Issue - meetings

Housing General Fund Service Plan 2006/07 outturn

Meeting: 04/06/2007 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 6)

6 Housing General Fund Service Plan 2006/07 outturn pdf icon PDF 62 KB

This report provides the Executive Member with an overview of progress on the Housing General Fund Service Plan agreed in April 2006.

Additional documents:


Members considered an overview of progress in the General Fund Service Plan agreed in April 2006.

The report covered

The Executive Member for Housing congratulated officers for all their hard work in delivering the General Fund Service Plan.

Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Member for Housing be advised to

(i)         Note progress and achievements made in delivering the General Fund Service Plan at the end of 2006/07;

(ii)        Agree the carry forward of £15,000 outlined in paragraph 19 of the report and reference to the Executive for approval.

Decision of the Executive Member for Housing

RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.

REASON:                  To inform the Executive Member on progress on the service plan and progress against objectives.


Members considered an overview of progress in the General Fund Service Plan agreed in April 2006.

The report covered the following areas:

·        Achievements over the year 2006/2007

·        Updates on Critical Success Factors (CSF’s)

·        2006/2007 performance on Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)

·        New external priorities or demands identified

·        Significant organisational issues


Officers updated that on the Housing General Fund Service Plan, Annex 1, in the Customer Based Improvements, results of the 2006/07 outturns had now been received for the following areas:

% of Landlords satisfied with housing regulation enforcement – 76% satisfied and 22% acceptable

% of Customers satisfied with the grant services – 99.6% satisfied


Officers confirmed that they had managed to reduce the amount of time people spent in temporary accommodation and that the Department were continuing to pursue homeless prevention services.  In answer to questions Officers gave details of the 8 rough sleepers listed in the report for 2006/07. Officers also confirmed that the resettlement team, the Salvation Army and the Neighbourhood Policing Teams were providing a combined approach to working with rough sleepers offering support and guidance.


Members questioned the number of affordable housing completions with the approvals given for Derwenthorpe and Germany Beck, Fulford. Officers stated that once the approval details were available for the sites more appropriate targets for future years could be included in reports

The Executive Member for Housing thanked officers for all their hard work in delivering the General Fund Service Plan.

Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Member for Housing be advised to

(i)         Note progress and achievements made in delivering the General Fund Service Plan at the end of 2006/07;

(ii)        Agree the carry forward of £15,000 outlined in paragraph 19 of the report and reference to the Executive for approval.

Decision of the Executive Member for Housing

RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.

REASON:                  To inform the Executive Member on progress on the service plan and progress against objectives.


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