Issue - meetings

Museum's Trust Annual Performance Report

Meeting: 05/06/2007 - Executive Member For Leisure, Culture and Social Inclusion and Advisory Panel (Item 9)

9 Museum's Trust Annual Performance Report pdf icon PDF 42 KB

This report updates members on the current progress of the York Museums Trust (YMT) towards meeting the targets agreed in the Partnership Delivery Plan.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED:             That the performance of the York Museums Trust be noted.


REASON:                  In order to provide feedback to the Trust.


Members considered a report that updated Members on the current progress of the York Museums Trust (YMT) towards meeting the targets agreed in the Partnership Delivery Plan.


The Chief Executive of YMT updated that YMT had been working very closely with Council Officers with regard to cultural activities within the City. Yorkshire Museums had developed some strategically important partnerships with the Yorkshire Regional Museums’ Hub and the British Museum Partnership UK and worked effectively with other organisations within the City and region. Some of the headline achievements of the Trust had been The Constantine exhibition and the Castle Museum Projects. Officers reported that there had been 41,000 more visitors at Kirkgate than last year and people had been spending more time there thus helping to re-establish York as a City that can provide high quality exhibitions.


It was reported that the Art Gallery had gone from strength to strength and visitor numbers had increased steadily and were now in the region of 160,000 which indicated a very large growth. The Chief Executive of YMT said that this was partly connected with the constantly changing programme of exhibitions.


Future projects included reinvesting in the Castle Museum and over the next three years the following exhibitions were planned:


·        The 1960’s – due to open in April 2008

·        Big China Exhibition – in response to the Olympics

·        Workrooms – an innovative project that will include several themed rooms including a kitchen, an armoury and a sewing room


The Chief Executive of YMT explained that they were also very proud of their Territories project which was aimed at ‘hard to reach’ groups.


Members congratulated YMT on the increase in visitor figures and asked for more information on the  ‘A Thousand Stories’ project. The Chief Executive said that they had put in a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund for the refurbishment of the Yorkshire Museum and to open up St Mary’s Abbey precinct to the public. ‘A Thousand Stories’ was basically a revamp of the Yorkshire Museum to give it flexibility and to create spaces for changing exhibitions. It was also to help with buildings maintenance and modernisation.


Advice of the Advisory Panel


That the Executive Member be advised to:


·                    Note the performance of the York Museums’ Trust


Decision of the Executive Member


RESOLVED:             That the advice of the advisory Panel be accepted and endorsed.


REASON:                  In order to provide feedback to the Trust.


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