Issue - meetings

Race Course Lease Review

Meeting: 20/11/2007 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 106)

106 York Racecourse – Application For Lease Extension And Amendments pdf icon PDF 66 KB

This report asks Members to consider a request from the Race Committee to extend the lease of York Racecourse to 99 years from 2008, to include permanent rights to retain the ‘Ascot Bend’ and to make other changes to update the lease.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:            (i)            That Option A be approved, that is:

a)to surrender the existing lease for the Racecourse in favour of a new 99 year lease, from 2008;

b)to include the remaining 3 acres of the West Enclosure in the lease, subject to the results of advertising under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972;

c) to increase the number of permitted Race Days as of right to 20, with any others to be subject to approval by the Head of Parks and Open Spaces, in consultation with Officers in City Strategy;

d)to add the ‘Ascot Bend’ to the race track, in exchange for land on the Tadcaster Road straight;

e)to allow up to 10 days for the erection of hospitality marquees and 4 days for removal, instead of the current ‘Race Week’, subject to the approval of the Head of Parks and Open Spaces.


REASON:      To ensure that York Racecourse maintains its position amongst the top courses in the country, whilst at the same time continuing to be a valued local amenity that plays a valuable role in the economic development of the City and brings benefits in a manner that is acceptable to the residents of York.


(ii) That Officers be asked to investigate further options for providing a set of temporary toilets, including bringing back into use the existing toilet block on Knavesmire Road, on major Race Days.


REASON: In order to address Ward Members’ suggestions in this regard and in view of the fact that the Race Committee are not willing to provide toilets in the Scarcroft Hill area and that there is no budget provision for the estimated £8k cost of providing and servicing toilets for the main race meetings.


                        (iii) That the other issues raised by Members be kept under review and addressed as part of any proposed changes to licensing arrangements and planning permissions and / or during traffic management reviews.


REASON:      To ensure that these matters are dealt with in an appropriate context.


                        (iv)       That any further refinement of the ‘off course’ race management arrangements - which may involve additional cost - be submitted as a revenue growth bid as part of the annual budget build process.


REASON:      To ensure that adequate funding arrangements are in place before any changes are agreed.


Members considered a report which presented a request from the Race Committee to make changes to the lease of York Racecourse, in order to enable investment in developing and maintaining their facilities to continue.


The changes requested were:

  • To restore the lease length to 99 years, from 2008
  • To include the whole of the West Enclosure in the lease
  • To increase the number of permitted Race Days from 15 to 20
  • To add the ‘Ascot Bend’ to the track on a permanent basis
  • To extend the definition of ‘Race Weeks’.


Ward Members’ suggestions for consideration in respect of the lease, and Officers’ responses, were set out in paragraph 9 of the report.  Members were invited to consider three options:

Option A – Agree the lease extension.  This was the recommended option.

Option B – Decline to extend the lease.  Not recommended, as failure to support improvements and future investment could be seen as detrimental to the long term prosperity of the City.

Option C – Accept some of the proposed changes but not others.  Not recommended, as it was thought unlikely that York Race Committee would accept a partial agreement.


With reference to the comments of the Shadow Executive on this item, Officers confirmed that:

  • The land at Sim Balk Lane had been used as an overflow car park on a one-off basis for Royal Ascot.  It was not owned by the Council or the Race Committee and was not included in the agreed Traffic Management Plan.
  • Policing outside the racecourse area was not considered to be a matter for the Race Committee.
  • The location of temporary toilets was yet to be agreed and would be discussed with relevant Ward Members.
  • In terms of benefits to York residents, the Racecourse provided employment and leisure facilties - a substantial proportion of racegoers were residents of York.
  • The Racecourse already contributed to traffic management via an agreed formula.
  • There was currently only one evening race meeting and the 10pm curfew for post-race entertainment was strictly adhered to.
  • It was expected that the proposed changes to the lease would generate more investment in Area W (i.e. part of the West enclosure).


Members commented that some of the issues raised by the Shadow Executive could be addressed more appropriately in the context of the annual meeting with the Race Committee, when plans for the future season were discussed.


RESOLVED: (i)         That Option A be approved, that is:

a)                 to surrender the existing lease for the Racecourse in favour of a new 99 year lease, from 2008;

b)                 to include the remaining 3 acres of the West Enclosure in the lease, subject to the results of advertising under Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972;

c)                  to increase the number of permitted Race Days as of right to 20, with any others to be subject to approval by the Head of Parks and Open Spaces, in consultation with Officers in City Strategy;

d)                 to add the ‘Ascot Bend’ to the race track, in exchange  ...  view the full minutes text for item 106


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