Issue - meetings

Museum Trust Partnership Delivery Plan 2008-2013

Meeting: 19/10/2007 - Executive Member For Leisure, Culture and Social Inclusion and Advisory Panel (Item 20)

20 Museum Trust Partnership Delivery Plan 2008-2013 pdf icon PDF 37 KB

This report updates members on the progress of the York Museums Trust (YMT) towards meeting the targets agreed in the Partnership Delivery Plan.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


·        Note and comment upon the performance of the York Museums Trust

·        Agree to the application of the Council’s capital as set out in paragraph 15 of the report

·        Recommend that the Executive considers the trust’s request for £250k of prudential borrowing in order to fund the balance of the Hospitium scheme


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To fulfil the Council’s role under the Partnership Delivery Plan.


Members considered a report which updated them on the progress of the York Museums Trust (YMT) towards meeting the targets agreed in the Partnership Delivery Plan.


The Partnership Delivery Plan (PDP) approved by members in December 2002 outlined the key targets and objectives which the Council requires YMT to work towards over the next five years.  Members had asked for regular updates on progress.  This report covered the period April 2007 to September 2007. 


The report updated on the capital programme, including the Art Gallery Roof, the Hospitium, and the Heritage Lottery Fund Bid in respect of the Yorkshire Museum and Gardens.


Michael Woodward, Director of Finance and Business Development of the YMT attended the meeting to update Members on progress in the above areas. Members were also updated regarding the ongoing developments of the Castle Museum, the increase in visitor numbers due to a television advertising campaign, and the developments to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the museum next year.


Updates were provided on the Hospitium project.


The report detailed the current capital programme and the reprofile requested in paragraphs 14 & 15 of the report :




2007/08                                  Hospitium                               200

                                                1960’s Experience               200

2008/09                                  Prison Experience                100

                                                Yorkshire Museum                500

2009/10                                  Yorkshire Museum                500

                                                Gardens                                 263


Reprofile requested


2007/08                                  Hospitium                               200

                                                1960’s Experience               200

                                                Art Gallery Roof                     200

2008/09                                  Prison Experience                100

                                                Yorkshire Museum                100

2009/10                                  Yorkshire Museum                500

                                                Gardens                                 263

2010/11                                  Yorkshire Museum                200


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


·        Note the performance of the York Museums Trust, and Members comments;

·        Agree to the application of the Council’s capital as set out in paragraph 15 of the report and detailed above;

·        Recommend that the Executive considers the trust’s request for £250k of prudential borrowing in order to fund the balance of the Hospitium scheme.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To fulfil the Council’s role under the Partnership Delivery Plan.


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