Issue - meetings

Secure Cycle Parking

Meeting: 16/07/2007 - Executive Members for City Strategy and Advisory Panel (Item 27)

27 Secure Cycle Parking pdf icon PDF 87 KB

This report informs the Advisory Panel of the current situation regarding the provision of cycle parking both in the city centre and elsewhere in the authority area. It also suggests potential improvements which can be made to improve both the level of security and the level of provision.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to:


1.      Endorse the proposals discussed in paragraphs 26 to 35 of the report and ask Officers  to investigate these in conjunction with other city centre schemes such as the review of the Footstreets Pedestrian Priority Zone and the City Centre Events Review.

2.      Recommend that Officers bring a further report back to the panel in late Autumn 2007 at which point the results of the survey work will be known and specific sites identified as requiring action.


Decision of the Executive Leader for City Strategy


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.



(i)     To enable an holistic solution to be achieved that will not only benefit cyclists but also help other

users of the city centre.

(ii)   To keep Members appraised of specific measures proposed and at which sites.


Members considered a report regarding the provision of cycle parking both in the city centre and elsewhere in the authority area. It also suggests potential improvements which could be made to improve both the level of security and the level of provision.


Officers updated that there was a review of the CCTV system in the City happening at the moment.


Members discussed the merits of the different kind of bicycle stands and agreed that the butterfly stands should be replaced for Sheffield stands as soon as possible. Some Members felt that the condition of the stands could be monitored more effectively as some of the city centre ones were in a poor state of repair.  The possibility of locating more stands in Parliament Street was discussed and it was realised that there was a lot of competition for space in this area. Discussions were also had concerning the facilities for parking cycles with trailers attached as these were now more widely used. It was hoped that facilities could be provided as and when the current stands were refurbished. Members welcomed the work on secure cycle parking but thought that more needed to be done regarding the siting of the parking areas.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member for City Strategy be advised to:


1.      Endorse the proposals discussed in paragraphs 26 to 35 of the report and ask Officers  to investigate these in conjunction with other city centre schemes such as the review of the Footstreets Pedestrian Priority Zone and the City Centre Events Review.

2.      Recommend that Officers bring a further report back to the panel in late Autumn 2007 at which point the results of the survey work will be known and specific sites identified as requiring action.


Decision of the Executive Leader for City Strategy


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.



(i)     To enable an holistic solution to be achieved that will not only benefit cyclists but also help other

users of the city centre.

(ii)   To keep Members appraised of specific measures proposed and at which sites.


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