Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: West Offices - Station Rise, York YO1 6GA. View directions

Contact: Angela Bielby  Democracy Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence (4.36pm)

To receive and note apologies for absence.


Gareth Arnold - Development Manager

Jonathan Kenyon Principal Planning Officer 

Lindsay Jenkins – Senior Planning Officer

Sandra Branigan – Senior Lawyer


Apologies for absence were received and noted for Cllr Wann and Cllr Cullwick.




Declarations of Interest (4.36pm) pdf icon PDF 222 KB

At this point in the meeting, Members and co-opted members are asked to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest, or other registerable interest, they might have in respect of business on this agenda, if they have not already done so in advance on the Register of Interests. The disclosure must include the nature of the interest.


An interest must also be disclosed in the meeting when it becomes apparent to the member during the meeting.


[Please see attached sheet for further guidance for Members].



Members were asked to declare at this point in the meeting any disclosable pecuniary interest or other registerable interest they might have in respect of business on the agenda, if they had not already done so in advance on the Register of Interests. Cllr Melly noted that she would withdraw for agenda item 4b [Elvington Water Treatment Works, Kexby Lane, Elvington, York [24/01238/FULM] as she had a close personal relationship with a person in connection with the application. There were no further declarations of interest.



Public Participation (4.37pm)

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered to speak can do so. Members of the public may speak on agenda items or on matters within the remit of the committee.


Please note that our registration deadlines are set as 2 working days before the meeting, in order to facilitate the management of public participation at our meetings.  The deadline for registering at this meeting is 5:00pm on Tuesday 5 November 2024. 


To register to speak please visit to fill in an online registration form.  If you have any questions about the registration form or the meeting, please contact Democratic Services.  Contact details can be found at the foot of this agenda.


Webcasting of Public Meetings


Please note that, subject to available resources, this meeting will be webcast including any registered public speakers who have given their permission. The meeting can be viewed live and on demand at


During coronavirus, we made some changes to how we ran council meetings, including facilitating remote participation by public speakers. See our updates ( for more information on meetings and decisions.




It was reported that there had been no registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme on general matters within the remit of the Planning Committee A.



Plans List (4.37pm)

This item invites Members to determine the following planning applications:


Members considered a schedule of reports of the Head of Planning and Development, relating to the following planning applications, outlining the proposals and relevant policy considerations and setting out the views of consultees and officers.




Land to South and East of the Cemetery, New Lane, Huntington, York [23/01016/OUTM] (4.37pm) pdf icon PDF 560 KB

Outline planning application with all matters reserved except access, for up to 107 dwellings (use class C3) with associated landscaping, public open space, and vehicular access from New Lane [Huntington/New Earswick Ward]

Additional documents:


Members considered an outline planning application with all matters reserved except access from Jomast Developments and GBL Projects for up to 107 dwellings (use class C3) with associated landscaping, public open space, and vehicular access from New Lane.


The Development Manager gave a presentation on the application. In response to questions from Members, he explained that:

·        Regarding the southern end of the cycleway, the application had been done on the basis of The Island being built. If The Island was not built, the cycle way would end with a hedge.

·        Where the land granted permission from the Secretary of State was located.

·        The bus stop was behind the two way cycle lane.

·        The new cycle lane would result in the loss of hedgerow.

·        The cycle lane width was based on the number of users expected.

·        The self-seeded ash trees were to be removed.


The Principal Planning Officer gave an update on the application. The update included a summary of the Ward Councillors representation, an update on the impact of the scheme on green belt purposes 2, 4 and 5, correction to paragraph 5.34 and  proposed additional conditions regarding the accommodation mix and phasing plan.


Public Speakers

Cllr Cullwick (Huntington and New Earswick Ward Cllr) spoke in objection to the application representing some local concerns. He asked if the benefit of affordable housing outweighed the very special circumstances. He noted that the application offered no significant contribution to health provision or local services. He added that the scheme would result in the loss of one of the last open spaces in the area and that the loss of part of the vital green wedge was substantial. He noted the impact of the development on Strensall Common and that there was a lack of local support for the scheme.


In response to questions from Members, Cllr Cullwick noted that:

·        Strensall Common was within the zone of influence.

·        Regarding transport links to Strensall Common, there was a bus that ran through Huntington to Strensall Common and people also used private transport to get there.

·        There had been very little consultation with Ward and Parish Councillors.

·        Strensall Common was a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and most people travelled there in their cars.

·        He was not involved in the creation of the Huntington Neighbourhood Plan.

·        The Huntington Neighbourhood Plan should carry weight.


Adam Hearld (Director of Jomas Developments) spoke in support of the application on behalf of Jomast, joint applicant for the application. He explained that Jomas were working with Together Homes which was one of the biggest providers affordable homes. He noted that the scheme was 100% affordable homes and would offer a period of exclusivity to key workers. He noted that the site had strong pedestrian and transport links. He noted the ecology measures and that these would result in a net gain in biodiversity. He added that it was a windfall site needed by the city for its affordable housing needs.


Colleagues Adam Smout and Philip Holmes joined Adam Hearld  ...  view the full minutes text for item 133.


Elvington Water Treatment Works, Kexby Lane, Elvington, York [24/01238/FULM] (7.06pm) pdf icon PDF 551 KB

Installation of a solar photovoltaic array with associated infrastructure including transformer, security fencing, pole mounted CCTV, temporary construction access and compound [Wheldrake Ward]

Additional documents:


Members considered a major full application from Ameet Juttla for the installation of a solar photovoltaic array with associated infrastructure including transformer, security fencing, pole mounted CCTV, temporary construction access and compound.


The Development Manager gave a presentation on the application. The Senior Planning Officer gave an update on the application noting a further consultation response from the Ouse and Derwent Internal Drainage Board (IBD), amendments to paragraphs 5.60 and 5.86, amendment to the recommendation and amendment to condition 10.


Public Speakers

Ryo Kikuchi spoke in support on behalf of the applicant. He explained the compliance of the development with policies of the Local Plan as well as the NPPF. He explained that the renewable energy generated would be used by Yorkshire Water at the water treatment works. He noted that the applicant had worked with officers and the local community. He added that the scheme would provide biodiversity net gain and that residents were in support of the development. He was asked and explained that all power generated would go to Yorkshire Water.


Officers were asked and confirmed there had been no response on the application from Elvington Parish Council and the Civil Aviation Authority. Following debate, Cllr Ben Burton proposed the officer recommendation to delegate authority to the Head of Planning and Development Services to approve the application subject to the referral of the application to the Secretary of State,

the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure a monitoring contribution of £3,300, to secure the planning obligations regarding on-site Biodiversity Net Gain, finalise the S106 agreement and amendment to condition 10. This was seconded by Cllr Fenton. Following a unanimous vote in favour it was:



i. That delegated authority be given to the Head of Planning and Development Services to APPROVE the application subject to:


a) The referral of the application to the Secretary of State under the Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2021, and subject to the application not being called-in by the Secretary of State for their own determination:


b) The completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure a monitoring contribution of £3,300 to secure the following planning obligations:


·        On-site Biodiversity Net Gain – to secure a monitoring contribution in respect of biodiversity net gain monitoring where a development will deliver some biodiversity net gain on-site and the maintenance and monitoring of any biodiversity is secured by a condition imposed on the development.


ii. The Head of Planning and Development Services be given delegated authority to finalise the terms and details of the Section 106 Agreement.


iii. The Head of Planning and Development Services be given delegated authority to determine the final detail of the following planning conditions listed in the published report and following amendment to condition 10: A programme of post-determination archaeological evaluation is required.




1.   This application, with an Environmental Statement relates to the development of solar photovoltaic array to generate 3200 Kilowatts (KW) (3.2 Megawatt (MW) and be used to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 134.


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