Issue - meetings
Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan
Meeting: 12/12/2024 - Executive (Item 8.)
8. Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (18:28) PDF 187 KB
This report presents a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for York. An LCWIP is a strategic document which outlines an evidence-based, prioritised series of active travel zones and routes that can then be used to secure external funding, including developer contributions.
Additional documents:
- LCWIP Report Annex A, item 8. PDF 3 MB View as HTML (8./2) 141 KB
- York_LCWIP_Annex_B_EqIA, item 8. PDF 711 KB View as HTML (8./3) 119 KB
i. Approved the LCWIP as detailed in Annex A.
Reason: To create an LCWIP for York which will enable funding
to be secured for active travel improvements across the city.
ii. Delegated authority to the Executive Member for Transport to review and make changes to the LCWIP, in accordance with any approved Local Transport Strategy or Plan, as required.
Reason: To ensure that the LCWIP remains current and can be
amended quickly in response to any changes in circumstance.