Issue - meetings

New Lane Acomb SMS – Consultation Feedback

Meeting: 11/07/2023 - Decision Session - Executive Member for Transport (Item 6)

6 New Lane, Acomb - Review of Existing 20mph Limit (10:34) pdf icon PDF 509 KB

The report details the results of a consultation exercise with regard speed management proposals for New Lane, Acomb following on from the completion of a feasibility study and the receipt of a 124-signature petition.


Additional documents:



i.             That Option 3: Improved Signage Only, be approved. Eight additional repeater signs to be provided along the full length of New Lane to support the existing signage.

Reason: Following consultation with residents of the street there was no clear desire for the introduction of vertical traffic calming, despite the previous petition request. The measures do not offer value for money and when considered alongside the potential detrimental effects of such features on residents’ quality of life the negative effects were considered to outweigh the positive impact in this case.


The Executive Member considered a report which detailed the results of a consultation exercise with regard speed management proposals for New Lane, Acomb following on from the completion of a feasibility study and the receipt of a 124-signature petition.


The Engineer for Highways Engineering Design presented the report and stated that from the consultation, it was shown that the residents had no desire for vertical traffic calming measures and that Officers did not consider them to offer value for money, especially when their detrimental effects were considered. He also explained that whilst Officers recommended option 3 (improved signage only), this would be kept under review and stronger measures could be introduced if they were not having the desired effect.


In response to questions from the Executive Member, the Engineer noted that the disparity in responses from the petition and the consultation may be due to how consultations were carried out.


The Executive Member requested that Officers re-evaluate how traffic measures are being considered in the wider area to ensure interventions could be made to make it more community centred. He then; 



i.             That Option 3: Improved Signage Only, be approved. Eight additional repeater signs to be provided along the full length of New Lane to support the existing signage.

Reason: Following consultation with residents of the street there was no clear desire for the introduction of vertical traffic calming, despite the previous petition request. The measures do not offer value for money and when considered alongside the potential detrimental effects of such features on residents’ quality of life the negative effects were considered to outweigh the positive impact in this case.



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