcast including any registered public speakers who have given their permission. The public meeting can be viewed on demand at
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Minutes: It was reported that there had been 5 registrations to speak at the session under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme.
Councillor Warters commented on agenda item 4 noting that the public consultation had indicated 73.58% respondents did not support moving to cashless payment only. He felt that this consultation was meaningless if such a response did not lead to a change of strategy. He also raised concern that the removal of a cash option presented potential accessibility issues for groups such as the elderly and could contribute to bank closures through lack of use. Councillor Warters also reminded the executive member that he had previously raised the issue of potholes and he felt these were still not being prioritised.
Flick Williams spoke on agenda item 4; she raised concerns regarding digital exclusion and the vulnerabilities of data sharing. She raised concern that a complete reliance on cashless payment would leave a single point of failure, should the network connection go down. She also suggested that the “Pay on exit” scheme was problematic and could inadvertently exclude certain groups with disabilities who are not blue badge holders.
Zenia Chapman spoke on item 5; noting that while public consultation has taken place, phase 2 still risked repeating the mistakes of phase 1. She felt that no meaningful change had been planned for the scheme and a lot of highways related elements were included, meaning it was not a true regeneration. In her view, items had been slipped into scope that should be covered by other budgets (such as potholes).
Heather Marsden spoke on item 5 on behalf of the Greater Acomb Community Forum. She stated that the forum wanted more trees and plants on Front Street. She advised that while there had been consultation regarding the bollards, hardly anyone within the community knew about this and they were keen to ensure future consultation was better publicised. She advised that the forum were working with Prof Kate Giles and Dr Jenny England from University of York, who had previously worked with York Civic Trust were at the decision session.
Councillor Waller spoke on item 5; he said that he was keen to see progress, noting in particular the need for high street improvement between The Regent and Gale Lane, and in particular improvements would be needed to the crossing by Morrisons, benches throughout the pedestrianised area and public toilets. He stated that the plans were promising and allowed flexibility to adapt and take further. |
Cashless Parking Review (10:19am) Purpose of the Report: Taking forward the decision made by the Executive Member for Economy and Transport to consult on moving the parking estate to cashless payments only and agree to a review of the current number of parking ticket machines and a procurement for parking ticket machines.
The Executive Member will be asked: To make a number of decisions based on the officer recommendations outlined in the report as follows: i. To review the cashless parking consultation results; ii. To agree one of the following options: A – To remove the acceptance of cash across the parking estate, which is in line with the budget decision made in March 2023; B – To continue to accept cash payments across all the parking estate; iii. To agree to the removal of some of the on street parking based on an annex that will be included in the report; iv. Agree to the Parking Services to go out for the procurement of a new supplier for parking ticket machines and pay on exit systems where the decision as to whether cash will be accepted or not will inform the specification for cashless or cash accepting machines.
The action date for this item has changed from 16 January 2024 to 20 February 2024. Reason: To allow further time to consider the consultation results and review recommendations. Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved:
a. That the cashless parking consultation results contained with annexes B to P of the report be noted.
Reason: To ensure that decisions are informed by and give due regard to the views of residents and the impacts of any change.
b. That cash payment be removed and offer pay by phone as the only way to pay on street for pay and display.
Reason: To give effect to the Full Council Budget Decision. These are the machines most in need of replacement, the level of investment required to replace them and add debit, credit and pre-paid cash card and contactless cannot be justified.
c. That cash payment be retained at Bootham Row and Castle Car Parks, for those who cannot use the app or do not have access to a card.
Reason: Gives effect to the consultation that has identified impacts of going cashless on people, some of whom will have protected characteristics. The two car parks recommended are the Gold Standard car parks identified in the access review. Minutes: The Director of Transport, Environment and Planning and the Head of Parking Services presented the report.
The Director of Transport, Environment and Planning issued a correction to the report, confirming that paragraph 10 should read “The Executive Member is asked to review the report and the consultation results to inform decisions on the following 3 items” and not “the following 5 items” as stated.
He stated that while the report recommended removing the coin paytment option from car parks and on-street parking, Bootham Row and Castle car parks would retain cash payment as a concession to those who did not wish to lose this option. He added that the report did not recommend expanding pay on exit.
The Executive Member noted that the prior Executive had committed to cashless payment, and the current Executive had put this to consultation. Responding to Councillor Warters point in Public Participation, the Executive Member stated that the decision that two car parks would now be retaining the cash option was the direct result of public feedback at the consultation stage.
The Executive Member noted that appropriate signage should be offered for the nearest coin payment location at all on-street parking locations, since coin payments here will no longer be available.
i. That the cashless parking consultation results contained with annexes B to P of the report be noted.
Reason: To ensure that decisions are informed by and give due regard to the views of residents and the impacts of any change.
ii. That cash payment be removed and offer pay by phone as the only way to pay on street for pay and display.
Reason: To give effect to the Full Council Budget Decision. These are the machines most in need of replacement, the level of investment required to replace them and add debit, credit and pre-paid cash card and contactless cannot be justified.
iii. That cash payment be retained at Bootham Row and Castle Car Parks, for those who cannot use the app or do not have access to a card.
Reason: Gives effect to the consultation that has identified impacts of going cashless on people, some of whom will have protected characteristics. The two car parks recommended are the Gold Standard car parks identified in the access review.
The purpose of the report is to set out the ambition and potential scope of the phase 2 works on Acomb Front Street, a key secondary shopping centre within the City of York Council area, seeking approval to undertake open public engagement on costed designs and ideas for the scheme.
The ambition and delivery approach will promote economic growth and help to develop a unique local high street environment promoting diverse community use, and respond to the ideas from the 2021 Future of Acomb Front Street Study, and feedback to date including the petition submitted following the phase 1 works.
The engagement process will be set out, and potential elements (with costings) will be outlined , to ensure businesses and residents and have an opportunity to contribute during the planned engagement period, which is being designed to meet the aspirations of the local community.
Approval will be sought to undertake open public engagement on the Acomb Front Street Phase 2 project approach, to test costed designs and ideas for the scheme.
The Executive will be asked: To confirm that the public consultation on Acomb Front Street Phase 2 may commence, based on the project approach outlined.
Instruct officers to undertake public engagement, analyse responses and work up detailed designs in order that a full costed project scheme can be presented to Executive for approval in Summer 2024. Additional documents:
Decision: Resolved:
That open public engagement on the Acomb Front Street phase 2 project approach be approved, in order to test costed designs and ideas for the scheme and receive feedback.
Public engagement, and analysis of feedback responses, is essential to enable officers to finalise detailed designs for the phase 2 works that benefit from public engagement comments; and to ensure that a fully costed scheme can be presented to Executive for consideration and approval to proceed in summer 2024. Minutes: The and the Head of City Development and Head of Regeneration presented the report and responded to public participants.
The Head of Regeneration referenced the concern about highway focus raised in public participation, advising that Front Street was considered a public highway, which constrained some of the framework officers must work within.
With regard to the issue of planting – he acknowledged the positive impact of more plants and trees but stated that there would be technical challenges to this including drainage and footpath obstruction. As Acomb is fortunate enough to have green spaces close by it was not considered top priority.
The Executive Member stated that the Executive were trying to change the plan in Acomb and stressed that further public consultation would be conducted in order to meet the budget timeframe of March 2025.
That open public engagement on the Acomb Front Street phase 2 project approach be approved, in order to test costed designs and ideas for the scheme and receive feedback.
Public engagement, and analysis of feedback responses, is essential to enable officers to finalise detailed designs for the phase 2 works that benefit from public engagement comments; and to ensure that a fully costed scheme can be presented to Executive for consideration and approval to proceed in summer 2024.