Issue - meetings

Housing Revenue Account Service Plan 2006/07 outturn

Meeting: 04/06/2007 - Executive Member for Housing and Adult Social Services Advisory Panel (Item 5)

5 Housing Revenue Account Service Plan 2006/07 outturn pdf icon PDF 73 KB

This report provides the Executive Member with an overview of progress on Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Service Plan agreed in April 2006.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report which provided the Executive Member for Housing an overview of progress on the Housing Revenue Account Service Plan agreed in April 2006.

The report covered the following areas:

·        Achievements over the year 2006/2007

·        Updates on Critical Success Factors (CSF’s)

·        2006/2007 performance on Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)

·        New external priorities or demands identified

·        Significant organisational issues


The Executive Member for Housing expressed her thanks for the hard work and achievements made by all officers.

Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Member for Housing be advised to

(i)         Note the progress and achievements made in delivering the HRA Service Plan at the end of 2006/07;

(ii)               Agree the carry forwards amounting to £39,280 outlined in paragraph 23 of the report and their reference to the Executive for approval;

Decision of the Executive Member for Housing

RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.

REASON:                  To inform the Executive Member on progress on the service plan and progress against objectives.


Members considered a report which provided the Executive Member for Housing with an overview of progress on the Housing Revenue Account Service Plan agreed in April 2006.

The report covered the following areas:

·        Achievements over the year 2006/2007

·        Updates on Critical Success Factors (CSF’s)

·        2006/2007 performance on Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)

·        New external priorities or demands identified

·        Significant organisational issues


Officers reported that the Authority was still on target to meet the decent homes standard by 2010. There was improved performance across all the landlord functions and work was underway to improve tenant satisfaction with additional opportunities for participation by the public. Areas for further improvement were the performance of the repairs partnership and monitoring of staff sickness absence and staff turnover.


Members questioned the following points: 


  • Staff sickness absence rates but it was pointed out that this was an overall figure which had not yet been broken down.
  • Staff survey results it was reported that these would be reported later in the year

The Executive Member for Housing expressed her thanks for the hard work and achievements made by all officers involved.

Advice of the Advisory Panel

That the Executive Member for Housing be advised to

(i)         Note the progress and achievements made in delivering the HRA Service Plan at the end of 2006/07;

(ii)               Agree the carry forwards amounting to £39,280 outlined in paragraph 23 of the report and their reference to the Executive for approval;

Decision of the Executive Member for Housing

RESOLVED:             That the advice of the Advisory Panel as set out above be accepted and endorsed.

REASON:                  To inform the Executive Member on progress on the service plan and progress against objectives.


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