Issue - meetings

Leisure Facilities Strategy

Meeting: 12/06/2007 - Executive - for meetings from 03/06/00 to 26/04/11 (Item 9)

9 Leisure Facilities Strategy Update: Yearsley Swimming Pool pdf icon PDF 63 KB

This report asks the Executive to approve a scheme to undertake repairs at Yearsley Swimming Pool.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:(i) That the programme of repairs at Yearsley Swimming Pool, as set out in Annex B and including a virement of £10k from the Property Services Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) scheme, be agreed;


                        (ii) That the use of contingencies, from within the swimming pools programme, to fund the additional costs of this project be agreed;


                        (iii) That a Venture Fund loan of £40k, to be repaid from future energy savings, and a non-recurring supplementary estimate of £40k be agreed to cover the net revenue costs associated with the pool closure period.


Members received a report which asked them to approve a scheme to undertake repairs at Yearsley Swimming Pool.


The key issues which the scheme needed to address were set out in paragraph 4 of the report.  In the light of these issues, a shortlist of essential works, attached as Annex A of the report, had been drawn up.  These works were required on either structural, operational, or health and safety grounds, in order to extend the life of the pool to 2012.  The work would take approximately 16 weeks, starting on 9 July 2007, and a communications strategy had been drawn up to provide information to key users and the public about the closure.  The estimated cost of the work was set in Annex B of the report.


The report presented three options for consideration:

·  To undertake the scheme as identified;

·  Not to undertake the scheme as identified;

·  To carry out a more comprehensive scheme.


The report proposed the use of contingencies from within the swimming pools programme to fund additional capital expenditure which had been identified, in addition to the indicative sum of £500k plus fees that had been set out in the Leisure Facilities Strategy in February 2006. 


The closure period would result in an estimated one-off revenue cost of £80k.  The options included in the report for funding this cost were a Venture Fund loan, use of the Corporate Contingency and savings in other Leisure & Culture services.


A revised version of Annex B, a carbon statement, and a schedule of energy and carbon savings and a comparison of energy efficiency had been circulated to Members for consideration.


Officers confirmed that the refurbishment work would have an expected life of at least 25 years.


Members welcomed the carbon and energy savings that the scheme would deliver and requested that carbon statements be included in reports for any similar schemes in the future.


RESOLVED:(i) That the programme of repairs at Yearsley Swimming Pool, as set out in Annex B and including a virement of £10k from the Property Services Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) scheme, be agreed;


                        (ii) That the use of contingencies, from within the swimming pools programme, to fund the additional costs of this project be agreed;


                        (iii) That a Venture Fund loan of £40k, to be repaid from future energy savings, and a non-recurring supplementary estimate of £40k be agreed to cover the net revenue costs associated with the pool closure period.


REASON:                  To extend the lift of Yearsley Pool to 2012.


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