Issue - meetings

Heritage Lottery Bid for cycle of Mystery Plays 2008-2012

Meeting: 05/06/2007 - Executive Member For Leisure, Culture and Social Inclusion and Advisory Panel (Item 7)

7 Heritage Lottery Bid for cycle of Mystery Plays 2008-2012 pdf icon PDF 47 KB

This report seeks approval for the submission of an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) by the Council, as a lead partner within the Mystery Plays Co-ordinating Committee, to support the community and education programme of the York Cycle of Mystery Plays.


RESOLVED:             That it be agreed that a bid be made to the Heritage Lottery Fund by the Council, as the lead partner within the Mystery Plays Co-ordinating Committee.


REASON:                  To secure funds to develop an education and community programme for the next three productions of the York Cycle of Mystery Plays


Members considered a report that sought approval for the submission of an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) by the Council, as a lead partner within the Mystery Plays Co-ordinating Committee, to support the community and education programme of the York Cycle of Mystery Plays.


Officers reported that no permission was necessary to use the medieval scripts. They said that the Mystery Plays were very easy to promote and students were easily involved. The report asks the Council to be the lead partner for the bid as all the other possible partners already have bids in with this fund. Officers said that the plays would benefit the City as a whole and have strategic importance.


Members then considered the following options:


·              approve submission of the bid

·              refuse submission of the bid


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


·              agreed that a bid be made to the Heritage Lottery Fund by the Council, as the lead partner within the Mystery Plays Co-ordinating Committee.


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  To secure funds to develop an education and community programme for the next three productions of the York Cycle of Mystery Plays


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