Issue - meetings

Housing and Adult Social Services Capital Programme 2007/08 monitor 1

Meeting: 10/09/2007 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 25)

25 Housing and Adult Social Services Capital Programme 2007/08 Monitor 1 pdf icon PDF 51 KB

This report presents the first quarter review of the 2007/08 Housing and Social Services Capital Programmes and the resources available to support them and ask the Executive Members to approve variations.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Members for Housing and Adult Social Services be advised to


i)            Note progress made on schemes

ii)         Approve the variations listed in Table 1 (Repairs to Local Authority Properties) and Table 2 (Modernisation of Local Authority Homes)

iii)        Refer the schemes in Table 3 (Social Services) and referred to in paragraph 19 to the Executive for approval

iv)        Note minor variations made under officers delegated authority and the officer specification recommendation in relation to combination central heating boilers referred to in paragraph 13

Decision of the Executive Members for Housing and Adult Social Services

RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.

REASON:                  To update Members on the first quarter review of the Housing and Social Services Capital Programmes.


Consideration was given to a report, which presented the first quarter review of the 2007/08 Housing and Social Services Capital Programmes and the resources available to support them.


It was reported that the minor variations agreed within officer’s delegated authority and the variations outlined in the report resulted in a £322k increase in the Housing Programme and an increase of £20k in the Social Services Capital Programme. The revised Housing Capital Programme for 2007/08 stood at £9,453k with £4,656k funded from the Major Repairs Allowance Scheme. The revised Social Services Capital Programme for 2007/08 stood at £646k gross of which £94k was funded by Supported Capital Expenditure and £311k was funded by capital grant resulting in a net Capital Programme of £241k.


Officers referred to Table 1 in the report which gave details of a major variation resulting in a projected increase in expenditure for the installation and replacement of heating systems which was largely as a result of large numbers of old back boilers failing their annual gas service.  It was pointed out that these works was not additional to the programme but were simply being brought forward. There was also a recommendation to use high quality Combination boilers for all dwellings.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Members for Housing and Adult Social Services be advised to


i)            Note progress made on schemes

ii)         Approve the variations listed in Table 1 (Repairs to Local Authority Properties) and Table 2 (Modernisation of Local Authority Homes)

iii)        Refer the schemes in Table 3 (Social Services) and referred to in paragraph 19 to the Executive for approval

iv)        Note minor variations made under officers delegated authority and the officer specification recommendation in relation to combination central heating boilers referred to in paragraph 13

Decision of the Executive Members for Housing and Adult Social Services

RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.

REASON:                  To update Members on the first quarter review of the Housing and Social Services Capital Programmes.


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