Issue - meetings

Response to petition concerning Yearsley Bridge Day Centre closure

Meeting: 04/06/2007 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 10)

10 Response to petition concerning Yearsley Bridge Day Centre closure pdf icon PDF 34 KB

This report advises Members of the petition received relating to the Yearsley Bridge Day Centre closure, and an update of the progress of the closure plan.

Additional documents:


Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Member for Adult Social Services be advised to note the information in the report and receipt of a petition relating to the Yearsley Bridge Day Centre closure.

Decision of the Executive Member for Adult Social Services

RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.

REASON:                  To update the Executive Member on progress with this scheme and on receipt of a petition.



Members considered a report, which related to receipt of a petition containing just short of 2000 signatures in opposition to the Yearsley Bridge Day Centre closure and which gave an update of the closure plan. 

Officers confirmed that this was part of an on-going programme of modernisation and re-provision to provide a more flexible and individualised support in line with up to date Government thinking. It was confirmed that the closure of Yearsley Bridge was due to be completed in 2008 and that the programme was detailed in Annex 1 of the report.

Officers stated that the Yearsley Bridge Day Centre was an outdated building, not fit for purpose, which offered users a limited choice. Consultations had been undertaken with individuals, their families as well as individual consultation with each services user and their family and friends. Details of their requirements had been obtained to try and provide individualised support service in the community.  It was stated that the dates were not set in stone and that May 2008 was only a target date to work towards.

Members questioned the consultation detailed in Annex 2 and in particular the point that families had been informed that the Centre would be modernised. This had then changed to re-provision and families felt that they had not been able to feed into this process.  Officers confirmed that this had been proposed since 2006 and that the Authority were not anticipating any savings from this re-provision nor would there be any cuts in staff or services. It was reported that consultation with centre users was still ongoing.

Members also made the following points

  • The provision of an improved service should ensure that clients received a seamless transfer.
  • Were there lease back arrangements for the Centre for use beyond May 2008, if required?
  • Details of the location for the hydrotherapy pool.
  • Reassurances that there would be no enforced redundancies as a result of the changes.
  • Support for the Authorities ongoing consultation with users of the Centre.

Officers confirmed that staff at the Centre were highly skilled so there was a wish to retain them and that it was highly unlikely that any staff would lose their job.

Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Member for Adult Social Services be advised to note the information in the report and receipt of a petition relating to the Yearsley Bridge Day Centre closure.

Decision of the Executive Member for Adult Social Services

RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.

REASON:                  To update the Executive Member on progress with this scheme and on receipt of a petition.



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